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Chapter 4

Logan's Pov "Let me go, you beast!." Euphoria screamed out. " You dare not!!!!" I screeched out. It felt like a hot knife was sliced through my already bad wound. I've been called names worse than a beast but hearing it from Euphoria felt like a kick to my gut. "I'm sorry." I said and dropped her gently on the bed even though she was flailing around violently in my arms. That's another one, I never apologize, ever. "How are you now?" I asked her. "I was fine until you stepped in." She replied. Ouch! "Is this attitude because of last night?" I asked, picking my words carefully. Euphoria only huffed out and laid back on the bed, pulling the covers back on her. "Uh?" I asked again. "Blame me for being so foolish to entrust my supposed safety in the hands of a stranger." She said, "You know, I'd have said you were scared of me if you were too afraid to be in the same radius with me but why are you angry instead?" I asked in confusion mixed with anger. Euphoria threw a hard glare at me in response. "We met last night and I told you the biggest secret about me that same night, what else were you expecting? It's not like we're buddies or something. I only offered you protection against that monster." I retorted. "Well then, that sucks." She replied simply. "What sucks?" I asked. "You telling me your secret almost immediately you knew me because I DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK!" She screamed. "You know ... .I've been wanting to ask, do you have any mental issues?" I asked. She's too weird even though she appears to be gentle. "Who knows what your next move is? You might decide to tear me limb by limb now and nobody will know since I'm in the middle of nowhere with a complete stranger." She shouted. "Is that the issue? You are scared that I'd kill you and dispose of your body?" I asked. It even sounded strange for me to hurt her, I just feel the pull to protect her from that man who's currently on the run and every bad thing in this world. "Whatever." She dismisses but fear was really evident in her voice. I moved closer to her a bit to sit on the bed, Euphoria moved to the edge of the bed, far away from me. "You passed out immediately when you saw my wolf yesterday. I still need to enlighten you more on the werewolf world." I was assured. Her eyes widened in surprise, fear permeating the air. "Go on." She simply ordered and hugged her knees to herself. "I'd start with things that distinguish a werewolf from humans. A werewolf's speed, strength, and sense of smell and sight are heightened than that of any Human. Our eyes also glow when we get pissed off or sometimes extremely emotional. Werewolves also have the ability to heal faster than humans, our immune system is so much stronger than Humans that we rarely get sick." "Also, the lifespan of a werewolf is longer in the sense that werewolves live close to millennials. We stop aging from around 25 years old." I explained. "Woah!" Was the only word she muttered in response. "Interesting right?" I asked. "It is. But how are you able to control your wolves? Do they attack anyone they think poses a threat on impulse? Or you are also in control whenever you shift into a wolf?" She bombarded me with questions. "I do have control over my wolf, we only lose a bit of control to our wolves whenever we are too consumed with rage. And no, wolves don't just attack anyone unless the other person is a huge threat. Only rogues have no control over their wolves as they are more animalistic in nature." I explained. "Rouges... ?" Euphoria trailed off, indirectly asking me what they are. "Rogues are like the cast-outs of the pack. Werewolves live in packs as they can die of depression or loneliness when separated from other wolves. Like I said, rogues are mostly wolves banished from the packs because of previous offenses. Some wolves go rogue willingly too if they aren't in support of the laws of their packs." I explained. "Okay... so, rogues are like the horrible people in the werewolf world?" Euphoria asked. "Not all of them are bad. Those who live their packs willingly and aren't strong enough to adapt to the loneliness either die or go extremely crazy." I said. "I understand now." She muttered, her full lashes pulled together in concentration. "Yeah. There's hierarchy in the werewolf world as it is in human society too. The alpha is like the king, he rules and gives orders, he is the strongest in the pack. He rules mostly alongside his mate, called Luna. The Luna or the alpha female is the mother of the pack, where the alpha is lacking in compassion to his pack members due to strictness, the Luna provides it, She cares for the pack. While some wolves believe that alpha's are the most powerful in a pack, most alphas would bow to their mate in affection." "The next in hierarchy to the alpha is called the Beta, he's the second in command and although he's also powerful, his alpha's powers outweighs his in hundreds fold. He takes care of the pack when the alpha is unavailable and the pack members accord respect to him like they do the alpha." I explained to her. "What are mates?" Euphoria asked. "Mate is the shortened term of soulmate, a mate is like your other half, you feel a pull towards them immediately you clock Eighteen. Their scent would be so alluring to you, electricity like tingles dance through your skins whenever they come in contact. When you're with them, you'd feel like your whole world is complete and nothing matters anymore. In short, they complete you." I answered. "So, mates are very important to wolves." She asked. " Yes. Their scent itself would calm both your wolf and you down whenever you're consumed with rage. They are the only ones that can tame you." I said. "Do you have a mate?" Euphoria asked. My head started pounding at the question. That topic is one I never wish to explain to anyone again, it's a memory I've buried deep down inside my heart. "Mate!"

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