Chapter 8 The Wealthiest Heir of the Prestigious Family, Dalton Yarwood

As for how the man looked, Wynter didn't see it. Being a medical student, she had a keen sense of the smell of medicinal herbs. The moment the car window was lowered, she caught a faint scent of herbs. Wynter was well-versed in "Shaun's Classics of Medicinal Herbs," and she knew that people suffering from chronic illnesses might be sensitive to light. Vincent urged, "Young Master Anthony, do you want to meet the boss first?" Anthony got distracted and said to Wynter, "Miss, wait for me here. Don't run around, okay? I'll be back soon." Wynter nodded, and Anthony hurried toward the car. Left behind, Vincent handed over a card and said, "Thanks to Ms. Quinnell for saving our young master. This is a token of appreciation. Please accept it." "You know my last name is Quinnell? That means you know me." Wynter smiled playfully, her eyes hinting mischief. "You don't seem to want to thank me. Rather, it looks like you're in a hurry to distance yourself from me." Vincent tapped his fingertip and said, "Ms. Quinnell, you've misunderstood." "It doesn't matter." She glanced at Anthony. "Tell him later that I've left." With that, she stood up from the steps, showing no intention of turning back. Vincent breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the fake young lady kicked out by the Yates family would get entangled with their young master. In the lingering twilight, Wynter, with her black bag in hand, had her dark hair elegantly fastened with a wooden hairpin. Now that she was bathed in the afterglow, her departure was both brisk and beautiful. Inside the Maybeck, Dalton tilted his head and only caught a glimpse of this scene. He touched Anthony's head, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Is that the person who saved you?" "Where?" Anthony sat up straight before he panicked. "Why did she leave? Vincent!" Vincent approached, bowing. "Young Master Anthony." "I didn't even get Miss' contact information, and she promised to wait for me." Anthony's eyes darkened, and his tone turned chilly. "Did you drive her away?" Vincent's whole body trembled. "Young Master Anthony..." In the entire city of Kingbourne, no one dared to provoke this little master. Anthony was different from the other children. Even though he was only four years old, he was incredibly cunning, adept at disguises, and had a cold demeanor. Except when the boss was around, Anthony then would obediently follow orders. At other times, even their subordinates feared him. He never got close to anyone. So, when Anthony behaved like that with Wynter just now, Vincent was genuinely surprised. But considering his duties, Vincent admitted it, bowing to explain his reasoning. "Young Master Anthony, this young lady has a bad reputation. I was afraid she might have other intentions approaching you, so..." "Miss doesn't even know me. What intentions could she have?" Anthony's coldness intensified, "You didn't take care of me properly, and I fainted on the roadside. I had a sudden heatstroke. If it weren't for Miss, even if I didn't get kidnapped by bad people, I might have died on the road. You—" "Anthony Yarwood." Dalton, in the backseat, interrupted the boy's words. He sat there. His black suit, seemingly tailor-made for him, was not wrinkled. On his wrist hung a string of bright red beads that gave off an air of cold elegance. "Don't speak nonsense." Anthony knew his third brother was angry. Otherwise, he wouldn't have used his full name. Anthony's small mouth tightened. He threw himself into Dalton's arms, his voice muffled, "Dalton, I finally found a sister-in-law for myself. Now, it's all gone. Miss probably doesn't like me anymore." This was even though he was on his best behavior in front of Wynter earlier. Dalton let out a long sigh. His fingers lifted Anthony's small face as he said, "My lifelong matters don't require your concern. Understand?" When Dalton spoke, he glanced at the driver, signaling him to start the car. Gradually, the rearview mirror revealed a breathtaking face. With a sharp nose, pale skin, light-colored lips with a hint of illness, and an elegant demeanor, who else could it be but Dalton Yarwood, the CEO of the Yarwood Corporation?

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