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'You got it!' I asked with wide eyes 'No skin off my back', Kade shrugged his shoulder as if its not a big deal. 'Did you get anything useful? What is in there?' 'Enough to put him behind the bars for 10 years' 'Yes!!', I shouted. Looking at the displeasure radiating from the other patrons I mouthed sorry. 'I would like to buy that file from you' He gave me a dirty look, shaking his head indicating 'You want to go there?' I squirmed, 'What? I don't want it for free. No favors buddy' It's already more than enough that Raphael is on my tail for currying favor from his Grandfather, I can't take it from Kade. Though Kade is nothing like Raphael. 'How about a fight?', he finally answered after taking time thinking. 'It's been 3 years since I entered a ring. It's safe to say that I'm a little rusty. Anyhow, in NY? When did you shift here?' '2 years. Bought a bar. Join me whenever you're free', I raised my eyebrows hearing the name of the bar, wow, it's a cool place. The entry fee is enough to feed me a week. It's good to see him settled. ' what happened to the old place you are partners with?', remembering their scuffles. 'Not worked', he said swiftly That's the way with Kade. He doesn't have to say much. No beating around the bush. No lengthy conversations. ' when's the fight?', I changed the subject. 'Whenever you are free. It's like before' Meaning as illegal as they come. Also, no outsiders. I nodded my head letting him know I understand. 'Need help with that?', he pointed towards the file. 'No thanks. I want to handle this alone. Will call you if I'm in a pickle.', I assured him, knowing Kade he won't leave anything for me if he has his way. He nodded accepting. 'See you later, after you handled it', standing to leave. I hugged him impulsively. He stiffened but relaxed in seconds, 'thanks, Kade. I know I can count on you' He patted my back clearly signalling his discomfort. 'Ok ok, one hug won't reduce your macho-thing. Don't twist your panties', I said releasing him. He pulled my hair strand (not hardly) letting me know about my PDA. 'See you later', I turned to pick my bag and stiffened as my eyes landed on Raphael on the other side of the road. 'Kid?' 'Nothing', I assured him as he studied me. I turned to look at the window, but there was no one. I finished my work all the while Raphael watched me with an eagle eye. It's one of those I-hate-everyone phases. Oh, the joy in working for Raphael. Not. Sigh. 'I have to leave early today Mr. Sinclair. Possibly at 5' 'Why Ms. Anderson? Got a date?' 'Your desire to know about my personal life makes me feel cherished', I said sarcastically. And wonder of wonders, he lifted his eyebrow (you and I are going to have a serious talk if you continue to do as he says) 'Ms. Anderson', he admonished as if talking to a child. 'Can I say personal reasons?' 'No, you can't' Ugh. Remember Erica, you can't beat him. You need a salary. I took a deep breath and said, ' personal reasons Mr. Sinclair' Huh. Take that. I smiled. I can hear the grinding of his teeth, it's like music to my ears. 'Is something wrong with your teeth Mr. Sinclair? Shall I book an appointment with your dentist?', I asked, trying to hide my smirk. He glared at me. 'Ok then. No appointment. Still, as your well-wisher, I would advise you to take care of your teeth, Mr. Sinclair. So much grinding may make you lose your teeth', I stopped short of patting his hand sympathetically. If anything, his glare intensified. Time to make myself scarce. ' I will finish my work for the day. Thanks for the permission, Mr. Sinclair', I hurried out. At 5 I left the office, booked a car from a rental, changed my clothes into an all-black ensemble, and packed a bag with rope, just in case. By 8 I was on the road to Long beach island. It took me 3 hours due to heavy traffic. I found the address from the file and parked my car a block away from it. I covered my face with a black monkey cap, wore hand gloves and men's shoes. I entered the house hiding in the shadows. I can hear the sounds coming from the tv in the living room. A whole pack y of beer is on the table. An empty bottle rolled on the ground. Thanks, bob, for making this easy I blocked the tv standing in front of him. 'Who are you? How did you get inside?', he slurred walking towards me. 'I'm your worst nightmare', I said and flipped him. He is so drunk he can't even get up. I hit him without leaving bruises until he was knocked out. I want to do more but can't jeopardize the situation. I called the police. '911, what's your emergency?' 'Help. My Boyfriend, Bob, is hitting me. I think he is going to kill me. Please help me', I said hysterically 'Ok honey, calm down and tell me the address. Try to hide until help gets there. Don't worry help is on the way' I recited the address 'oh my god bob no', I cried and cut the line. I positioned him as if he slipped and hit his head while holding a knife. I placed the file 'strategically hiding' under the cushions of the couch so that no one could miss seeing it. That's for Sophie. Hopefully, he will rot for 10 years as Kade said. I hurried outside to my car leaving the road as I heard the sirens. I don't stop till I hit the main road. I took off my mask and gloves. I reached NY by 2. I returned the car and took the subway. When I reached home, I was bone tired. A new car is parked in front of our building. I can see an outline of someone but hurried inside not to raise suspicion. By the time I reached my flat, I could hear the rumbling of the car starting. Good, at least that guy has the common sense not to park his expensive car in this neighborhood. Sunday is the time to clean and restock my groceries. I was just entering my floor both hands full with grocery bags when I heard "O Mistress Mine O Mistress mine, where are you roaming? O, stay and hear; your true love's coming, That can sing both high and low: Trip no further, pretty sweeting;"

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