Chapter 17
Congratulations Samah you played yourself.
* * * * *
"You look horrible" Martha said looking at me.
I couldn't blame her to notice.
She was right because the same nightmare appeared again this time knocking me down.
I found my self in the puddle of my own sweat and my pillow wet.
"You know what today is Saturday you are not suppose to work we are going to the beach" she said walking ahead of me in my room.
I actually needed a break.
"You will wear this and if you refuse I will make you wear it myself no complaining or I will stitch your mouth" she said getting another one piece then started stripping to wear it.
I guess there was no escape form this then.
Did I want to wear what she gave me.
Did I want to argue with her.
The woman was unbeatable.
I kept on what she called a swim suit which had a deep cut v-neck with the knee length high heels.
The outfit was too much to take in.
It was really dramatic.
The deep v-neck showed way more cleverage than needed to be shown with the heels added I was sure that I looked like a striper.
I loved it.

"My gosh you are lucky I am not lesbian or I would bang you right now on this spot and the body chain oh my gosh you need to dress like this more." Martha said appearing behind me in her own one piece of swimsuit then smacked my butt.
I gave her a look that said really as I rubbed the spot she hit.
"Now the best part comes!
We are going to drive to Etoile Bernard Hotel in one piece come on ari is waiting for us." She said walking ahead of me.
She looked even prettier in the swim suit she was wearing

I was shocked at how fast she could walk in those heels while I struggled to keep up with her speed.
When we arrived there I was amazed with the beauty of the hotel.
I clung my purse on my shoulder more as Martha talked to the receptionist that gave me some unreadable look but didn't utter a word.
"She is at the pool next to the beach we can grab a drink if you want this is the best French hotel so far" she said walking to the bar.
I didn't want to interrupt or say some unnecessary things so I just stood behind a few feet from the bar.
It was actually a good place to hold events and parties for those who actually had money for it but to me it was a look and pass situation.
"Hey she is over there talking to that guy let go" Martha said dragging me to the pool area.
"You guys made it" she said standing and pulling us in a hug.
"This is Gregorio my friend and Greg these are Martha and samah" she said gesturing us.
I gave him a smile.
"Hi" he said returning the smile.
He actually had a cute smile.
"Okay you guys can start drinking I am not in the mood for chlorine water today" Martha said leaning on her chair facing the sun with her shades.
His stares were starting to make me uncomfortable making me shift Everytime he looked at my chest.
"I'll go get another bottle of wine since this one is almost done" I said standing up atleast I could get a run from the creep who was sitting next to me.
When I arrived at the bar what I saw made my heart sink deeper than how it was.
Look who said that he would be busy.
Abelardo was sitting there with a glass which contained some whiskey probably and next to him was a girl who looked like she could jump on him if she was given an opportunity to.
She was practically sitting on his lap as she kept touching him everywhere and he made no attempt to stop her.
This time I didn't say too much I just let my actions speak louder.
I walked to him and smiled at the girl.
I made sure he didn't notice me approaching but he immediately turned his head when I spoke.
"Handsome man you got there" I said to the girl who answered me with a smirk.
I wanted to show him that the words he said yesterday didn't affect me anyhow.
I wanted to show him that beside the good girl side I also had a bad girl side impatiently waiting to be brought out.
He didn't say anything.
He just looked at me while the girl sitting next to him tried getting his attention like before.
"Hey a bottle of Chardonnay I heard you got the best wines." I said leaning a little too close to the bar tender who happened to do just what I wanted him to do.
Stare at my chest.
If Abelardo was going to be with her and probably sleep with her why couldn't I have my own fun the way I wanted it.
"I'll make sure to bring what you want miss and maybe we can set a late night my shift ends at ten" he said adding a wink.
I wanted to gag and laugh that would ruin plan.
"Sounds perfect to me which room number" I asked looking at the green eyes of the guy.
He had pretty eyes.
"That would be a secret between us miss now how about we meet here gain before I go" he asked again.
Couldn't he get a hint that this was for my own fun.
"Here is your order"he said sliding the bottle as I moved behind making sure he doesn't touch me anywhere but the tip of his finger touched the side of my breast.
I almost smashed the wine bottle on his head.
I picked my wine and stood up to leave.