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Chapter 7

The Bentley glided slowly into the eastern villa area of the city and stopped at the courtyard gate of the Carlson family's villa. Both of them got out of the car, while the driver stood by with the gifts in hand. Ethan leisurely followed Stella as they entered the villa. As soon as they entered, the butler, Landon, came forward to greet them. Taking the gifts from the driver, he respectfully informed Stella, "Mr. Donovan has also come to see the master." The Mr. Donovan mentioned by Landon was Thomas's adopted son, Wyatt Donovan. Adopted by the Carlson family at the age of 12, it was said that he was the son of an old friend, but there were also rumors that he was an illegitimate child. Perhaps to avoid suspicion, Wyatt moved out of the Carlson family after reaching adulthood, only occasionally returning to visit Thomas. Stella had seen him only a few times since returning to the Carlson family, so they weren't particularly familiar. Just as she was thinking, she saw Wyatt walking down the stairs. The man, nearing forty, exuded a restrained and mature demeanor in his every move. Stella greeted politely, "Good morning." "Good morning," Wyatt responded lightly, his gaze shifting slightly to the person beside her. "Good morning, Mr. Powers." Ethan shook hands with Wyatt, his blue eyes smiling as he replied, "Good morning, Mr. Donovan. Just call me Ethan." Wyatt didn't respond immediately. He looked at Stella and said, "Uncle has just woken up. You should take Mr. Powers over. I'll leave first." With that, he nodded slightly at Ethan. Just as he was about to leave, as if suddenly remembering something, he turned back with a smile, "Almost forgot, congratulations to both of you, wishing you a happy marriage." Stella then remembered that Natalie had said Wyatt made an exception and came to the wedding yesterday, but he left as soon as the ceremony ended. For some reason, she felt a strange familiarity between Wyatt and Ethan. However, Wyatt was of a different generation from them, and she hadn't heard of any connection between the two. The thought only lingered briefly before she quickly dismissed it. Stella led Ethan upstairs. Two months ago, Thomas was suddenly diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer. Due to his old age, the doctors gently suggested conservative treatment, but everyone understood what that meant. Thomas took it very well, saying he had lived to a ripe old age, and his only regret was that his granddaughter had not yet married. So despite the emerging conflicts, she and Aaron still set a wedding date. At yesterday's wedding, Stella was not only disappointed in Aaron but also furious at Dean and Avery for completely disregarding Thomas's health. After all, the doctors had warned that Thomas's emotions should not be agitated. As they reached the door, Stella was about to knock when she suddenly paused. Delicate fingertips hesitated before retracting, and instead, she lightly tugged at the man's cuff. Ethan lowered his head, his gaze falling on her slender fingertips resting on his sleeve. His eyes held a deep, thoughtful expression as he met her gaze with an indifferent look. Stella let go and whispered to him, "Do you think... we should act more intimate?" "Act?" he raised an eyebrow, the depths of his eyes shifting slightly. "What do you mean?" Stella pursed her lips and reached out her hand towards him. Her hands were as delicate as spring onions, with translucent fingernails. Sensing his casual yet evaluating gaze, she frowned earnestly and persuaded, "Although I've wronged you, we still need to play our parts well, and I'll try to compensate as much as possible. Yesterday at the wedding, you also..." Stella initially wanted to mention that he had kissed her yesterday, even if it was just on the corner of her mouth. But upon second thought, she was distracted at that moment, and his kiss was not only at the host's request but also to help her act, to avoid any awkwardness. Who didn't play along in the business world? But he even brought his assistant to the banquet, showing how much he avoided physical contact with the opposite sex. In the end, Stella was the one who had to compromise him. So, in an instant, she lost her confidence. "I also what?" Ethan's eyebrows lowered, his tone dragging and mocking, pausing slightly before insinuating, "But indeed, it's a bit of a compromise." A strange smile played at the corners of the man's lips, as if reluctantly, but his warm and broad hand naturally clasped hers, while his other hand knocked on the door. A hoarse, elderly voice came from inside, "Come in." The two entered hand in hand. Inside the room, the old man leaned against the edge of the bed. His face was weathered and tired, his body frail, but he still had some spirit left. When he saw his granddaughter, he smiled kindly, "Good to see you, kid." Stella went over and carefully adjusted the pillow behind him, then introduced, "Grandpa, this is Ethan. We... just got married." Thomas narrowed his eyes, his expression slightly darkening. "I heard from Landon that Aaron..." Before he could finish his sentence, he looked at Ethan beside her, sighed, and fell silent. Stella's palm tightened slightly, then she smiled and apologized naturally, "I'm sorry, Grandpa. I only agreed to marry Aaron because of the engagement. I didn't want to embarrass you and his Grandpa... Aaron and I have no feelings for each other." In the eyes of others, she and Aaron were indeed bound together by this engagement. As for the matters outside of the city, outsiders were unaware. After rehearsing her psychological preparation repeatedly, she remained calm and composed, presenting her well-rehearsed "fulfilling" narrative. When mentioning "true love," she even gave a "tender" glance at the man beside her, fortunately he played along. "...So you don't need to worry about me. Or do you really hope I'll be trapped by this engagement for the rest of my life?" Landon had already informed Thomas of these words as instructed by Stella, but he still had some doubts. Seeing her relaxed demeanor and smiling eyes, Thomas's gaze fell on their clasped hands. With a sigh, he didn't say much more, just invited them to sit down. "Mr. Powers, right? You look somewhat familiar," he said. Ethan met the old man's scrutinizing gaze and replied calmly, "My father is Dylan Powers." Thomas thought for a few seconds before nodding silently. Then, he looked at Stella and said warmly, "Stella, go check if the food is ready. Later, let Landon come up to call us." Stella knew her grandfather's intention was to dismiss her, but she couldn't refuse. She could only exchange a glance with Ethan secretly, then got up and left the room. Little did she know that as soon as she descended the stairs, she encountered Dean. Naturally, a man favored by Melinda would be good-looking. Dean had thick eyebrows and deep blue eyes, and even in middle age, he still retained some elegance and maturity. The two had just torn each other apart on the phone, and Dean, who had shed his usual friendly demeanor, now had a sinister look in his eyes. "Stella, didn't Mr. Powers accompany you back?" "He's talking to Thomas," Stella replied indifferently, no longer interested in playing along with Dean. "Well, you're playing this drama quite well." After all, he was unwilling to let the exchange for the Reeves family's interests go in vain, but this was at the Carlson family's place. He couldn't really argue with the beloved granddaughter of the old man. As his gaze fell on Stella's beautiful face, he pondered for a moment before suddenly saying, "Stella, although the marriage with the Malone family is off, when you 'divorce' Mr. Powers, I will find you another good man. Jack really likes you. Even if Thomas is not around in the future, I will make sure he treats you well." Dean had some understanding of Ethan. His father went bankrupt and went to jail, but he managed to turn things around in just a few years. He was ruthless and only cared about profit. A person like that, once the benefits in the marriage were exhausted, it would be the end. No matter how beautiful a woman was, she wouldn't shake a man ruthless enough. Moreover, Ethan came for profit in the first place, so he must have set a countdown for his niece as well. Dean had some feelings for his late wife, and as long as Stella remained obedient, he wouldn't make things difficult for her. Marrying his nephew would also fulfill some obligations. Although not wealthy, he would still protect her to some extent. Stella knew that Dean was warning her. When Thomas was no longer around, the only one she could rely on would be her uncle. Although he was involved in sabotaging her marriage with the Malone family, she still had to consider carefully whether she really wanted to oppose him. "Does Aaron know that you're comparing Jack to him in your heart?" Stella sneered, then lowered her voice. "Furthermore, what does Jack like about me? Does he like the fact that I stabbed him years ago?" Over the years, Jack trembled whenever he saw her, and Aiden always felt that something was off about Jack's fear of her. In fact, he was right; something was definitely off. When Dean heard her last words, his eyes widened. "You did it on purpose back then!" He thought Stella's temperament changed drastically only because the marriage was called off, never realizing that her sleepwalking excuse for injuring someone in her youth was a lie. So for all these years, she deliberately pretended to be harmless and dull. Although Jack was only superficially injured back then, he was indeed quite scared by Stella. But since his nephew was at fault first, Dean couldn't make a fuss. Stella looked at Dean's shocked pupils expressionlessly, feeling that he shouldn't be so surprised. Children raised in orphanages, sensitive and observant, know how to read people. The director was kind to the children but didn't want them to be too naive. As rootless drifters, they had to be wary of malice. Ironically, Jack, who she had stabbed years ago, was given an enviable job by Aaron just because of a few words from Avery. How absurd. During their argument that day, when Aaron said Stella had become harsh, perhaps it wasn't entirely untrue. He only liked her "kindness and obedience," but she couldn't pretend, and she didn't even know how to grow up. His world was all about smooth sailing, something she both longed for and repelled against. She tried her best to get closer, but still failed. Putting away her inner emotions, Stella no longer pretended with Dean, directly bypassing him to go to the dining room. Soon it was mealtime, and the food was naturally already prepared. She was about to ask Landon to call someone, when the door suddenly opened, and Ethan slightly bent down, helping Thomas downstairs. Dean, who had just sat down in the living room, hurried over and assisted Thomas to the head of the table. The dishes were brought to the table, and the four of them took their seats in turn. Thomas was in a good mood, and even his tired face showed a bit of vitality as he chuckled, "Today is a family banquet. Ethan, you don't need to be so formal." "Thank you, Grandpa." The man smiled back. Stella looked at Ethan's profile with some surprise, didn't expect him to be patient enough to please Thomas. Suddenly realizing that he had grown up with his grandfather, she understood a little bit. Although their relationship was a transaction, he far exceeded expectations by "fulfilling his duty." But she wondered if he would take the opportunity to propose other conditions. Dean took in the scene, and after a moment, suddenly spoke up, "Dad, there's something I need to discuss with you." "What is it?" Thomas looked at Dean. "Stella wants to give the North City project to Horizon Group. Our company has been preparing for this project for so long, and to just give it away like that is a bit arbitrary. It won't sit well with the shareholders," Dean said, implying that Stella's actions were damaging the interests of the Carlson family. Furthermore, he hinted at Ethan's motive for getting married. Thomas pondered for a moment before nodding, "Giving the project to Stella, and since Ethan is also my grandson-in-law, it's better to let Horizon Group handle this project. The Carlson family is struggling too much with this project anyway." Dean's expression froze slightly, not expecting Thomas's reaction. Half-jokingly, he said, "Dad, you're already favoring your grandson-in-law after just meeting him for the first time?" Thomas frowned, seeming displeased. Ethan paused, leisurely raising his gaze and reclining slightly backward, calmly asking, "Who said Horizon Group wants to develop the North City project separately?" Dean, unsure of his meaning, paused for a moment, subconsciously looking at Stella beside him. Ethan followed his gaze, his captivating eyes brewing a mesmerizing tenderness, his voice casual, "So, Stella is... supporting me like this." Stella remained silent, yet she discerned the deliberate emphasis in the man's words, instantly grasping his underlying message: the show must go on. Then, Ethan locked eyes with Dean, his tone sounding casual, "Horizon Group will only participate in the initial development investment, while the rest of the work will be handled entirely by the Carlson family." With these words, everyone was surprised. By saying this, Ethan meant that he would only take a portion of the profits from Horizon Group's investment. Although the Carlson family put in more effort, it also solved the problem of insufficient funds. Of course, he wouldn't lose out either, but the question remained: why was he so generous to share profits with the Carlson family? Seeing Thomas's pleased expression, Dean's eyes filled with suspicion as he calculated silently. After a brief hesitation, he nodded calmly, "Right, he's correct." Regardless of whatever conditions Ethan might have left, would he refuse the benefits being handed to him on a silver platter at this moment? Of course not. Seattle, airport terminal. The roar of engines grew louder as the flight descended slowly. At the domestic arrivals exit, Daniel Cruise, the assistant, stood at the forefront, holding a briefcase. Daniel, usually composed, now betrayed a hint of unease in his expression. Only when two familiar figures appeared did Daniel step forward quickly, taking the limited luggage from his boss's hands. Seattle wasn't cool either. Aaron wore only a light blue shirt, his suit casually draped over his arm. His clear and refined face bore an indifferent expression as he strode out of the airport terminal with confident steps, followed by Aiden. They both got into a black Maybach parked not far from the exit. During takeoff, the weather wasn't too good, encountering turbulence along the way. Aaron now rubbed his temples lightly, suppressing the discomfort. "Hand me the urgent documents." Daniel breathed a sigh of relief, opening the briefcase and handing over the top few documents, carefully observing his boss's demeanor. These documents had been sent electronically yesterday, and Aaron quickly skimmed through them before signing. Then, he handed them back to Daniel, pausing slightly before asking, "Has she contacted you?" The reference was obvious. Daniel's expression tightened suddenly as he considered his response. "Miss Carlson has not contacted me proactively." Indeed, Stella had not reached out to him, but he had initiated contact with her. Claire learned about what Stella did yesterday and immediately had him notify Miss Carlson to meet with her early in the morning. But when Daniel called, she responded with a cold tone, "I have nothing to do with Aaron anymore. Perhaps Mrs. Malone should contact Avery." He dared not relay those words, pulling himself from his immersed thoughts. Daniel indeed noticed the furrowed brows on his boss's face. Aiden observed Daniel's hesitant demeanor, chin slightly raised as he chuckled, "What, is Stella still causing a scene about canceling the wedding?" Feeling his friend's words a bit harsh, Aaron looked at him with dissatisfaction, yet before he could speak, he heard his assistant speak somewhat stiffly, "That's not the case." Aaron breathed a faint sigh of relief. Stella's phone had been unreachable all along, and he was worried she might be in trouble, so he had to call Natalie. Though her attitude wasn't pleasant, she assured him that Stella was fine before hanging up. This time, he was in the wrong first. Though there were reasons behind the situation, as long as Stella didn't bring up canceling the wedding or breaking up, he would apologize to her sincerely. Aiden's eyes seemed to mock as he listened, even murmuring to himself in his mind, "Just as I thought. Stella had put on a show yesterday, telling Aaron something about calling off the engagement, only to silently swallow her pride and retract her words in the end." Whether she would still marry Aaron, Aiden had no idea. But one thing was certain: the gossip about the groom fleeing the wedding would surely not die down. Seeing the expressions of the two men, Daniel knew they had misunderstood. Summoning his gut, he said, "Miss Carlson didn't actually want to cancel the wedding, but..." Aaron, seeing his usually composed assistant struggle to speak, couldn't help but furrow his brow and asked, "But what?" Daniel took a deep breath, psyching himself up, and recited a long string of words in one breath, "The wedding wasn't canceled yesterday, but Miss Carlson did switch grooms on the spot! Most of the guests had left, and the ceremony went on as planned. Late in the evening, without a backward glance, she left in the Bentley with the new groom." She didn't even acknowledge him as he hurried to the scene. As soon as the words left Daniel's mouth, he saw his usually mild-mannered boss's hand, pinching the frame of his glasses, suddenly freeze. A few seconds later, the slender and fair hand's knuckles protruded, the jawline tensed, the cheeks seemed to twitch, and his deep eyes seemed to gather a storm. He stared fixedly at Daniel. Despite the scorching heat, his voice was cold as ice shavings in winter. "What did you say?"

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