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Chapter 2

Euphoria's Pov Yes it's him! That man! "Hi, I'm Logan." He stated. That voice and words was enough to stop me from thinking anything further. Now that I'm a little bit relieved that the strange creature is unconscious and can't harm me, I really looked at my savior and gods above...this man is hot!. He is so tall that I guess he's around 6 '5, his eyebrows so defined that I start to question whether he's the female amongst Him and I. His jaw was so sharp and smooth that I guess it could pass for a razor and high cheekbones perfectly fitted for his face. It's considered sinful to be this hot. Sin above all sins...yeah that's it. My eyes trailed lower to his chest, his white shirt stained with earth and blood. Yet, I couldn't help but notice his strong chest and pale smooth skin peeking under the shirt. "Hey! Are you okay?" He uttered, smirking. "I mean, I get that reaction a lot from ladies, just that you might need some water seeing as you are drooling already." He chuckled. I vigorously wiped my mouth to feel saliva truly dripping down my mouth. How embarrassing! "Uhhh... Sorry?" I asked in confusion. "I asked if you were okay. Did you even catch my name?" He asked. "Logan?" I asked. The name really fits him, it's like a signature. "I'd really love to continue this conversation but we have to run along now. The man I knocked out will soon be up, which might not be good considering it's only us here." He explained. "Man? That was an animal! Heck!!!!." I said. Did he just call that animal a man!!! "Right?... " He said, more like a question. I looked behind him, thinking I'd catch a glance of the fiery beast but I was met with nothing. My mouth hangs open on its own accord in horror, my heart beating loudly in my chest in fear. "H-he i-s gon-e-e." I stuttered, pointing towards the spot Logan left the man. "The fuck?!" Logan growled out. Wait, what? Growl? It sounded so animalistic. But I guess it must be my imagination messing with me or it's just the stress of the day catching up on me. Logan started searching the surrounding frantically but was met with emptiness and darkness. The creature escaped. "We have to go, now!" He said, grabbing my hands and pulling me along with him towards the opposite direction of my apartment. "Uh, sorry. My apartment is at the other end of the city." I said. "We are going to my house instead. You must be shaken up and I can't leave you alone in this state. I yanked my arms out of his, coldness seeping into my palms. His hands were really warm. "And what made you think I'd follow you!." I asked, clasping my arms across my chest. "It's safer if you follow me, lady. The man who almost attacked you just escaped and only God knows what he'd do if he tracked you down and found you in your apartment. It's better if you follow me. You'll be safe and protected, besides, you're not my type so don't worry about me touching you." He ranted, running his hands through his hair wildly. "I don't even know you, you don't know me to the extent of not knowing my name. I only just met you tonight and you expect me to trust you?" I asked. "You don't know me. But I can assure you that you are safe with me. You can put in safety measures now too, but we have to really leave this vicinity first." Logan replied exhaustedly. I sighed and weighed my options. If I had taken my self defense classes seriously, I might be good to stay in my apartment alone but knowing me, I'd probably pick up my hair brush as a defense when I hear noises in my apartment. "Okay." I declared. "What is your name?" He questioned with curiosity in his eyes. Funny how I only just met him minutes ago and it felt like I've known him for years. I wanted to pick an offense against him for not knowing my name but I only just remembered that he's a chronic stranger to me. "Euphoria." I uttered. "Euphoria." He renounced. How he said my name with his deep masculine, smooth husky voice almost had me clenching my thighs together in arousal. Logan grabbed my hands again, his body heat like an oven, he moved very fast that I thought it was inhuman. The trees wooshed by us swiftly as if we were in a fast moving car. I started running out of breath and Logan lifted me up into his arms, his speed increasing even more. All of a sudden, thunder rumbled and lightning zapped across the sky. The rain started with little droplets till it got a little bit heavy, Logan steps did not still falter even with the rain, it increased instead. He sure has a lot of answers to provide me with. A lot of strange things happened within the span of thirty minutes since I met the strange creature and Logan's strength. The wolf whom Logan called a man, he seems to know something about it. "Are you okay?" Logan asked, his steps faltering a little bit. "I am." I answered simply even though I'm freaking out as hell internally. I feel like today is just a nightmare, the part of my sleep I dread the most. "Your face is as white as a sheet and your heartbeat accelerates." He examined. "Well, my face is white because we are in the rain and...wait? You aren't even that close to my chest to know that my heartbeat accelerated... How?" I asked, my nose scrunched up in confusion. "Uh... forget I said something." He joked, stopping at a black gate. "I've tried forgetting countless times but my head can't take the strange shits you say or do anymore." I said. Realization hit me immediately and I scrambled out of his arms. "You want to take me in to get me slaughtered. Isn't it? Oh my Gosh! I just put my safety in my arms by agreeing to follow a crazy kidnapper." I spluttered. "Would you just calm the fuck down, Euphoria? If I was a kidnapper or murderer I would have killed you in the alleyway and not waste my time in taking you to my house." He said, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "Okay, okay. No need to bite me." I raised my hands up in surrender. The rain had stopped by now and I wiped my hand across my face to wipe off the droplets of the rain on it a bit. Logan's eyes traveled down to my chest and I looked down to check what caught his interest. My palms however flew to my breasts to cover them up a bit when I saw my pink bra peeking out under the white shirt I wore and my nipples straining against them. "You pervert!" I shouted. "Chill! I wasn't even looking at your tits." He defended but the tip of his ear turned pink. He's blushing! "Oh my Gosh! You're blushing." I retorted in surprise. He doesn't look like a guy that'd blush one bit. "I'm not a damn female to emit colors on the face." He defended. His expression turned to one of annoyance and he turned around to open the gate. 'Wow'. I muttered to myself at the sight before me. It'd be a sin to call it a house, it's a freaking mansion!

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