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CHAPTER ONE - The Unexpected Encounter

Ava Hart stood in front of her closet, hands on her hips, surveying the array of dresses hanging before her. The high-profile business event she was attending on behalf of her firm loomed large in her mind, and she wanted to make the right impression. "Too flashy," she muttered, pushing aside a sequined number. "Too casual," she said, frowning at a floral sundress. Her eyes landed on a sleek, navy blue sheath dress. "Perfect." As she slipped it on, her roommate, Jess, poked her head into the room. "Ooh, looking sharp, Ava! Big night?" Ava smoothed down the fabric, turning to check her reflection in the full-length mirror. "It's that networking event I told you about. The one with all the bigwigs from the finance world." Jess whistled low. "Fancy. You nervous?" "A little," Ava admitted, reaching for a pair of modest pearl earrings. "But I've got this. It's just schmoozing, right? I can handle schmoozing." "You'll knock 'em dead," Jess said with a grin. "Just don't let any of those stuffy executives bore you to tears." Ava laughed, slipping on a pair of sensible but stylish heels. "I'll do my best. Wish me luck!" As Ava stepped out of her apartment building, the cool evening air kissed her skin. She hailed a taxi, giving the driver the address of the upscale hotel where the event was being held. As the city lights blurred past the window, she took a deep breath, centering herself. The hotel lobby was a bustle of activity when she arrived. Men in sharp suits and women in designer dresses milled about, their voices a constant hum of conversation punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter. Ava straightened her shoulders and made her way to the ballroom. The space was elegantly decorated, with crystal chandeliers casting a warm glow over the proceedings. Waiters in crisp white shirts weaved through the crowd, offering champagne and hors d'oeuvres. Ava accepted a glass of sparkling water, not wanting to dull her senses with alcohol. "Ava Hart, isn't it?" a voice to her left said. She turned to see Richard Kensington, a senior partner at a rival firm. "Mr. Kensington, it's a pleasure to meet you," Ava said, extending her hand for a firm handshake. He smiled, clearly impressed by her poise. "I've heard good things about your work. How are you finding the event so far?" "It's quite impressive," Ava replied, gesturing to the room. "Though I admit, I'm more interested in the people than the decor. There are so many brilliant minds here tonight." Richard chuckled. "Indeed there are. And you seem well-equipped to hold your own among them. Tell me, what are your thoughts on the recent market fluctuations?" As Ava launched into a thoughtful analysis, she felt herself relaxing. This was her element – intelligent conversation about the work she loved. She and Richard were soon joined by others, and Ava found herself at the center of a lively discussion about emerging market trends. "You've got quite a head on your shoulders, Ms. Hart," a woman in her fifties said approvingly. "Your firm must be thrilled to have you." Ava smiled modestly. "Thank you, Ms. Cho. I'm just passionate about what I do." As the night wore on, Ava continued to mingle, her initial nervousness long forgotten. She was in the middle of a conversation with a group of investment bankers when a commotion near the bar caught her attention. "Hey, you! Waitress!" a loud, slightly slurred voice called out. "Another scotch, pronto!" Ava turned to see a man in his late thirties, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit that probably cost more than her monthly rent. His ruggedly handsome features were marred by the arrogant sneer on his face as he snapped his fingers at her. For a moment, Ava was too stunned to respond. Then, drawing herself up to her full height, she calmly walked over to him. "I beg your pardon," she said, her voice cool and controlled, "but I'm not a waitress. I'm a guest at this event, just like you." The man blinked, clearly taken aback. "Oh, I... I'm sorry, I just assumed..." "You assumed wrong," Ava replied, her gaze steady. "And even if I were staff, that's no way to speak to someone. A simple 'excuse me' would suffice." A small crowd had gathered, watching the exchange with interest. The man's face flushed red, a mix of embarrassment and amusement crossing his features. "My apologies," he said, a hint of a smirk playing at his lips. "I'm Max Bennett. And you are...?" "Not interested in continuing this conversation," Ava replied smoothly. With a polite nod to the onlookers, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Max staring after her, an intrigued look in his eyes. The rest of the evening passed without incident, and Ava left feeling satisfied with her networking efforts. As she climbed into bed that night, she allowed herself a small smile. She'd held her own in a room full of power players and even put an arrogant jerk in his place. Not bad for a night's work. The next morning, Ava arrived at the office early, as usual. She was at her desk, reviewing her notes from the previous night's event, when a buzz of excitement swept through the office. "Did you hear?" her colleague, Tom, whispered as he rushed past her desk. "The new CEO is here! They're calling an all-hands meeting in ten minutes." Ava's brow furrowed. "New CEO? I didn't know we were getting new leadership." Tom shrugged. "It was all very hush-hush. Come on, let's get good seats!" As they filed into the conference room, Ava couldn't shake a feeling of unease. Something about this sudden change felt off. She took a seat near the front, her pen poised over her notepad, ready to jot down any important information. The room fell silent as the door opened and in walked... Max Bennett, the man from the party. Ava felt her stomach drop. Max's eyes scanned the room, a confident smile on his face. When his gaze landed on Ava, he paused, recognition flickering in his eyes. The smirk that spread across his face made Ava's blood run cold. "Good morning, everyone," Max said, his voice smooth and authoritative. "I'm Maxwell Bennett, your new CEO. I'm looking forward to working with all of you to take this company to new heights." As he launched into his vision for the company, Ava tried to focus on his words, but her mind was reeling. How could this be happening? After the meeting, as everyone filed out, Max's voice cut through the chatter. "Ms. Hart, a word please?" Ava steeled herself and approached him. "Yes, Mr. Bennett?" "I believe we got off on the wrong foot last night," he said, his tone light but his eyes challenging. "I hope we can move past that and work together effectively. In fact, I'd like you to be my personal secretary." Ava blinked, caught off guard. "I... I'm flattered, Mr. Bennett, but I'm not sure that's the best use of my skills. I have a background in finance and—"
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