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Chapter 15

The Carlson Group Building housed a cafeteria on the third floor. At lunchtime, the employee dining area buzzed with an array of dishes and a vibrant ambiance. Gwen Manson, the administrative manager, felt a bit disappointed for missing today's braised pig trotters, but she quickly shrugged it off. She carried her chosen dishes and sat back at the table in the far west corner of the cafeteria. Celestia from the secretary's office was speaking at the moment, "Last time, Arthur was saying in the office that Mr. Powers married Stella for the North City project, but I don't think so. They seem to have a good relationship." Gossip spreads quickly in the company; after all, work can be tough, so people rely on these tidbits for entertainment and distraction. The recent showdown between the ex and husband caused quite a stir, and it had been a topic of conversation for many. Thinking about the Bentley that came every day to pick up Stella after work, Gwen sighed, "Ah, my husband has never come to pick me up after work. Looks like I shouldn't have treated him so well." Marcel raised an eyebrow, retorting on behalf of his male counterpart, "Well, you two live on opposite sides of the city. By the time he gets there, you're probably already home. Can't blame him for that." Gwen was genuinely envious, but she was just joking. She nodded with a smile at his words. Then, she heard Celestia beside her call out, "Hi, Stella." She looked up to see a woman with delicate features and a professional outfit. Her makeup was subtle, and her chestnut waves added a touch of softness. Especially her perfectly placed eyes, softened by her gentle demeanor, made her look ethereal. Meeting the gazes of a few people, Stella smiled and said, "No more seats available. Do you mind if I join you?" Marcel quickly caught on and nudged his tray, making room for Stella. The Carlson Group Building was located in the business district, and while the cafeteria had decent food, there were also plenty of tasty takeout options nearby. Having worked as Stella's assistant for six months, Marcel knew she rarely came to the employee cafeteria unless she forgot to order takeout because she was too busy. His assumption was correct; Stella did indeed forget to order takeout. However, it wasn't because she was busy with work but rather because she couldn't understand Ethan's recent attitude. Every day, Ethan waited to pick Stella up and drop her off, but he remained silent in the car. While he seemed unwilling to engage with her, he didn't hesitate to eat the breakfast she made. Living under the same roof, Stella didn't know how to foster a good relationship with Ethan. She wasn't one to take the initiative in interpersonal relationships. Just as she was thinking about this, Celestia from across the table suddenly looked at her with excitement and curiosity. Celestia was Stella's secretary now and was less concerned about etiquette than others. Besides, Stella wasn't a demanding boss and occasionally chatted with her employees. After some hesitation, the young woman tentatively asked, "How did you and Mr. Powers meet?" Stella glanced at her, not hiding anything, and chuckled, "He was my high school classmate. We... were desk mates for a year." Upon hearing her words, Celestia's eyes lit up as if she were caught up in a romantic drama of high school desk mates. Stella averted her gaze slightly, feeling a bit guilty for not wanting to shatter her illusion. Furthermore, Ethan also specified in the agreement that they should publicly display affection. Over the past few days, rumors in the company have shifted from Aaron escaping marriage out of love, leaving her in despair, to Ethan and her already being deeply in love as a committed couple. However, reality and fantasy were worlds apart. In sophomore year, Ethan still sat at a single desk. However, in senior year, the class size changed from odd to even. At that time, no one dared to sit with him, and the unfortunate task of being his reluctant desk mate fell to Stella. It was a continuous clash of intellect between them, with Ethan attempting to publicly embarrass her while Stella retaliated covertly.There was certainly no romance involved. "Mr. Powers always looks at you so gently. I wonder when my husband will learn to be gentle too," remarked Marian, who had observed the entire scene in front of the elevator, now also part of the romantic drama fantasy. "Gentle?" Stella thought of Ethan's behavior towards Aaron and shook her head with a faint smile. "Perhaps." He had stormed off as soon as they returned. ... The Horizon Group Building, CEO's office. After finishing a game of pool, Vice President Jason turned to see Ethan, who had just concluded a video conference, sitting in his chair with a cold and indifferent expression, the oppressive aura from earlier still lingering. Jason sighed and raised an eyebrow. "What's going on? A few days ago, you were all sunshine and smiles, but now you seem to be under a dark cloud. They've asked me to find out when the boss's mood will clear up. Can you share?" "You wouldn't understand," Ethan retorted. With that, he notified Isaac of the upcoming meeting in half an hour and didn't spare him a single glance. Jason became increasingly concerned about his condition; otherwise, he wouldn't have returned to this distant and silent demeanor. Over the past two years, when Ethan was in a good mood, one could occasionally catch a glimpse of his past carefree attitude. Wanting to play the role of a confidant, Jason put down his pool cue and walked over to sit opposite him. "How come you and Luke are cut from the same cloth? Three months ago, he came home on time to play games, and a month ago, he started chatting on his phone all the time. I kindly expressed concern, and he said I wouldn't understand anything." With that, Jason gave a light snort. "What's next? Are you transcending humanity and researching the origins of the moon?" Jason's tone was light, but his expression conveyed a determination to get to the bottom of Ethan's story. Seeing Jason's persistent probing, Ethan finally looked up and said calmly, "I'm not like you, understand?" This response only fueled Jason's displeasure, and he scrutinized Ethan for a moment. "I mean, aside from the fact that you're slightly better looking than me, what else sets us apart?" To illustrate their minor difference in appearance, Jason even extended his fingernail to compare it. Ethan raised an eyebrow, closed the file, and calmly pointed out the difference between them, "I'm married." And Jason was not. They were not the same. "What's that supposed to mean? Just because you temporarily played the role of a groom, you consider yourself married?" Jason shrugged off the comment. "Once the storm settles, who knows, Stella might ask for a divorce." As soon as the words fell, Ethan's face, which had just softened slightly, instantly darkened. He furrowed his brows and glanced at Jason, saying coldly, "We WILL NOT divorce." "I know, I know," Jason said with his head bowed, still unaware of the other's emotions, then added, "But that's for legitimate couples. What does it have to do with you?" Silence filled the room, gradually permeating with a chilling coldness. Jason timidly raised his head, finally catching the man's chilling gaze. "No way, " he finally sensed something different and cautiously asked, "Could it be you've suddenly fallen in love with Stella?" "Can't you tell?" Ethan suppressed his disdain for Jason's earlier remarks and emphasized, "It's not sudden." Jason was stunned, thinking, "Not only did he fail to notice, it was completely concealed." They had known each other for over ten years, understanding each other's unspoken words the best. But even with such understanding, Jason truly hadn't anticipated that. "Are you seriously nursing a secret crush?" Jason suddenly stood up, pacing back and forth in the spacious CEO office, murmuring to himself, "No way, no way, no way." Ethan was already feeling frustrated, and Jason's pacing only aggravated it. He pressed his temples and simply closed his eyes. After some time, Jason spoke again, "So you're in a bad mood because Stella got on your nerves?" Stella and Aaron's engagement wasn't a secret, and Ethan became the instant groom only because Aaron ran away from the wedding. He was carrying a secret crush as the groom. If Stella wasn't treating him well, wouldn't he be upset? Ethan choked up slightly, then said in a deep voice, "No." Finishing his words, his slightly fleeting gaze landed on the transparent lunch box next to the contract, pointing casually. "She made this in the morning." "She is indeed considerate." Seeing the sandwich, Jason was somewhat surprised. Then, he breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but ask, "So what got you all riled up?" Ethan paused for a moment, lightly lifting his eyelids and replied nonchalantly, "Does Aaron have a better temper than me?" "That's obvious," Jason started to speak before realizing his mistake halfway through, a smile forming on his face, "No, I mean, you two have different personalities." Aaron was the kind of man who had been praised by teachers and elders since childhood, with a genuinely gentle temperament. Jason had never seen him get into a fight when he was young. However, Jason finally figured out the reason for Ethan's bad mood these past few days. "So you're jealous of him." Ethan didn't admit it, scoffing lightly before casually saying, "Do I need to be jealous?" What was there to envy when he couldn't even marry Stella despite having a ready-made engagement? "After all, that was her first love," Jason muttered quietly. "What's first love? That was just a moment of weakness for her," Ethan retorted, frowning, but then seemed to remember something. He calmly reached into the pocket of his crisp suit and took out something, placing it directly on the table. Seeing Jason's eyes widen in an instant, he finally spoke satisfactorily, "I have this. Do I need to compare myself to anyone else?" "Well, well, well, this is the first time I've seen a marriage certificate in person," Jason said, quite surprised, considering he usually saw people flaunting them on social media. Ethan hardly ever used SnapChat, but he was indeed different from others, actually carrying his marriage certificate with him! Jason should give him applause. He wanted to take a closer look, but Ethan tucked away the certificate. Who would've thought, Ethan was the silent achiever, quickly getting Stella sorted out. Not only did he swiftly obtain the certificate and navigate through the chaos, but he also enjoyed daily meals prepared by his wife. Pretty enviable. After a moment, Jason chuckled, "You're officially married now, and you're still jealous of Aaron? That's not like you. You've snatched his wife, you should be a bit cockier." "Do I need your advice?" Ethan retorted. ... After lunch, Stella politely declined Celestia and Marian's dessert invitation, taking the elevator back to her office. She was afraid they might get too excited and really start asking about her and Ethan's time as desk mates. They meant no harm, and Stella didn't want to respond coldly, but if things got too messy, it would be hard to wrap up. Shaking her head to clear her mind, Stella turned on her computer to start work, but her phone on the desk buzzed. Opening SnapChat, she found a message from Kate. "My mom and my brother are in a really bad mood lately. She even fired the head of the wedding planning company out of anger. I don't dare to speak at home, I feel like the whole family is against me. My brother is to blame for his own incompetence, he deserves to be dumped by you. But I absolutely, steadfastly, stand by your side! Please don't abandon me, okay? T_T" Stella quickly read it. Then, her fingertips paused for a moment, but she still chose not to reply. The Carlson and Malone families were old family friends, and Aaron and Kate used to come to the Carlson family's household often to visit their grandfather. When Kate first went to the Carlson family's household, she was only nine years old. The girl used to stick to Stella like a little tail. At crowded gatherings, she and Aaron would team up to defend Stella from the beginning. Over the years, Stella had truly treated Kate as a little sister. But now, she hadn't figured out how to face Kate yet. However, one sentence from Kate did catch her attention. After a moment of thought, she opened her contacts and and dialed someone's number. "Aurora, do you have time to meet?"

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