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Chapter 10

THE COMEBACK OF THE REJECTED HEIR CHAPTER TEN Immediately they heard the voice of their boss inform them about the incoming presence of their most distinguished customers who were already arriving, Sofia left both guys in the kitchen and rushed to meet Jerry at the front. It was time for her to begin her duty already. "Pass me the napkins!" Josh said to Sawyer with a rather angry and commanding tone. He was pointing to a serviette that was placed close to the pan close to where Sawyer was, he was still mad at the change in plans as regards the new recipe that was made. If he had known about it earlier, he would never have allowed Sawyer to have his way. The fact that the guy was becoming more confident in doing stuff these days made him not so glad. "Here it is," Sawyer said, passing it to him. Josh dragged it from his hands angrily with a deep frown on his face. He made his anger and disapproval blatantly obvious to him. "You won today" Josh said, glaring at him. "Don't get too comfortable, next time, you won't get the chance to do what you want. I make the rules around here, you don't" he told him and walked out of the kitchen angrily, leaving Sawyer to finish the remaining work. Sawyer didn't mind, from the start till the end of their work at the kitchen, he had done most of the job. Josh only did whatever little things he deemed fit for himself. He smiled brightly the moment he was completely done with everything and had dressed the meal the way it was supposed to be. "Time to get you out there" he whispered. "Erm, Sawyer" Sofia called out to him when she returned back into the kitchen. "I need these orders for the customers" she said to him, pointing out the menu of the guests. "Are they here already?" He asked. He was beginning to get nervous, yes, he was confident in what he prepared but was also scared, what if they find the food offensive? What if they don't like what he had made? "Yes, they are and this orders are theirs and I'm sure they can't wait to get these amazing appetizers, main meals and desserts down their belly" she said to him laughing. "Uhm, alright, I will dress them all now, just give me some minutes and then you can come get it" he said and returned back to do the final touches. "Shouldn't Josh be here also?" She asked him, wondering why Josh was no nowhere to be found in the kitchen. "He will assist you with the guests, I guess?" Sawyer said. "Fine then" she said and walked towards the door. "I will be back to get the orders in a few minutes time" she told him and returned back to the handful of customers waiting outside the kitchen. Sawyer decided that once he was done with everything he had to do there, he was going to join the others to make the work easier and faster since he knew how much help they would need. ************** The company staff had already arrived at the restaurant and were all seated. Three large tables in the restaurant were given out to serve their purpose and Sofia made sure to do her very best in serving them well just as the boss had instructed. She had once done the job of a waitress before in a bar so she had the experience needed. She made sure to smile at each person at the table, taking their orders and answering them in the most respectable manner that was needed. They often say that the customers were always right and they were kings, well she wouldn't mind treating them right. Serving them with the most royal treatment needed as possible if that would warn her a position in the restaurant, she doesn't need to go voodoo in order for her to know she was the least worker in the restaurant. They had to feel good and enjoy their services in order to come back again for the second time and to also help with the word of mouth. For sure, if one person loves a service or a product and tells another about it, businesses can thrive and bloom through that means. She could see that all of the staff at the restaurant were doing their very best in making the company's luncheon a success. Even Josh who was grumpy and had a foul mood earlier was seen smiling at a guest now. He looked really happy and nice right now, she must say. It's the way he could be professional about his feelings that amazed her. But people would do whatever they could to amass great sales wouldn't they? Clearly he was no exception. Sawyer came to join them in the restaurant to serve the customers which made the other workers excited and sigh of relief on their faces at the additional hand. The company who had booked the restaurant for their luncheon had its clients smiling and booking at the taste that explored in their mouth. Sawyer who was busy attending to the customers couldn't help but feel gaze on him, he didn't know why but it felt like he could feel someone's eyes on him, he decided to turn around to see who it was and behold, he saw Sofia smiling brightly at him. She must find watching him kind of amusing, with the way she was smiling. He didn't know why she kept looking at him but he decided it was best to ignore her. This was a time to work not to joke around. He was certain that the boss would give them tips so he'd make sure to put in all of his best. No time to dawdle after all he needed more money to take care of his needs. When the company were done with their meeting, it's clients did well in mentioning how nice the meal was and how well it was prepared which brought a smile on Sawyer's face, he was glad that every of his efforts had paid off. Most of them were commenting on returning back to the restaurant to try out more of their meal. Jerry was proud. He knew that the boys wouldn't let him down. Little did he know of the brawl that took place in the four corners of the kitchen earlier that day when Sawyer and Josh had gotten into an argument but Sofia had stepped in. Everyone regardless of the beef between the two cooks at the kitchen had to work hand in hand to make today a success. The boss was happy with the progress of the day and decided to give them all tips for a job well done. "Well done guys!" Jerry said to them immediately the restaurant was empty. "You all did a great job. Kudos!." He said smiling. "Sofia great job, you did well as well, extremely well I must say." He smiled at Sofia, he didn't know she could handle the job he had given to her especially after witnessing the events in the kitchen the other day. "If you all keep up with tha hard work and sakes skyrocks then an increase in pay for everyone" "Sofia great job!" he added again, because he noticed how active she was and how she had made sure each of the customers were at ease and happy with their orders. "Thank you sir" she said, the smile still plastered all over her face. She couldn't believed her effort had paid off and at last the boss had begin to see her with some respect and of course her colleagues also, this was what she wanted to be seen as someone who could add value. "And to you our chefs," Jerry said, turning towards Sawyer and Josh "You both did very great!." He commended. "They loved the meal, and especially that new recipe you made. They loved that even more, Sawyer, I am glad we brought something new to the menu" he smiled. "I'm sure Josh must have learnt how to prepare it now, that way you both can take up the kitchen effectively" he told his son who only turned his face away. He wasn't even in for the idea, not to talk of bending his will to learn it. "And finally!" He paused for a dramatic effects. "Tips for everyone!" He said and they all yelled. **************** The day was almost over and the boss had given the tips to each employee just as he promised, everyone had began to leave except for Sawyer who had a shift, he was going to work for some hours until it was time ti officially close, an extra time to add to his income, he had spoken to the boss about it and of course the boss had accepted. Finally done with some part of the work, he went to a free room that was used as an area to get some rest. He wanted to take a break as he was exhausted already, they have all been working since morning. A little rest wouldn't hurt, would it? Of course, not. While on the top bunk, he shifted himself, tossing and turning on it to feel comfortable but he didn't feel good anyway. It was not like his bed at home. Not finding sleep easily, Sawyer took his phone out of his pocket and decided to browse through it. Scrolling through the Internet, his eyes fell on a particular article that he saw. It was one of his family. The article was about his family 'the Johnson's', those that he had left alone for a while now. There were lots of images of them scattered across the social media pages, the blogs and tattle take sites that he could find himself on. An image that caught his eyes was the one where he saw his half brother, Alex and his ex fiance, Catherine, the one he was supposed to get married to before she left him. Had chosen his brother over him, after all everyone always chooses someone or anything over him. Catherine and Alex stood side by side and looked very happy with one another. Their smile on their faces was so bright that Sawyer for a second could swear that the two were in a relationship even before his father had made the announcement, he kept on scrolling and stumbled upon another image, this one did something to his heart Alex and Catherine were kissing. Everything still felt like a dream to him, Catherine and his brother together, his brother with the woman he love but can't have. They would have been married by now, perhaps on their honeymoon but she chose his brother over him, what does Alex have that he didn't? He chuckled, the answer was clear, a father and a mother and anything he could possibly want. The next image was of the other members of the family. His father and mother were there too and everyone really looked happy, too happy for a family that was not complete. He felt a pang of pain in his heart, not only was he not there but it didn't seem like his absence meant anything to them. What baffles him the most was that since he left, no one has even attempted to search for him to know of his whereabouts. It was so obvious that they never even care about him so long he was doing one thing which is making the sales of the company increase after that no one cares anymore. Even Catherine, the only woman he has ever loved, she didn't even look bothered after all she was enjoying her best life, she looked so great in the picture, more pretty than the last time he saw her although the last time they had met, it wasn't on a pleasant occasionm. She didn't seem to be bothered at all about his absence. He scrolled down and that was when he saw the headline, Apparently, it turned out that they were celebrating their one year anniversary. He had never even thought of it so much that he had been gone from home for that long. How time flies! One year away from their toxicity but deep within him he still misses them, they are the only family he had, no matter how hard he thought of his life with them, he still care about them. Little droplets of tears began to fall from his eyes. The feeling of being hurt, being betrayed, the hatred and lack of love that they all had for him came rushing that instant. He couldn't deny that he was pained at the moment or that he was hurt. He went offline immediately and switched off his cellphone, dropping it on the bed. It would have been better if he had just slept and not went online. Then maybe, he would not have seen what he saw. He sighed in annoyance, he shouldn't have kept on scrolling to relive the memories of the past. He jumped down from the bunk, he dragged one of his hoodies that he kept in the store, put it on and dashed out of the restaurant through the back door. The main entrance had been locked so the way he could leave was through the other door which was the back door. He could not bear to hold the pain, everything came rushing down on him at once. With sadness in his heart, he made his way to the bar to drink himself to stupor. Perhaps the alcohol could help him wash the present ache and sorrow away or he could forget about everything and everyone. When he got to a bar not too far from his work, he ordered a beer and cried his eyes out in the corner where he sat. Lost in his own world of gloom and pain, he wished at that moment that he could unsee all that he had seen and that the pain could just go away. Maybe he would be able to live his life some day, away from the pain, hurt and sorrow that he carry around.

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