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Chapter 6: Confronting Shadows

Mariana strode down the bustling sidewalk, the weight of her confrontation with George and Jennifer clinging to her. Her stomach growled, a reminder that she needed to fuel her stomach. A giant digital billboard flickered into view, its vibrant display advertising a plethora of job opportunities. One headline in particular caught her eye: "Aspiring Jewelry Designers Wanted! Unleash your creativity..." A pang of nostalgia tugged at her heart. College, with its late nights hunched over design benches, the smell of molten silver filling the air, the thrill of seeing a concept come to life in gleaming metal. For a fleeting moment, Mariana entertained the idea of responding, of diving back into that world of intricate details and sparkling gemstones. But the rumble in her stomach quickly dispelled the fantasy. "Food first," she muttered to herself, "Then maybe later, I can think about such opportunities." Stepping into a small, brightly lit shop filled with the tantalizing aroma of grilling meat, Mariana was greeted with a warm smile. "Mariana! Back so soon?" boomed the owner, a burly man with a handlebar moustache and a twinkle in his eye. "Hey, Miguel," Mariana replied wearily "Just need a little pick-me-up. The usual, please?" Miguel chuckled, "Grilled skewers coming right up! You look like you could use some good food and good company." Mariana settled onto a stool at the counter, the lively chatter of fellow customers washing over her. As she took a bite of the perfectly seasoned grilled meat, a comforting warmth spread through her. Sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows of Tiago's sleek office at his city’s residence. Tiago, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, leans back in his chair. Kyle, his assistant, stood before him, clutching a file. "The Alcantara acquisition report, sir," Kyle stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Everything seems to be in order for the finalization next week." Tiago grunted in approval "Place it on the table, Kyle." He glanced at his watch, a frown creasing his brow. "What time is the charity banquet this evening?" "Eight o'clock sharp, sir," Kyle replied promptly. Tiago nodded curtly. "See to the preparations then. Ensure everything runs smoothly." He dismissed Kyle with a wave of his hand. Alone in the office, Tiago reached for the file, his cool facade slipping slightly. He skimmed the document, his mind elsewhere. Folding his arms across his chest, he leaned back in his chair, a deep frown etching itself onto his face. An hour later, he buzzed Mary on the intercom. Within seconds, she appeared at the doorway, a questioning look in her kind eyes. "Where is Mariana, Mary?" Tiago inquired coolly. "Mrs. Alarc?o sir? She went out earlier, before you arrived at noon," Mary replied evenly. Tiago's frown deepened. "Out? Where could she possibly be?" his voice beaming with irritation. "She's still supposed to be on her honeymoon, isn't she?" Just as he was about to dismiss Mary, the office door swung open, revealing a figure that stood in stark contrast to Tiago's serious demeanour. Santi, Tiago's younger brother, sauntered in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, well, well," Santi drawled, a wide grin plastered across his face. "If it isn't the newly wedded Mr. Alarc?o! Heard all about the big ceremony in the countryside. So, who's the lucky lady? Finally found the angel who could tame the almighty, ice-cold Tiago?" Tiago's eyes narrowed. "Careful, Santi," he warned in a low voice, a dangerous edge creeping into his tone. "You wouldn't want to find yourself swimming with the fishes." Santi's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of genuine concern crossing his face. But as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, replaced by his usual light-heartedness. "Woah, woah, easy there, brother," Santi chuckled nervously. "Just having a little fun. Joke's on me, right? Didn't think you had it in you to crack a smile these days." Mary, who had excused herself from the office, heard a buzz on her phone. It was Mariana. "Mary, it's Mariana," she said, calmly. "Tiago asked about me? Tell him I'll be home in a moment. I'll handle things myself." Tiago glanced at his wristwatch, the sharp click momentarily silencing the banter between him and Santi. "Almost time for my quarterly meeting," he announced, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Catch you later." He strode out of the office, leaving Santi who followed almost immediately after him. Mariana finally returned shortly after dusk. Tiago, however, was nowhere to be found. Mary greeted her with a warm smile and a knowing look. "Mr. Alarc?o is at a meeting, Mariana," Mary explained as they began preparing dinner together. "He tends to work quite late." Mariana nodded, a sliver of unease settling in her stomach. This unusual schedule explained why she had barely seen Tiago since they got married. "Does he… does he always come home so late?" she inquired casually. Mary hesitated for a moment, then spoke cautiously. "Mr. Alarc?o keeps rather irregular hours, dear. Sometimes late nights, sometimes early mornings. It depends on his business dealings." Mariana pursed her lips, a wave of frustration washing over her. "Well, I won’t be waiting up for him then," she declared. "I'm exhausted after everything that happened today. I think I'll just turn in early." Mary's eyes softened with understanding. "Of course, dear," she soothed. "Get some well-deserved rest. Dinner can wait if you'd like." Mariana shook her head. "No, no. Let's just have a simple meal. I'm not that hungry anyway." The rest of the evening passed as they worked in the kitchen, the rhythmic clinking of cutlery and the gentle sizzle of food filling the air. Mariana made use of that opportunity to learn more about Mary, as they finished up and ate. Exhaustion finally claimed Mariana as she slipped beneath the cool sheets of the luxurious bed. A few hours into her sleep, a loud crash from the living room ripped her from her slumber. She bolted upright in bed, heart pounding in her chest. Through a sliver of open door, she could see Mary's concerned silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the living room lamp. A low, masculine groan confirmed her suspicion – Tiago had returned, and by the sound of it, not entirely sober. The acrid scent of alcohol hung heavy in the. She peeked through the doorway, irritation flickering across her face. There, sprawled awkwardly on the living room rug, was Tiago. An empty bottle of what looked like expensive whiskey lay discarded beside him. This wasn't unusual behaviour for Tiago, not entirely. He often worked late and returned with the faint scent of liquor clinging to him. But tonight, it was different. Tonight, he was utterly wasted. A frown creased her brow. Charity banquets weren't known for such excessive drinking. What could have possibly happened to turn him into this? "Mary," Mariana whispered, stepping out into the hallway where the housekeeper stood, concern etched on her face. "Please, go back to your room and get some rest. I'll handle this." Mary hesitated, her gaze flickering between Mariana and Tiago's unconscious form. "Are you sure? He looks…" "I'll be fine," Mariana reassured her, a steely glint in her eyes. With a sigh of resignation, Mary nodded and retreated down the hallway. Mariana knelt beside Tiago, wincing as she brushed a stray strand of hair off his forehead. Mustering all her strength, she managed to half-drag, half-carry him towards the bedroom. His normally rigid body hung limp in her arms, his perfectly tailored suit rumpled and stained. Reaching the bed, she collapsed him onto the cool sheets. Back in the kitchen, she grabbed a glass of water, the ice clinking reassuringly. A low groan escaped Tiago's lips, as she re-entered the room. "Mariana…" he mumbled, his voice thick with intoxication. She hurried to his side. "Here," she said, gently propping him up with pillows. "Drink some water." "Bath…" he slurred, his eyes fluttering open momentarily. Taking this as a request, she helped him peel off his damp dress shirt, the sudden contact with his bare chest sending a jolt through her. She quickly pushed the feeling down, focusing on the task at hand. Guiding him towards the bathroom, she steadied him with one hand while fumbling with the shower controls with the other. Just as she got the water to a warm temperature, Tiago surprised her. With a sudden burst of strength, he turned the knob, sending a spray of water cascading down on both of them. He let out a weak laugh, his hand reaching out to grab hers. "Come here…" he mumbled, his voice barely audible over the sound of the running shower. He pulled her closer, the warm water washing away the barriers between them. Drenched, she stared at him in shock “What is he doing?!” she thought to herself.

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