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Tomorrow couldn't come any sooner

'Now, now you are going home', he said as a matter of fact. 'Oh no no, we have to discuss the plan. Where to start, what to do, whom to find...' My rant was cut off by him saying, 'which can be done tomorrow' 'But...' He didn't answer in words, but his eyes shouted, 'not now'. Even though he rebukes, I'm not going to shut up that easily, 'but Kade...', I started pleading. 'Not now kid. Tomorrow is soon enough', he interrupted. How could I go home quietly knowing somewhere out there a murderer is free? How to form my anguish into words, so that he would listen? I can't explain this failure that's choking me. Probably I should start digging without Kade. Yes, that's what I should do. But where to start? Who is powerful enough to hold the police department in his fist? Police department. Not a good idea to search the place which I should avoid at all costs. But that's all my brain can function after the Long day I had. 'I know that look, don't do whatever your brain has cooked. We are together in this. I don't know how you feel but I can envision it. And kid, I understand. Now is not the time. Give some rest to your body. For now, take care of your bruises. You don't want to answer any questions at your work, right?' Oh god, I totally forgot. A groan escaped me even as I contemplated it. Sporting bruises had become so normal in my teens that I was able to forget about the pain. Now that he mentioned it, I could shut up, easily. I harrumphed, 'Ok, I got it. No playing thief today. But you must give your tomorrow to me. It's bad enough I have to go to work slowing me down. I don't want to waste weekends if I could help it.' 'Deal. Now scat' 'There's so much love. Hmm. What am I going to do without you?', my voice dripping with sarcasm. 'Probably go to the police officers trying to appear nonchalant while searching for clues', he said without missing a beat. 'How could you be so sure?' A shrug is his only reply. Sometimes I feel like he knows me more than myself. 'I wouldn't have gone directly', I lied through my teeth. He gave me a look. 'Alright, I'm going, I'm going' Reaching home, I took care of my bruises as best as I can with my limited supplies. I took two ibuprofens for the pain which miraculously returned. Guess my adrenaline wore off. Finally laying on my bed I took hold of my thoughts which I refused to acknowledge till now. I won that match because of Raphael. Just the thought of him helped me there. I don't know how to process this. I don't even understand my feelings- am I scared of the thought of him? Or of how he would be disappointed in me? The former I don't think it's possible. The latter I ... don't want to acknowledge? Uhh, to whom am I justifying? Sleep Erica before I get short-circuited. My brain is sending me signals. The next morning, I waited till 10 before disrupting Kade. I went to his place which I collected from the club, after much cajoling. Apparently, it's a common occurrence of girls asking his home address. I never thought of Kade as a playboy, it's disturbing. Not because I have deep feelings for him. I had a crush on him in my earlier days, who doesn't? Now, I just got used to it. 'Kade wake up. Come on wake up', I sat on the bed and started shaking him. 'I'm going to kick you if you're not up by 3.1...2...' 'I'm surprised you gave me till', he checked his alarm before completing '11'. 'Well, I'm nothing if not considerate. I know you work nights in the club. I want your brain to be fully functional, not sleep deprived' 'I'm touched', he said with a blank face. 'Sarcasm doesn't suit you. Go freshen up while I fix the breakfast' 'You are cooking?' 'I cooked at home. Bought a plate for you. I know I won't find anything worth cooking in this so-called bachelor pad' 'What do you expect? China cups with flower napkins?' 'At least not the spare parts in kitchen cupboards', I countered. 'It's a good usage of space.' 'So, what's the plan?' I asked him as soon as he ate the last of his breakfast. 'We have to be careful especially you' 'I'm careful' 'Do you know you have a tail following around you?' 'What?', I'm shocked, to say the least. 'I don't know since when. I had a doubt when I met you in the cafe, but yesterday I was confirmed' 'Why didn't you say something yesterday?' 'Yesterday was intense. I don't want to upset you more by piling this on you. I followed you. You were never in danger' 'This is not how this works. We don't hide something from each other because we are ' protecting ' them from the truth', I quoted with my hands angry with him for not telling me. But most probably angry with myself for my carelessness. Who would think to check their surroundings before going anywhere? Not normal people. 'Got it. No more martyr missions', he said simply. This is what I like about Kade. He values my wishes. He won't bulldoze me with his demands. 'So, what are we going to do about my tail?' 'You in the mood to play hide and seek?' 'Oh yeah. Let's play'

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