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With the guards hot on their heels, Jane and Oliver tore through the grounds of the Fitzwilliam estate, their hearts pounding in their chests. Ducking behind hedges and vaulting over fences, they weaved a zigzag pattern through the maze of manicured gardens, their escape route guided only by Jane's intimate knowledge of the property. "This way!" Jane said, dashing around a corner and into a small grove of trees. "If we can just make it to the stables, we'll be home free." As the sounds of the guards' heavy footfalls grew closer, they burst through the grove of trees and onto a cobblestone path that led directly to the stables. With a rush of relief, they realized they were just moments away from their escape. "We've almost made it!" Oliver exclaimed, adrenaline coursing through his veins. But as they reached the stables, they were met with an unexpected sight: Jane's father, standing outside with a stern expression, flanked by two more guards. Jane skidded to a halt, her breath catching in her throat as she stared at her father, her face pale and her expression stricken. Oliver, not knowing what else to do, froze in his tracks. "Jane Fitzwilliam," her father began, his voice cold and clipped. "What do you think you're doing? Skipping school, sneaking onto the grounds like a common thief? You've gone too far this time, young lady." Jane swallowed hard, her mind racing for an explanation. "I can explain, Father," Jane said, her voice steady despite the pounding in her chest. "I just needed to see Whisper. He's my best friend, my confidant. I...I was homesick." Her father's face remained impassive, his eyes hard and unyielding. "That's no excuse, Jane. You've embarrassed this family with your reckless behavior. If you wanted to see Whisper, you could have requested a proper visit with your mother or me present. Instead, you've chosen to break our trust." Oliver stepped forward, his expression earnest. "Mr. Fitzwilliam," Oliver began, bowing his head respectfully. "Please, forgive us for our transgressions. It was my idea to visit the stables, and I can assure you that our intentions were innocent. Jane just wanted to see her beloved horse, and I wanted to be a supportive friend. I take full responsibility for our actions." The viscount narrowed his eyes at Oliver, his lips thinning into a grim line. "Mr. Prescott," he said, his voice icy. "Your father and I have been friends for many years, and I've always held you in high regard," he continued. "But I cannot ignore this flagrant disregard for the rules. Your loyalty to Jane is admirable, but misguided." Oliver shifted uncomfortably, his eyes darting to Jane as he searched for a way to diffuse the tension. "Sir, I apologize," he said, his voice sincere. "It was not my intention to cause any harm. Please, allow me to make amends for our mistakes." "Very well," Jane's father said, his expression unchanging. "I will arrange for you both to serve detention at the boarding school for the next month. You will be confined to the school grounds and expected to work on your studies during all your free time." Jane and Oliver's shoulders slumped as they realized the extent of their punishment. "Thank you for your mercy, sir," Oliver said, his voice subdued. Jane's father nodded, a hint of disappointment clouding his features. "I expect better from both of you in the future." As Jane and Oliver followed her father back to the car, Jane couldn't help but feel a pang of regret. She had been so focused on her mission to ride Whisper that she hadn't considered the consequences of her actions. Her father had warned her that he would sell off Whisper if she didn't behave. Oliver, sensing her distress, reached out and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Hey," he whispered. "We may have gotten into a bit of a pickle, but at least we tried, right?" Jane nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "You're right, Oliver," she whispered back. As they approached the car, Jane's father paused, turning to face them with a solemn expression. "I want you both to know that I'm not just doing this because I'm disappointed," he said, his voice tinged with emotion. "I'm doing this because I care about your futures. One day, Jane, you will be the Duchess of Wellington. And Oliver, your family's name carries a weight of responsibility. Your actions, even now, can have a lasting impact on your lives." Jane and Oliver exchanged a look, sobering at the gravity of her father's words. The drive back to the school was heavy with silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Jane stared out the window, watching the countryside blur past, her mind racing. When they finally arrived at the school, Jane and Oliver reluctantly disembarked from the car, their shoulders slumped with resignation. As her father departed with a final admonishment, Jane turned to Oliver, her expression haunted. "Do you think he's right, Oliver?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is this going to follow us for the rest of our lives?" Oliver, sensing her distress, reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he said, his voice soft and steady. "We made a mistake, sure, but it doesn't define us. We're still the same people we were yesterday. "Besides," he continued, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, "when we're old and grey, we'll look back on this and laugh. 'Remember when we almost got expelled for sneaking off to see Whisper?'" Jane couldn't help but chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood. As Jane entered the hostel, the excited chatter of the other girls filled the air. "Did you see him?" one girl gushed. "That new boy is absolutely divine! Have you ever seen such a jawline?" "I heard his family is old money," another chimed in. "He's like a real-life prince charming!" Laura, standing in the center of the group, rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. He's not THAT impressive. But he's definitely not bad for a new boy. "Not bad?" chimed in another girl. "He's a total dreamboat! With those crystal blue eyes and his perfectly styled hair, he's like a walking Ralph Lauren ad!" Laura scoffed. "You're all so silly. He's just a boy, not some god-like creature. He's probably just as dull as the rest of the blokes at this school." Another girl, elbowing Laura in the side, whispered conspiratorially, "That's just because you haven't gotten your claws into him yet. "You're right, I haven't," Laura said with a smirk. "But just wait until I do. He won't know what hit him. And he'll be head-over-heels for the beautiful Laura Francis." The girls giggled at her boastful comment, but Jane, standing off to the side, didn't find it funny at all. Something deep inside her stirred at the thought of Laura stealing the new boy's heart. "His name's Theodore," one of the girls piped up. "Theodore Alistair. Isn't that just the most charming name?" Jane's jaw clenched as she considered this new piece of information. Theodore Alistair. The name seemed to roll off the tongue with a certain refinement, conjuring images of a regal, handsome prince. "I have to get to him first," she whispered under her breath, her eyes blazing with determination. "Laura can't have him. I won't let her." As the other girls continued their banter, Jane quietly slipped away to her room. She had a plan to put into action, and she knew just where to start.

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