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Chapter 3

"Never come back?" Francis repeated incredulously, his eyes widening as he gaped at Hayden. Reeling from the shock of Hayden's words, he demanded instinctively, "Where will you go?" Hayden answered coolly, "I doubt that's any of your business after I leave." Everyone at the dining table turned to look at Hayden in disbelief, their eyes nearly bugging out of their heads. For a moment, they wondered if they had heard him wrong. "D-Do you hear yourself?" Francis squawked, stiffening in his seat. The next second, rage filled him, and he saw only red as a pin-drop silence descended upon the dining room. Charlotte broke her silence and launched into a long-winded lecture, her face the portrait of arrogance. "Don't act out of anger, Hayden. You made a mistake, so own up to it and apologize. You don't need to threaten to leave the family just to spite us. "Your father has your best interests at heart and doesn't deserve to be hurt this way. Apologize to him right now. We're family, and he'll forgive you for speaking out of turn." She pelted Hayden with the word "family", yet it felt like a dagger poised over his heart, ready to draw blood. Hayden sneered, his gaze contemptuous. "Family, huh? How ironic! When did you ever treat me as part of the family?" He knew better than anyone else the way he had spent his life in the Sterling residence. He did not belong in this house. It had never felt like home, or more accurately, it had never been his home. Lily was furious as she interjected, "You're so unbelievably ungrateful! Why would we bring you back if we never saw you as family? "We gave you a roof over your head and three meals a day, but you're accusing us of mistreating you. How could you say such a thing?" She glowered at him, the reproach burning in her eyes. "If you want to leave because you're embarrassed that we found out about your creepy tendencies, you may as well save yourself from the trouble. With your questionable upbringing, it's not surprising you're so prone to depravity. "We'll forgive you if you make an effort to turn over a new leaf," Julia drawled casually, much like how a high-and-mighty superior would make offhand remarks about their subordinates. Since stepping in as the acting CEO, Julia had grown into a level-headed and mature woman. Everyone praised her for the way she carried herself and her thoughts, and she was known as the pride of the Sterling family. Presently, the Sterlings did not take Hayden's declaration to leave the family seriously and merely tried to force an apology out of him. They thought they were being generous. After all, they doubted he would make good on his threat and leave. The Sterlings were wealthy and ran a successful business. They had influence, power, and an impressive family fortune. Hayden had no reason to leave their well-to-do family, not when countless people would kill to be part of the Sterling household. Some would even go as low as to be a bottom-tier worker. "I think you're mistaken," Hayden said with a bitter chuckle. "This isn't a negotiation. I was merely informing you of my choice." The room rippled with disbelief as everyone went still at his words. However, their shock was quickly replaced by anger. He had not been negotiating with them, he said. Who gave him the nerve to talk down to them like this? Morgan was the only one who looked gleeful, and he was suddenly resolved to aggravate the situation. "Hayden, don't be angry. I know this is all my fault. I never should have called you out for peeping at Lily while she was showering or for stealing her bra. "Maybe I never should have been here in the first place. I'll leave now, before I make another mistake!" Morgan stood up and made to leave, but everyone at the table quickly rose to their feet in panic as if to stop him. "Morgan, you can't leave! What will I do if you leave? I've raised you for over a decade. You're like my flesh and blood, and you're my whole purpose for living! Don't go. I'm begging you!" Charlotte pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes. She threw her arms around Morgan, clutching him tightly for fear of losing him. Hayden couldn't help grimacing at the melodrama. He noted the family's reaction this time and sneered. It was funny how they were more afraid of losing their adopted son than their biological one. Lily snapped, her breath coming up short as her chest heaved and fell rapidly, "You've gone too far, Hayden! Are you a monster? Why would you do this to Morgan when he's done nothing wrong? "He might be adopted, but he's always been one of us. He's family, but your depraved behavior is pushing him away! I never pegged you to be so cruel!" She pointed at Hayden, gritting her teeth as she spewed the venomous words, not that it eased her anger. Julia was equally outraged as she stood up and snapped, "You've gone too far, indeed. How could you be so barbaric? Did you set him this whole thing so you could throw Morgan out of the house? "He's been nothing but nice to you, and this is how you treat him?" "See what you've done?" Francis barked, pacing around the dining room as if to walk off the rage building up in him. He finally stopped and pointed at Hayden, roaring, "You've turned this house upside down! It's because of you that we're all upset! You never thought about our well-being. "What do you take us for? Apologize to us right now! This is your last chance to explain yourself!" For a moment, only rage and disbelief filled the dining room. The air crackled with tension, and the room grew stifling. Hayden might look dispassionate on the outside, but bitterness and disappointment surged within him. Nothing had changed about the Sterling family who still loved Morgan as if he were their own. Hayden cast an icy and hateful look at Morgan. This was the man who had ruined his life. Morgan felt a chill run down his spine. He was not afraid of Hayden and briefly wondered if the latter was going to apologize to him. If that were the case, this incident would blow over. But Morgan couldn't stand the idea of it. He could not let things end with a simple apology from Hayden. Why should he have to give up his family and his share of the fortune? With a thud. Morgan fell to his knees and prostrated before Hayden. "This is all my fault! This has nothing to do with Hayden! "It's because I'm here that Hayden is so unhappy in this family. I'll leave and give him what he wants. I'll leave right now!" His sobs echoed through the silent dining room. When Morgan lifted his head, his eyes were rimmed with red, and tears clung to his lashes. He was whimpering and sobbing as he glanced around at the family, reluctant to part with them. He looked like he was about to make a huge sacrifice. When he rose to his feet, he turned to leave. At once, everyone burst into alarmed cries as they rushed over to stop Morgan. Some pulled him back while others cut off his way, terrified that he would leave. "You bastard! Don't just stand there! Get on your knees and apologize! Why should Morgan be punished for your wrongdoings?" Francis snarled, apoplectic.

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