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CHAPTER THREE - Under the Surface

"Because if it's the latter," Ava continued, "I can assure you that I'm more than capable of demonstrating why our company is worthy of your investment. In fact, I'd argue that my intimate knowledge of the day-to-day operations gives me a unique perspective that even Mr. Bennett might not have." Mr. Hargrove raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued despite himself. "Alright, Ms. Hart. You have our attention. Impress us." And impress them she did. For the next two hours, Ava led the investors through a comprehensive presentation of the company's financials, future projections, and growth strategies. She fielded questions with ease, her quick wit and deep knowledge evident in every response. When Mr. Kenji raised concerns about recent market volatility, Ava was ready with a quip. "Mr. Kenji, trying to predict the market is like trying to nail jelly to a wall – messy and ultimately futile. What we offer instead is a solid strategy that can weather any storm." Her comment elicited chuckles from the group, easing the tension in the room. As the meeting drew to a close, Ava could sense a shift in the investors' attitudes. Where they had been skeptical and aloof at the start, they now leaned in, engaged and curious. "Ms. Hart," Mr. Hargrove said as they prepared to leave, "I must say, you've given us a lot to think about. Your presentation was... unexpectedly illuminating." Ava smiled, allowing herself a moment of pride. "Thank you, Mr. Hargrove. I'm glad I could provide some clarity. And please, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions." As the investors filed out, Ava let out a long breath. She'd done it. She'd managed to keep the deal alive, despite Max's irresponsible behavior. Her relief was short-lived, however. Just as she was packing up the conference room, she heard a commotion in the hallway. Max had returned, and from the sound of it, he was not in a good mood. "Where is she?" Max's voice boomed, slurring slightly. "Where's Ava?" Ava steeled herself and stepped out into the hallway. "I'm right here, Mr. Bennett." Max whirled to face her, his eyes blazing with anger... and something else. Was that fear? "You," he growled, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards his office. "We need to talk. Now." Once inside, Max slammed the door shut and rounded on Ava. "What the hell do you think you're doing, interfering in my business dealings?" Ava stood her ground, meeting his glare with one of her own. "Interfering? I was saving your business dealings, Mr. Bennett. Or did you forget about the crucial investor meeting you skipped for a yacht party?" Max waved his hand dismissively, swaying slightly. "I had it under control. Those investors love me. They would've understood." "Understood what?" Ava shot back, her frustration boiling over. "That you care more about partying than about the future of this company? That you're willing to risk everything we've worked for on a whim?" "Don't you dare lecture me about this company," Max snarled, leaning in close. His breath reeked of expensive champagne. "I built this empire from the ground up. What have you done, huh? Push papers and answer phones?" Ava felt her cheeks flush with anger. "I've done everything in my power to keep this company running smoothly despite your best efforts to run it into the ground. Do you have any idea how many fires I've had to put out because of your reckless behavior?" Max scoffed, stumbling slightly as he moved to sit on the edge of his desk. "Reckless? I'm spontaneous, darling. It's called having a life. You should try it sometime." "There's a difference between having a life and being irresponsible," Ava retorted. "You're the CEO, Mr. Bennett. People's livelihoods depend on you. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" For a moment, something flickered in Max's eyes – a hint of vulnerability, quickly masked by bravado. "Of course it does. But you wouldn't understand. You're too busy being perfect all the time." Ava sighed, suddenly feeling very tired. "I'm not trying to be perfect, Mr. Bennett. I'm just trying to do my job. And part of that job is making sure this company doesn't fall apart because its CEO decided to play hooky." Max was quiet for a moment, swaying slightly as he regarded her. Then, abruptly, he straightened up. "Well, if you're so eager to do your job, let's see how you handle this. I want you to reschedule all of next week's meetings. I'm taking a spontaneous trip to Bali." Ava's jaw dropped. "You can't be serious. We have the quarterly review, the board meeting, the-" "All of it," Max interrupted, a challenging glint in his eye. "Consider it a test, Ms. Hart. Let's see how well you can juggle my personal plans and the company's needs." Ava clenched her fists, biting back a retort. "Fine," she said through gritted teeth. "Is there anything else, Mr. Bennett?" Max smirked, clearly enjoying her discomfort. "That'll be all for now, Ms. Hart. Oh, and do try to smile more. You look so serious all the time." As Ava left the office, she could hear Max chuckling to himself. She wanted to scream, to quit, to tell him exactly what she thought of his childish behavior. But she couldn't. She had a job to do, no matter how difficult Max made it. The next few days were a whirlwind of rescheduling and damage control. Ava worked late into the night, juggling Max's demands with the needs of the company. She was exhausted, frustrated, and beginning to question why she put up with it all. On Friday evening, Ava left the office early for once. Her old friend Sarah was in the hospital for a routine procedure, and Ava had promised to visit. As she walked through the hospital corridors, her mind still buzzing with work concerns, she heard a familiar voice. Ava's heels clicked against the polished linoleum floor as she navigated the maze-like hallways of St. Mary's Hospital. The antiseptic smell that permeated the air made her wrinkle her nose, a stark reminder of why she usually avoided these places. But for Sarah, she'd make an exception. Her phone buzzed incessantly in her purse—probably Tim from accounting, fretting over the quarterly reports she'd left unfinished. Ava sighed, pushing away the nagging guilt. Sarah had been there for her through thick and thin; the least she could do was offer the same support now. As she approached the general surgery ward, Ava's steps slowed. What would she say? It had been months since they'd last caught up properly, their busy lives pulling them in different directions. Would things be awkward? She shook her head, chiding herself for overthinking. This was Sarah, after all. Room 305 came into view, and Ava took a deep breath before knocking softly. "Come in!" called a cheerful voice from inside. Ava pushed the door open, and there was Sarah, propped up in bed with a magazine in her lap and a bright smile on her face. "Ava! You made it!" Sarah exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. Ava felt the tension in her shoulders release as she rushed to embrace her friend. "Of course I did. Wild horses couldn't keep me away," she said, squeezing Sarah's hand. As they pulled apart, Ava took in Sarah's appearance. She looked tired, with dark circles under her eyes, but her smile was as warm and genuine as ever. "How are you feeling?" Ava asked, perching on the edge of the bed. Sarah shrugged. "Oh, you know. As well as can be expected when you're about to have your appendix yanked out. But hey, at least I get to rock this fabulous hospital gown, right?" She struck a mock pose, making Ava laugh. They fell into easy conversation, catching up on months' worth of news. Ava found herself relaxing, the stress of work fading away as they reminisced about college adventures and shared updates on mutual friends. It felt like no time had passed at all. As the evening wore on, a nurse popped in to check Sarah's vitals. "Visiting hours are almost over," she reminded them gently. Ava glanced at her watch, surprised to see how much time had flown by. "I should probably get going," she said reluctantly. "But I'll be here first thing tomorrow morning, okay? I'll even smuggle in some decent coffee." Sarah's eyes twinkled mischievously. "My hero," she declared dramatically. "What would I do without you?" As Ava gathered her things and prepared to leave, she felt a wave of affection for her friend. She made a mental note to make more time for moments like these, away from the constant demands of work. Just as she was about to step out, she heard a familiar voice. "And then, the brave knight raised his sword..." Curious, Ava peered around the corner into one of the children's wards. Her eyes widened in disbelief. There, sitting in a chair surrounded by eager-faced children, was Max Bennett. He was reading animatedly from a storybook, his usual arrogance replaced by genuine warmth and enthusiasm. Ava watched, transfixed, as Max finished the story, high-fiving the kids and chatting with them easily. It was like watching a completely different person – gone was the irresponsible playboy, replaced by a man who seemed genuinely invested in bringing joy to these children. As Max stood to leave, his eyes met Ava's. For a moment, surprise and something akin to embarrassment flashed across his face. Then, quickly, his usual smirk slid back into place. "Ms. Hart," he said smoothly, approaching her. "Fancy meeting you here. Don't tell me you're working on a Saturday?" Ava, still stunned by what she'd witnessed, struggled to find her voice. "I... no, I'm visiting a friend. I didn't expect to see you here, Mr. Bennett." Max shrugged, his demeanor nonchalant but his eyes guarded. "Just fulfilling a commitment. It's nothing, really. Now, if you'll excuse me..." He brushed past her, leaving Ava staring after him, her mind whirling with questions. Monday morning, Ava arrived at the office early, as usual. She was surprised to find Max already there, poring over some documents at his desk. "Mr. Bennett," she said, hesitating at the doorway. "I have those rescheduled meetings for you to approve." Max looked up, and for a moment, Ava thought she saw a flicker of... something in his eyes. Appreciation? Respect? But it was gone so quickly she might have imagined it.

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