Meeting Christiano (Part 2)

"Mom, I'm ready," Adeline said after she finished changing. Walking out of the changing room, she noticed that Martha didn't change into the sterile suit. She wondered if Martha was going to let her meet Christiano for the first time on her own. Martha brought Adeline to an isolated room. She pointed to the door and told Adeline, "You'll go in alone. We've already gone in today so we can't visit him again." Adeline nodded and said docilely, "Okay, Mom." As she said that, she pushed the door open and walked through it. Martha watched Adeline as she entered the room. Taking a glance at the room inside, a trace of pain flashed across her eyes. She closed them shut and opened them again before she turned to leave. Meanwhile, Adeline headed into the room wearing the sterile suit. There were many pieces of advanced medical equipment in the room, and each was comparable to the ones in the hospital. "Hi, I assume you're Christiano's newlywed wife, Adeline?" A man who also wore a sterile suit asked Adeline. "Yes. And you are?" Adeline asked and looked at the man without much expression. "I'm Christiano's private doctor, Ethan Gardner. You're here to see Christiano, right? I'll take you in." Ethan saw how poised Adeline was and wondered what sort of woman she would be. Adeline nodded faintly at Ethan and said politely, "Thank you." "You should know about Christiano's situation. He was involved in a car accident two years ago, and his then-girlfriend left him after the accident. The impact caused him to be how he is now." Ethan briefed Adeline on Christiano's condition as they walked. He also told her about some things that she should take note of regularly. "Can you remember?" Ethan turned around and asked with a smile. Adeline nodded at him and replied, "I'll keep it in mind. Thank you, Dr. Gardner." They weren't able to see how the other party looked because of the sterile suit and mask they had on. "We're here. Let's go in together," Ethan pushed the door open. He went near Christiano's bed and bent down to whisper into Christiano's ear, "Christiano, Adeline is here to see you today. She's your newlywed wife." The corners of Ethan's mouth lifted slightly, and it curled into an unfathomable smile. Adeline didn't notice his smile as it was conveniently covered behind his mask. Adeline studied the man on the bed. No one would have thought that Christiano, who had the business world wrapped around his fingers, would be asleep on the bed like a baby. Ethan said to Adeline softly, " I have other matters to attend to. You can talk with him and keep him company. It might help with his recovery." "Okay," Adeline was all over the place. She walked near the bed and sat down. "Hi, I'm your wife, Adeline. From now on, we're husband and wife, so I'll be visiting you more often to talk and keep you company in the future. I hope that you'll wake up sooner." Just like that, Adeline silently watched Christiano lying unmoved in bed. She never thought that people like him who had everything at hand would also be a victim of a betrayal in relationships. Ethan stood outside the room and eyed Adeline quietly. He was curious about what sort of person Adeline was. Any girl would have avoided this at all costs. Yet, she was here. After some time, Ethan returned to the room. Walking towards Adeline, he said, "It's time to leave. We can't stay here for long." "Alright." Adeline stood up and stared at the person on the bed. She whispered to him, "I'll come back again tomorrow."

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