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Luxury Life

Valentina was staring at the computer screen, not looking up. "I've been to similar hotels before." In the past, she only frequented seven-star hotels. This was indeed her first time at a quaint five-star hotel. Augus pursed his lips, quietly observing her without uttering a word. The girl in front of him was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, her posture languid. However, the subtle sharpness and aggressiveness in her eyes as she typed on the keyboard were too conspicuous. There was no computer at home. When did Valentina learn to use a laptop? In a moment of curiosity, Augus walked over to take a closer look. Upon seeing the computer screen filled with dense data and various commands that he couldn't understand, he froze again. "Val, is your computer infected with a virus?" How come these lines of code look like something that only a master hacker in a movie could produce? Valentina didn't answer, but her typing speed increased even faster. As an ace killer for the organization, many only knew her as Victoria. But quite a few knew that she held another identity. The world's number one hacker - S. Valentina completed the final line of code, watching as it was generated, creating the world's strongest firewall for her computer. She also implanted tracking codes in both the computer and her mobile phone. Augus, standing by her side, watched in amazement. Even a beginner could tell that Valentina was an expert in computers. But when did she learn all of this? He had no recollection whatsoever. Looking at the curious face of Augus, Valentina asked, "Want to learn?" Augus was taken aback for a second and then nodded enthusiastically. "Yes!" Every boy was intrigued and admires the mysterious identity of the hackers. Augus was no exception. “I'll teach you." Valentina said in an indifferent tone. Augus was overjoyed. "Really?" "Mhm." As their conversation ended, knocks could be heard on the door of the private room. The waiter entered to serve their food. A proper French meal requires the use of cutlery. Augus gazed at the cutlery in front of him, once again finding himself in a quandary. He didn't know the table manners of having such a meal. Valentina, noticing his plight, quickly said, "It's just a meal, nothing to be so particular about. Just make yourself comfortable." Augus, holding the fork, glanced at Valentina across from him who was cutting the goose liver. A whirl of mixed emotions welled up in his heart. The girl in front of him had a youthful face. She looked very much like the timid older sister from his memory. But at this moment, she behaved elegantly, and her moves were languid and noble. Even her plump body could not hide her dignified airs. Augus couldn't help doubting once more. Was she really his bungling sister from the past? After a restless meal, the server came in to settle the bill. "Miss, it's seventy-eight thousand dollars in total. How would you like to pay?" Upon hearing it, Augus was so startled he almost fell from his chair. Seventy-eight thousand dollars? For just a meal? God! Their family's annual income wasn't much more than this, right? He could accept that the clothes and shoes were a bit expensive. But they didn't eat much, and he only had a few sips of red wine. It actually added up to seventy-eight thousand dollars! Augus felt that his understanding of the world had been completely overhauled. The waiter patiently explained, "Sir, the foie gras, black truffle, and matsutake you've ordered were all air-shipped from France. Plus, this bottle of red wine is a '82 Lafite, which is the most expensive on the table." "How much does the wine cost?" "Forty-nine thousand eight hundred dollars." "..." Augus swallowed hard, lost for words. Valentina had poured him a glass of this red wine. He took a sip, but it was too bitter for him, so he put it aside and didn't drink it anymore. Knowing it was this expensive, he wouldn't have wasted it. This morning, Augus was shocked by Valentina again and again. So, the world of the wealthy was exactly this extravagant. On the taxi ride home, Augus was in a daze. Then, as if remembering something, he suddenly turned around and stared straight at Valentina, "What's up?" Valentina raised her eyebrows. Augus paused. "Nothing." He just suddenly remembered that there was still half a bottle of red wine left, and he had barely eaten the foie gras and caviar. He should have taken them home! Such a waste! "I just felt it was too wasteful." Augus ultimately couldn't help but express his true feelings. He had been accustomed to frugality since childhood. Suddenly spending money recklessly with Valentina, he really wasn't used to it. Valentina, who had always been accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle, couldn't understand Augus's feelings at the moment. But she respected Augus's thoughts. "It's okay. You'll get used to it gradually," she said lightly. Augus swallowed hard. What did she mean? Did she mean he had to keep experiencing these things in the future? The two of them returned home and it was already 2 pm in the afternoon. George was working at the factory. He had his lunch there and wouldn't come back home. Selena also had her meal at the company's cafeteria. Diana probably went out to play after eating, as there was no one at home. Valentina and Augus split up in the living room, each carrying their respective stuff, and returned to their rooms. Once the bedroom door was closed, Valentina immediately took out her phone and dialed a number. At the same time, a phone was ringing in the largest herbal medicine store in Biddeford. A medicine apprentice answered the phone and heard a clear voice. "I'm looking for Franklin, Franklin." The medicine apprentice didn't dare to delay and hurried to invite Franklin over from the tea house. When Franklin answered the phone and heard what the young girl on the phone wanted, he was slightly surprised, "Miss, who are you? Why are you so sure that I have what you want here?" "A friend introduced me," replied Valentina in a calm voice. "Who is your friend? What's his name?" Valentina replied blandly with a boss-like demeanor, "I'll transfer the deposit to your account, and I'll go get it in two weeks. As for the identity of my friend, I'll answer you depending on my mood at that time." Franklin, not angry but rather laughing, said, "Miss, you are pretty arrogant." Valentina couldn't be bothered to chat anymore and immediately hung up the phone. She then opened her computer and transferred 700 thousand to Franklin. Looking at the meager balance, Valentina's brows twitched slightly. She shut down her computer and flopped down onto her bed. She planned to take a short nap, but the moment she closed her eyes, she recalled her time in the underground laboratory on the Pacific Island. She was used and deceived by the Shadow and then captured for experiments. In the end, she fought back, beheaded the scientist conducting the experiments, and killed all of his underlings. Amid gunfire, bodies were torn apart and blood flowed everywhere... "Valentina! You damn fat cow! What are you doing in there? Open the door! Can you hear me?" Diana's shrill voice awakened Valentina. Valentina's eyes flew open, a shadow of grimness in their depths. They were bloodshot, making her look cold yet rebellious. Outside, Diana's voice continued to rant: "Open the door, you hear me, you fat pig! If you don't, mom will scold you to death!" Valentina squinted her eyes irritatedly, rolling off the bed. She flung the door open, her gaze cold and menacing. Caught off guard, Diana stumbled forward, nearly falling on her face. She barely managed to maintain her balance and cursed furiously, "You motherfu..." Before she could even finish her words, she met with Valentina's icy gaze. Diana was taken aback, a sudden shiver racing from her feet to her head, swiftly engulfing her entire being. She was stunned for a moment, then gritted her teeth, cursing Valentina bitterly in her heart. Valentina stared coldly at Diana, clenching her fists at her sides again and again. She was rather grumpy from just having woken up. Just then, she almost wanted to grab Diana's throat and snap it! Fortunately, she managed to restrain herself at the last second. Diana sneered at Valentina and shouted toward the door, "Mom, she opened the door!" At Diana's call, Selena immediately rushed over. Her sharp eyes trained on Valentina, and she immediately began to rebuke, "Jinx! Finally dared to open the door, huh?" Her gaze was full of venom as if she wouldn't mind ripping Valentina apart and devouring her alive. She held the new clothes and shoes that Valentina had bought for August with a firm grip, glaring angrily at Valentina. "I'm asking you! Where did you get the money for these clothes? I've worked hard to raise you not to let you engage in criminal activities, steal, and deceive!" Diana had told her that all these clothes and shoes added up to several tens of thousands of dollars. She was so scared at that time that she almost didn't catch her breath. Only under persistent interrogation did Augus reveal that Valentina had bought them for him. Where did this penniless girl get so much money? She must have stolen it! "You jinx, tell me! Where did you steal the money from? If you don't tell the truth, I'll beat you to death today!"

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