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Chapter 1: No Matter Where She Was, He Would Hunt Her Down!

Pain! Stacey jolted awake, her surroundings shrouded in profound darkness. The throbbing pain in her lower body instantly brought forth a realization - she was being raped! Damn it! The man on top of her was strong, impossible for her to push off. She remembered coming to the Green family to treat Madam Green's illness. Madam Green's grandson eyed her with a lewd gaze, and then a servant handed her a glass of water. After drinking it, she felt dizzy and was led into a room... But she was certain, this man was definitely not the young master of the Green family! "Let me go!" Stacey struggled. "Hmph." The guy's voice was rough and low, filled with anger. "You drugged me and threw yourself at me, and now you're acting like victim?" Threw yourself at me? Furiously, Stacey bit down hard on the man's shoulder. A metallic taste filled her mouth. The man grunted but fucked her even harsher. Two hours later, the storm finally subsided. Stacey was utterly drained. The man fell asleep next to her. With great effort, she sat up and grasped the man’s wrist, realizing that he, too, had been drugged. He didn’t wake up. The drug was probably stronger for him. He was likely to sleep till tomorrow. She had no idea who had set him up. Stacey left a bite mark on the man as a token for future identification, then she locked the door and barricaded it with a chair. She opened the window, pulled out a grappling hook from her waist, hooked it on the window frame, and prepared to make her escape. As she glanced at the man on the bed, she smirked coldly, "You've been kinda useful. I've locked the door to make sure no one can replace you or frame you. No need to thank me. See ya." With those words, she slid down the rope attached to the grappling hook, leaving the Green family behind. The next day, Conor was awakened by the sound of banging on the door. He sat up, blanket sliding to his waist, revealing an impeccable physique. Broad shoulders, elegant collarbones, a tight eight-pack, his body sculpted like a work of art. He moved and winced at the pain in his shoulder. That's when he noticed the bite mark. Hearing the banging outside, he dressed and approached the door. Seeing the chairs blocking the door, he confirmed someone had done this on purpose. Which meant, last night’s sex wasn't a dream. He had spent the night with a woman. And that woman left without making a sound. For some reason, he felt a surge of anger. She thought running away after a one-night stand was thrilling? Wait and see. No matter where she was, he would hunt her down! Six years later. Stacey sat in the car, pensively watching the scenery outside. Zephyria, it had been a while. She was back because her biological father had “sold” her to the Burton family for money. The reason was that Conor, the eldest son of the Burton family, had lost three fiancées in succession. Many said he was cursed. However, according to her investigations, this was just a rumor spread by his enemies to smear him. As Conor was nearing his thirties, the Burton family was getting anxious. In the end, Madam Burton had someone read his fortune, which suggested he marry a woman with the surname Hampton. This was the only way to break his curse. Just as the Burton family was worried, the Hampton family offered their daughter. This delighted Madam Burton, who immediately asked them to bring Stacey over. However, The Hampton family didn't immediately agree. Knowing their intentions, Madam Burton promptly wrote a check for three billion. The Hampton family then had Stacey brought over. However, they didn't tell the Burton family that Stacey was mentally impaired. They were now approaching the Burton family villa. Stacey's father, Brysen, asked her somberly, "Do you know what to do when we're at the Burton family?" Pretending to be obedient, Stacey shook her head. "Don't say a word when we get there. Do whatever they ask you to do, understand?" Brysen said sternly. "What will they ask me to do?" Stacey asked innocently. "How should I know?" Brysen was impatient. He never expected that after sending Stacey to the countryside, she would fall into a river, have a high fever for three days, and wake up a fool. If people found out he had a daughter who turned into a complete idiot, they would mock him right into the grave. So he never breathed a word about Stacey to anyone. If it wasn't for his company's financial mess and the tempting offer from the Burton family, he wouldn't have bothered bringing Stacey back. Stacey suddenly burst into tears, "Daddy, please don't scold at me! I want to get out of the car. I want to go back!" Brysen was at a loss for words and felt powerless. "Daddy wasn't scolding you. Just remember what Daddy said, stay quiet and hang in there until tomorrow." As long as she and Conor consummate the marriage, the Burton family wouldn't be able to back out. "But I can't hang in there." Stacey weakly protested. "Listen, when we get back, Daddy will buy you all the candy you want." Brysen thought he could easily trick Stacey with candy, considering she was a fool. Stacey bit her lip, looking at Brysen's wrist, "Daddy, the watch." "What?" Brysen was completely surprised. "Daddy's watch is so shiny. I really like it." Stacey's eyes were innocent, without any hidden agenda. She seemed genuinely drawn to the watch, not the wealth it represented. Brysen hesitated, "Sorry, sweetheart, this watch is really pricey. "Wuu..." Stacey was on the brink of tears. Brysen was annoyed, and they were nearly at the Burton family's grand villa. He couldn't let the Burtons see her acting like a child. With a sigh, Brysen took off his watch and gave it to Stacey, "Make sure you give it back to Daddy in three days, okay? Don't lose it." "Okay." Stacey agreed outwardly, but inwardly, she was fuming. Give it back? A cold smirk crossed Stacey's face. No way she was giving it back! She would sell it later and make a good amount of money from him. At this point, they were getting closer to the Burton family's villa. Brysen hurried her, "Put on the red veil." Stacey, however, was too busy playing with the watch. What a fool. Brysen wasn't happy, but he figured arguing with a fool would only make him look like one. So, he put a veil on her himself. In that moment, a strange sparkle flashed in Stacey’s innocent, dark eyes. "Don't forget Daddy's words. Don't speak. Just do what they tell you to do, got it?" Brysen reminded her.
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