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After ordering, Laura tried again. "Mark, my job is a big part of my life, yes. But you're a big part of my life too. I want to find a way to balance both." Mark nodded slowly. "I want that too. I just don't know if it's possible." They spent the rest of the meal trying to reconnect, sharing stories from their days and reminiscing about happier times. But despite their efforts, there was an undercurrent of tension that neither could fully shake. As they drove home, Laura felt a mix of hope and disappointment. They had talked, yes, but had they really made any progress? The next morning, Laura arrived at the hospital, her mind still preoccupied with her relationship troubles. As she approached the nurses' station, she overheard Mia talking to another nurse. "...new patient in Room 305. Apparently, she's got a real complicated case." Laura's ears perked up. "What's this about a new patient?" Mia turned to her, looking relieved to see a familiar face. "Mrs. Wilkins. Just admitted last night. Multiple chronic conditions, here for... Laura? Are you okay?" Laura had frozen at the mention of the name Wilkins. "Did you say Wilkins? As in, related to Mr. Wilkins in 302?" Mia nodded slowly. "Yeah, I think it's his wife. Why?" Laura groaned internally. Mr. Wilkins was already a handful on his own. Adding his wife to the mix was bound to complicate things. "Alright," Laura said, steeling herself. "Let's go meet Mrs. Wilkins." As they entered Room 305, they found an elderly woman propped up in bed, her face lined with pain and worry. "Good morning, Mrs. Wilkins," Laura said, putting on her most reassuring smile. "I'm Nurse Laura, and this is Nurse Mia. We'll be taking care of you today." Mrs. Wilkins managed a weak smile. "Nice to meet you. I don't suppose you could tell me how my Herbert is doing? He's just down the hall, you know." Laura nodded. "Mr. Wilkins is doing well, Mrs. Wilkins. I'm sure he'll be happy to know you're here." As Laura began checking Mrs. Wilkins' vitals, the older woman continued to pepper her with questions about her husband. Laura did her best to answer while also focusing on her patient's immediate needs. "Now, Mrs. Wilkins," Laura said gently, "I know you're worried about your husband, but right now we need to focus on you. Can you tell me about the pain you're experiencing?" Mrs. Wilkins launched into a detailed description of her symptoms, which seemed to encompass every system in her body. As Laura listened and took notes, she couldn't help but notice the similarities between Mrs. Wilkins and her husband – both were clearly used to having things their own way. Just as Laura was finishing up with Mrs. Wilkins, there was a commotion in the hallway. She stepped out to find Mr. Wilkins arguing with an orderly, trying to make his way down the corridor in his wheelchair. "Mr. Wilkins!" Laura called out. "What are you doing out of bed?" "I heard my wife was here," he grumbled. "No one tells me anything in this place." Laura sighed, moving to take control of his wheelchair. "Mr. Wilkins, you can't just wander around the hospital. If you wanted to see your wife, you should have asked for assistance." As she guided him back to his room, Mr. Wilkins continued to complain. "Well, how was I supposed to know that? You people keep me in the dark about everything." Laura bit back a retort, reminding herself to be patient. "Mr. Wilkins, I understand you're concerned about your wife. I promise you, she's receiving excellent care. But right now, you need to focus on your own recovery." After settling Mr. Wilkins back in his bed, Laura returned to the nurses' station, feeling drained. She found Mia there, looking pale and upset. "Mia? What's wrong?" Laura asked, immediately concerned. Mia's voice was barely above a whisper. "I... I think I made a mistake. With Mrs. Chen's medication. I... I might have given her the wrong dose." Laura felt a chill run down her spine. "Okay, Mia, take a deep breath. Tell me exactly what happened." As Mia explained her error, Laura's mind raced, considering the potential consequences and how to mitigate them. When Mia finished, Laura took a moment to gather her thoughts. "Alright," she said finally. "Here's what we're going to do. First, we need to check on Mrs. Chen and monitor her closely for any adverse reactions. Then, we're going to report this to Dr. Lopez. Medication errors are serious, Mia, but the most important thing is to catch them early and be honest about them." Mia nodded, tears in her eyes. "Are... are you going to report me?" Laura sighed. "Mia, I understand this was a mistake. We all make them, especially when we're new. But you need to be more careful. Double-check everything, always. I won't report you this time, but if it happens again, I'll have to." As they worked to address the medication error, Laura kept a close eye on Mia. The young nurse was clearly shaken, but Laura was impressed by how she stepped up to take responsibility for her mistake. Later that day, during a rare quiet moment, Laura found herself in the break room with her friend Sarah, another nurse. Sarah looked as exhausted as Laura felt. "Rough day?" Laura asked, sliding into the chair next to her. Sarah nodded, taking a long sip of her coffee. "You could say that. But it's not just work. Things with Tom have been... difficult." Laura perked up, suddenly alert. "What's going on?" Sarah sighed heavily. "He says I'm never home, that I care more about my patients than I do about him. Sound familiar?" Laura felt a pang of recognition. "Yeah, it does. Mark and I have been having similar issues." As they shared their relationship struggles, Laura found herself gaining a new perspective on her own situation. Hearing Sarah's story made her realize that she and Mark weren't alone in their challenges. "You know," Sarah said thoughtfully, "sometimes I think people who aren't in healthcare just can't understand what it's like. The long hours, the emotional toll... it's not just a job, it's a calling." Laura nodded. "That's exactly it. But how do we make them understand that without pushing them away?" They continued to discuss their relationships, offering each other support and advice. By the time Laura's break was over, she felt a renewed sense of determination to make things work with Mark.

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