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Chapter 3

THE COMEBACK OF THE REJECTED HEIR CHAPTER 3 Sawyer heard voices and sirens and it forced him to open his eyes which he struggled to do, slowly, adjusting to the light until his eyes were fully open. His ears were ringing and his head was banging. He immediately sat upright and instantly regretted it since it was like his head was about to fall down from his neck. "Oww" He winched in pain as every part of his body hurt and his head ached more, he could feel the metallic taste of iron from the cut on his lips and he knew it was blood. "Are you okay sir?" A female nurse ran into the room to him when she heard his voice and helped him sit up as he struggled. "What happened? I am fine, I am fine, don't touch me" He managed to reply her. She managed to get him to seat up while he looked around like he was I'm a dazed state. He kept wondering why he was in an hospital of all places and why he was in so much pain. Memories flashed in his eyes and He recognized the scenes that he saw to be that of his favorite drinking parlor. "Apparently some drunk maniac ran into the bar with his vehicle but luckily no life was lost just a lot of casualties" the nurse replied to his question as she got him something to drink as he had requested. Sawyer gulped down the bottle of water as he slowly began regaining his strength, and his throat wasn't as dried as he first woke up. He looked at himself and realized he had been patched up to an extent and he began walking away before anyone recognized him to be the perpetrator of the incident that had happened last night. "Mr. Sawyer" "Mr. Sawyer Johnson" "Is it true you were the one who caused the accident?" Several reporters along with their camera crew called out to him as he walked out of the hospital. Slews of questions assaulted him in a frenzy from the reporters hungry for media contents and headlines. Cameras blazing as shots were taken of him from every angle. "Does the car involved in the incident belong to you?" Another reporter asked. "Witnesses say you instigated the fist brawl that had happened in the bar last night by gruesomely assaulting a defenseless man, is this true?" another asked. "Will the your family cover the expenses you incurred here?" someone asked "Is your father aware of your actions? If he is why isn't he here yet?" "Will this affect your marriage this coming weekend?" "There is a rumor about your wedding being cancelled, is this true?" "NO COMMENT!" Sawyer angrily yelled as the last question ticked his button and he knocked downed the closest camera to him. "Mr. Johnson, it is true then" another said and he quickly stopped a cab that had droppef someone of before he would create more of a scene. **** The cab had dropped Sawyer at the front of the Johnson's mansion. Sawyer searched his pocket for his wallet and fortunately he found it, he brought out some cash and gave it to the cab driver before he walked in. Immediately he opened the door, the first person he would meet was his father who stood angrily and it seemed like he was waiting for his arrival. "How long will you continue to bring shame to this family, Sawyer? How long?" His father yelled angrily at him. "Fucking look at the headlines! You have decided to not only drag your name but ours to the mud" Mr. Benjamin pointed angrily at the television screen that was airing the incidents on the news. 'SON OF POPULAR CEO CREATES A RUCKUS IN TOWN ' 'CAN THE RICH REALLY DO AS THE PLEASE: THE JOHNSON'S TO BE QUESTIONED ' 'INVESTORS AND SHAREHOLDERS OF THE JOHNSON'S DISTILLERY REACTS NEGATIVELY TO THE INCIDENT. ' 'THE JOHNSON'S ARE YET TO RESPOND TO INCIDENT ' 'SAWYER JOHNSON SEEN ASSUALTING REPORTERS' 'SAWYER BENJAMIN RESPONSIBLE FOR INCIDENT, VIDEO FOOTAGE COMFIRMED' "Do you ever think before doing something you moron? Do you know how much you have caused the company right now?" Mr. Benjamin continued to yell at sawyer. He was so furious at the news he wished he could strangle Sawyer for the nonsense he had steered up. Sawyer read the headlines but said nothing but instead he began to walk towards his room. "Don't you dare walk out on me" Mr. Benjamin commanded. "What do you want me to say? That I am sorry? Because you and I both know that no amount of sorry I am going to utter to you will you keep this in the past" Sawyer said. He knew he had acted out of hand last night and he was really sorry for what he had caused not to his father but to the bar owners whose properties he had spoiled and he was willing to pay for the damages he caused. "What did I expect from the child of a whore, this is the reason you will never inherit my property" Mr. Benjamin said. Sawyer stopped on his tracks the words his father had said hit his heart like a dart. He turned to face his father, anger visible in his eyes. "I have always known it, and now, it is clearly obvious. Son of whore, son of an unknown woman, born from a one night stand. That's how you have always seen me right from the beginning." Sawyer yelled, his veins strained in his throat, very visible it looked like it was about to pop out. "I will never be as good as your beloved legitimate son Alexander, I am nothing to you but a filth. I see it now and honestly, I don't get sad about it anymore" He said, tears was pricking at the corner of his eyes but he refused to let it drop. He marched towards his father angrily wanting to get it all off his chest once and for all. "Alex had cost you millions before, he had done countless mistakes and was always forgiven time and time again. But yet I make just one, just one and even before I do you take everything away from me." "Sawyer… " Mr Benjamin tried to say but Sawyer interjected immediately "Oh please! Just let me finish. I have been nothing but faithful, doing everything you asked me as a good son but yet you continued to treat me like a scum. What do you want from me, what exactly? Tell me maybe I can please you huh?" At this point sawyer was between anger and tears, all the hurt of the past years fell on him, it was like a weight he couldn't carry anymore. "Perhaps I was mistaken to think there was something for me here, but I was wrong. There is nothing more than anger and hatred towards me" Sawyer said. This time instead of returning to his room, he changed directions towards the door he was just coming from. Mr. Benjamin gritted his teeth in anger, having felt disrespected. "Return back here Sawyer!" He commanded. Sawyer ignored him and kept on walking away. "If you walk out that door, you will never be allowed into this home ever again, and consider yourself no longer a Johnson" Mr. Benjamin threatened. Sawyer had made up his mind to leave and that was it, he wasn't going to change it. "I disown you sawyer Johnson, walk away in your shame and rot away, do not ever return you thrash!" Mr. Benjamin aggressively spoke out in a feat of rage Just as Sawyer shut the door in his face. There was no going back now for sawyer, he left the Benjamin mansion with nothing more than the clothes he had one. He stopped a cab, got in and told it to drive off, he stared at the mansion as the driver drove off and one final tear dropped.

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