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The next morning, Cassie arrived at Cheesy Fingers feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She had called Ethan the night before, and they had agreed to meet for dinner that evening. As she tied on her apron, she couldn't help but smile at the prospect of her first date in years. "What's got you so chipper this morning?" Tina asked, sidling up next to her. Cassie lowered her voice. "I called Ethan. We're having dinner tonight." Tina squealed with delight, drawing curious glances from their coworkers. "Girl, it's about time! Where's he taking you?" Before Cassie could answer, Mr. Thompson's voice boomed across the kitchen. "Less chatter, more work! We've got customers waiting!" As Cassie hurried out to the dining room, she noticed a new face behind the counter. A young woman with sleek blonde hair and perfectly manicured nails was struggling to operate the cash register. "Hi there," Cassie said, approaching her. "You must be new. I'm Cassie." The woman looked up, her green eyes narrowing slightly. "Lisa," she replied curtly. "Mr. Thompson just hired me." Cassie smiled warmly. "Welcome to the team. Let me know if you need any help getting the hang of things." Lisa's lips curled into what might have been a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I'm sure I'll manage just fine, thanks." Throughout the morning, Cassie found herself constantly crossing paths with Lisa. The new hire seemed to be everywhere at once, hovering near Cassie's tables and inserting herself into conversations with customers. As Cassie approached one of her regular tables, she overheard Lisa speaking in a hushed tone to the elderly couple seated there. "...and I heard she's only working here because she's on probation. Something about theft, I think. You might want to keep an eye on your belongings." Cassie felt her cheeks burn with anger and embarrassment. She cleared her throat loudly, causing Lisa to jump. "Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins," Cassie said, forcing a smile. "So good to see you again. Your usual today?" The elderly couple exchanged a worried glance before nodding hesitantly. As Cassie walked away, she could feel Lisa's eyes boring into her back. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She couldn't afford to lose her cool, not with Mr. Thompson already watching her like a hawk. The rest of the day passed in a blur of tension and whispered conversations. Cassie couldn't shake the feeling that Lisa was talking about her behind her back, poisoning the well with customers and coworkers alike. By the time her shift ended, Cassie was a bundle of nerves. She changed quickly in the break room, trying to psych herself up for her date with Ethan. Tina burst in just as Cassie was applying a touch of lipstick. "Girl, you look amazing! Ethan's not going to know what hit him." Cassie managed a weak smile. "Thanks, Tina. I just hope I don't make a fool of myself." Tina waved her hand dismissively. "You'll be fine. Just be yourself." As Cassie left the restaurant, she caught sight of Lisa watching her from the counter, a smirk playing on her lips. Cassie squared her shoulders and walked out, determined not to let anything ruin her evening. Ethan was waiting for her outside a sleek, upscale restaurant called "Le Petit Château." Cassie's eyes widened as she took in the ornate facade and the well-dressed patrons entering. "Wow, Ethan," she said, suddenly feeling underdressed in her simple sundress. "This place looks... expensive." Ethan grinned. "Don't worry about it. My uncle owns the place, so we get a family discount. Shall we?" As they entered the restaurant, Cassie felt overwhelmed by the opulent decor and the hushed conversations around her. A maître d' led them to a secluded table, handing them menus bound in leather. Cassie opened the menu, her heart sinking as she realized she couldn't pronounce half the dishes listed, let alone identify what they were. "So," Ethan said, smiling across the table. "What looks good to you?" Cassie fumbled with the menu. "Oh, um... everything looks great. What do you recommend?" Ethan launched into a detailed description of several dishes, using terms Cassie had never heard before. She nodded along, feeling more out of place with each passing moment. When the waiter arrived to take their order, Cassie panicked and pointed to a random item on the menu. "I'll have this, please," she said, hoping she hadn't just ordered something outrageous. The waiter raised an eyebrow. "Excellent choice, madame. The escargot is a house specialty." Cassie's stomach churned as she realized she had just ordered snails. She took a large gulp of water, wishing it was something stronger. As the evening progressed, Cassie found herself stumbling from one faux pas to another. She used the wrong fork for her salad, knocked over a glass of expensive wine, and nearly gagged when she tried to eat the escargot. Ethan, to his credit, tried to keep the conversation flowing, but Cassie could see the disappointment in his eyes. By the time dessert arrived, an uncomfortable silence had settled over the table. "Cassie," Ethan said finally, his voice gentle. "I think you're a really nice person, but..." Cassie held up a hand, fighting back tears. "It's okay, Ethan. You don't have to say it. I know this didn't go well." Ethan sighed. "I'm sorry. I think maybe we're just... from different worlds. I hope we can still be friendly when I come to the restaurant." Cassie nodded, not trusting herself to speak. They finished their meal in awkward silence, and when Ethan offered to call her a cab, she declined, saying she needed some air. As she walked aimlessly through the city streets, Cassie felt the weight of her disappointment crushing her. She pulled out her phone and dialed Tina's number. "Tina?" she said, her voice cracking. "Are you free? I could really use a friend right now." Twenty minutes later, Cassie found herself at a lively bar with Tina, who had insisted on taking her out to cheer her up. "Forget that stuck-up jerk," Tina said, pushing a colorful cocktail towards Cassie. "We're going to have some fun tonight, just us girls." Cassie took a sip of her drink, feeling the alcohol warm her from the inside. "Thanks, Tina. I don't know what I'd do without you." As the night wore on, Cassie found herself loosening up. The music pulsed around them, and soon they were on the dance floor, laughing and twirling without a care in the world. "See?" Tina shouted over the music. "This is what you needed!" Cassie nodded, feeling lighter than she had in years. For once, she wasn't thinking about work, or bills, or her troubled past. She was just living in the moment, surrounded by the energy of the crowd. Several drinks later, Cassie was swaying on her feet, her vision blurring slightly. "Tina," she slurred, "I think I might be a little drunk." Tina laughed, steadying her friend. "Oh honey, you are way past 'a little drunk.' Come on, let's get you home." As they stumbled out of the bar, Cassie leaned heavily on Tina. The cool night air hit her face, making her head spin even more. "Oops," Cassie giggled as she tripped over her own feet. "The sidewalk is moving." Tina sighed, shaking her head with a fond smile. "Alright, Cinderella, looks like your carriage has turned into a pumpkin. Up you go." With surprising strength, Tina scooped Cassie up into her arms. Cassie let out a squeal of surprise, wrapping her arms around Tina's neck. "My hero," Cassie mumbled, resting her head on Tina's shoulder. As Tina carried her through the quiet streets towards her apartment, Cassie felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. Despite the disastrous date and the drama at work, she realized she wasn't alone. She had a true friend in Tina, and that was worth more than any romantic relationship.

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