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A Familiar Flavor

Five Years Later Rose City International Airport… A young man in a black turtle neck sweater with a black overcoat and black sunglasses walked out of the VIP passage. He had handsome facial features. Many young girls in the airport couldn’t help but stop to look at him and wanted to approach him. However, the cold aura around his body was so strong, that they didn’t pluck the courage to come close to him. As the man walked, his assistant Henry Wilson, rushed forward to carry his suitcase and said, “Mr. Collins, the little master had not eaten for the day and locked himself in the room. He didn’t let anyone inside the room. Shall we head to the Mansion first?” The man stopped and looked coldly at his assistant as he said, “Why didn’t you tell earlier? What are you waiting for?” The coldness around the man’s body increased and Henry couldn’t help but feel chill around his body. Everyone in the Collins family knows how much Mr. Collins cares about the little master. He is the only person in front of whom Mr. Collins was always gentle and affectionate. Henry felt guilty in his heart and braced himself to say “Mr. Collins, you went to Italy for an important contract, so I didn’t want to disturb you. But I didn’t expect that little master will lock himself in the room and would not eat anything for the whole day…” Zayden took off his sunglasses and looked at his assistant coldly. His deep brown eyes were filled with coldness… Henry looked at his cold eyes and felt like his knees had gone soft. He could tell that Zayden was very angry… “Oh, my God! Is he going to fine me?” Thinking of this, Henry's body broke down in cold sweat… “Since when did I give you the right to take decisions for me?” Zayden looked at Henry and said coldly… “I am sorry, Mr. Collins… I know I was wrong!” Henry lowered his head and prepared himself for the worst… However, At this moment a pink ball rolled next to Zayden’s shoes. Zayden looked at the ball and frowned. He bend down and picked up the ball. “Sir, that’s my ball.” A little girl run over and said. Zayden looked at the girl in front of him. The little girl was around 4 to 5 years old. She has big beautiful round eyes. She was wearing a pink dress and holding a chocolate in her one hand. Even when Zayden squatted down, she had to look up at him. Zayden was astonished by her cuteness and looked at her blankly. As he looked at the little girl, there is a very familiar feeling in his heart. “How strange. It is the first time I met her, but why do I feel so familiar with her? Like I have some strong connection with her.” He thought in his heart. Eliana Brown tilted her little head and extended her hand toward Zayden and said, “Sir, this is my ball.” Zayden looked at the little girl in front of him gave her a ball and rubbed her little head as he said, “Don’t run around like this, it’s not safe.” Even if the security inside the airport was good enough, still it’s not good for a child to run around like this. However, Henry who was standing beside looked at the scene in front of him and his jaw almost dropped to the ground. Because he had never seen Mr. Collins talk to any other children so warmly except the little young master. Zayden himself don’t know what happened to him, but when he saw this little girl, he just want to talk to her, so he looked at the chocolate in her hand and asked, “Do you like this brand’s chocolate?” Eliana looked at him and blinked her eyes and asked, “Do you also like it?” “No, but my son’s like it.” As Zayden said, he took out the box of chocolate from his bag and gave it to her, “You can also take it one.” “Wow!” Eliana looked at the man and the chocolate box in his hand and her eyes lit up. But she thought of something and said, “Mommy said that you can’t take things from strangers.” However, she also didn’t want to give up on the chocolate box, so she thought for a while and put down her ball on the ground, stepped forward and hugged Zayden, and kiss him on his cheeks. “Now, you are not a stranger,” Eliana said and took the chocolate box from his hands, and smiled. Zayden was shocked by her series of actions for a while then, smiled. Zayden looked at his watch and said, “Little girl, I have to go now! Goodbye!” As he said, Zayden put back his sunglasses and left the airport. “Bye, bye.” Eliana also waved at him. “He is so handsome.” She thought in her heart. *** “Elly.” As Eliana was waving, a woman wearing blue jeans and a white top, walked over while holding her luggage. “Elly, didn’t I tell you not to run around… you don’t listen to me right?” As the woman spoke, she grab the ear of the little girl. “Mommy, Ouch, It hurts. Please stop it. I just went over to pick up my ball.” Eliana cried and said. The woman let her ear go and wanted to hold the little girl's hand when her eyes fell on the chocolate box and she asked, “Where did you get from?” Eliana looked at the box and smiled cutely, “That Uncle gave me.” “You took things from a stranger? Didn’t I tell you not to get anything from strangers?” Alice was angry that she wanted to pull her ears again. Alice took a deep breath and said, “For the next two weeks, you are not allowed to eat chocolate and watch your favorite program.” “Mommy…” “Add one day...” “It’s so long…” “Add two days...” Eliana shut her mouth quickly and followed behind her while pouting her pink lips. That day after she found out she still had another child, Alice didn’t think twice before she left the country and went abroad. She even breaks off all her relations with her family, afraid that a man would find her and take her child away. As she walked out of the airport, she felt that Rose City changes a lot… **** The next day… Alice woke up and made breakfast and lunch for Elaina and after taking care of everything for her daughter, she went straight to the Dream High Groups Hotels. She had an interview there. “Hey! Wait a minute!” Alice shouted as she saw the elevator door was about to close. As she was running, her all focus was on the elevator and she didn’t notice the ball which come her way suddenly… Because of this, Alice lost her balance and was about to fall flat on the ground, so, out of instinct she wanted to grab something to regain her balance. However, what came into her hand was a man’s tie. As she grabbed his tie, the man also lost his balance, and just like that both of them fell to the ground. "Ah... Sorry." because of the man, Alice didn’t get injured, because she fall on him. For a moment, Alice didn’t realize what was going on. After she calm down and saw that she was lying on top of the man. Her head was pressed against the man’s warm chest and she can hear his heartbeat. The scent around the man’s body… made her feel very familiar. “This scent smells very familiar. It’s like I have smelled it before.” She thought in her heart. Suddenly, she recalled the night at that hotel five years ago. Although she could not see that man’s face, she can feel the scent around his body. Alice couldn't remember where she had smelled this familiar scent before, and she tried to get closer to smell it again. But soon... “How long are you planning to lay on me?” a man’s voice fell on her ears.

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