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Generous- he is not

I took it and tried not to bang the door on his face. I peeped in to see a dress from the boutique from the down floor. Wow, only Raphael Sinclair can blow the amount of my 2 months' salary on a dress in 5 minutes. The material is so soft to my touch that I don't want to take it off me. Other than that, it hardly covers me, I don't know which is worse- his shirt or this dress. Both left nothing to the imagination. I'm not used to parading in office in this kind of attire, it makes me feel exposed. Hmm, the other alternative is his shirt which if I Guess correctly, he won't be happy to part with. It's not about stinginess per se, more like being territorial about his things. If nothing I learned one or two titbits about him from these past couple weeks. And trust me, Raphael Sinclair is extremely territorial. If only it extends to people. A girl can dream. Sigh. I opened the closet door collecting my ripped skirt (I won't say tattered. A girl should give respect to her clothes even though they are kind of tattered) and blouse in a carry bag, 'Thanks for the dress, Mr. Sinclair', I blushed trying to push the hem of the dress. 'I presume you like the dress' Only because it is the only available one. Not that I don't like it, I would feel comfortable in it if I'm going to a beach, not to work. 'Yes, Mr. Sinclair. Thank you once again' 'Good Ms. Anderson, because you will be paying for that dress' 'What?!', I screeched. I take back that thanks. 'Are you suffering from hearing impairment now?' 'I assure you, Mr. Sinclair, my hearing is completely adequate. But I suppose you know that already. Although why would I pay for a dress that would cost me 2 months' salary?' He pinched the bridge of nose, reminding me of doing the same thing while talking with Richard. Now I know how he felt when the other one chides you. Richard, boy, you have my sympathies. Though it would be better not to let him know. 'Because I don't go around distributing clothes to my employees. I'm not Santa Claus to give presents left and right', he gritted out. I looked at his midsection and his biceps clad in his shirt, nope, not Santa Claus. 'But Mr. Sinclair, you could be reasonably right. I will wash it and bring it to you tomorrow if you want, I could even iron it. We will just return it saying it doesn't fit. This could be over secret. Right?' I winked, throwing it for good measure. 'Ms. Anderson, you have already wasted my time more than I can spare, refrain yourself from saying stupid things if you could help it' 'But it's my 2-month salary', I wailed dramatically. Not my best moment mind you, but a girl must try everything from her arsenal. He lifted his eyebrow at the show of my theatrics. He lifted his eyebrow. Is there a murder sentence for killing an eyebrow? Hmm, better not to take chances. I want to make the universal sign of 'I'm-watching-you' with my hands, alas it would be wasted on it. 'How about I tear it and say it's damaged?', I tried a different tactic. Anything that helps me to wiggle out of this situation. 'Don't you think enough cloth tearing has happened today?' I blushed at that reminder. Right, no tearing of clothes. 'Is it ok if I pay in instalments, Mr. Sinclair?', I slumped resigning myself to paying. 'Because I'm a generous man I would give you 3 months. If the payment has not been fulfilled then interest would be added, of course, you can pay with your credit card', he stated calmly. Did I say something about Raphael Sinclair not being stingy? Forget it. Raphael Sinclair is as stingy as they come. I can imagine steam coming out of my ears. Relax Erica, remember you like your salary. Of course, at this rate, there won't be anything left at the end of the month. 'Yes, Mr. Sinclair. You are very generous'. Not. 'If this is all, then how about doing some work for a change? Perhaps the presentation' he suggested as if I'm lazing around all day without doing any work. Note to self- start doing medication to handle 'work pressure'. I snorted, definitely pressure on my fists controlling not to punch him on the face. Then something he said blinked in my brain. Presentation. Oh shit. I checked the watch to note it's already 10. I mustered not to give him a dirty glare. Ugh, I just want one hour with him in a ring. Even 10 minutes is more than enough. I would celebrate that day for my entire life. Imagine- the day I beat him to a pulp. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Sigh. What a daydream to have. 'Perhaps Mr. Sinclair, it would be better if the presentation is scheduled tomorrow? You know, the quality would be more refined.', I said nonchalantly hoping he would take the bait. 'Are you saying you are not able to perform this simple task?' 'No. Not at all. I just want to double-check everything before the presentation that's all', I backtracked. 'Then it would be in your best interest to remember I make the rules here' 'Yes, Mr. Sinclair. I will endeavour to remember' I let out a tiny internal sigh. It was the kind of sigh nobody else knew was happening, but it allowed me a moment of silent acknowledgment that shit is about to hit the fan, even if the other people don't realize it. Yet. I contacted the assistant in the Budget department as soon as I sat on my chair. 'Please sent the Budget details of the upcoming product. ASAP' 'But it's not yet prepared. We only have bare-bones on the product. Surely, you can give me some time to prepare' 'No can do. Listen, I will contact you in an hour. Please try to finish it at this time. Until then just forward the last couple of Budget plans on previous products.' 'I have to search for it.' 'Ugh, then do it. I want you to mail them within 5 min', I banged the phone. I wish that was Raphael. What an immense pleasure it would be to bang him like that. There is no rest for the wicked.

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