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Miss RevengeMiss Revenge
By: Webfic

Chapter 3

Two hours later, Christina wakes up in the hospital. She is found lying on a gurney with a sheet pulled over her, wearing a white hospital patient gown, and hooked up to the machine that measured a patient's heart rate when he was unable to do so. As she woke up, Christina saw that next to her was a doctor of perhaps the same age as her. "Hello Christina, I'm Dr. Reynolds, I'm glad you woke up, how are you feeling?" the man tells him. "What am I doing here?" Christina asks, confused. "You had an accident, you were run over, luckily, the man who ran over you was aware of what he did to you and had the courage to ask for an ambulance to bring you to the hospital, it was nothing serious, you will only feel small pains in your body that with a good rest in a couple of days they will be removed.." the doctor replies. "And my husband? he is here? " Christina asks. "No, we have not been able to contact your relatives because you did not bring identification, we learned that your name was Christina because of the necklace you were wearing around your neck that had a dige with your name on it," says the doctor. "Could you call my husband, please?" asks Christina insistently. "Do you know his cell phone number?" asks the doctor. She knew it, the truth was that at that moment, her head hurt too much, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember it. "Christina?" the doctor asked as he saw Christina fall silent. "I'm sorry, doctor, but I don't remember exactly what my husband's cell phone number is or that of a relative who can notify him that I am here, she finally answers," she finally says after that silence. "Okay, don't try too hard, better dedicate yourself to rest, I'll be back in half an hour to see how you continue, okay?" he says. "Yes, doctor" she replies. The doctor leaves Christina's room, and she stares at the ceiling, her look is sad, she is confused, and she wanted to continue crying, it seemed that she did not have enough of what she cried two hours before the accident . She wondered, what are they doing at her mother-in-law's house? Half an hour passed, the doctor did not enter her room, worse if a nurse entered with a tray of food in her hands. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Christina, I brought you food, it was the doctor's order, because when he saw her in the state she arrived, he thought that maybe she hadn't eaten anything, I hope you enjoy it, with your permission" says the nurse, putting the sheet on top of Christina's legs being careful not to let her fall to the ground. "Wait, could you lend me a cell phone to call my husband? I want to talk to him and find out why he hasn't come to see me" Samantha asks the nurse. The nurse stares at her and understands how she feels, because she has not been the only patient who has borrowed a cell phone to call her husband or a relative to come pick her up at the hospital because since her hospitalization, no one had gone. to see her "Of course, I'll bring it to you, at reception we have one that is the one that patients can use" the nurse tells her. Christina nods letting go of her nurse's arm so she can go get the cell phone, the nurse leaves her room, and returns minutes later with a cell phone that appeared to be somewhat old, but still worked for what she needed to do; call. "Here you go, I'll be back in a few minutes for him" the nurse says as she hands Christina the cell phone into her hands. "Thank you very much" Christina replies, grabbing her cell phone. The nurse nods and backs out of Christina's room to give her some privacy so she can talk to whoever needs it. Christina dialed her husband's number, she had not forgotten it, she knew it by heart without having to write it down, but she had lied to the doctor because she knew that things with her husband were not going too well, and that That man had not gone to see her at the doctor or realized that his wife had had an accident gave a lot to say. Her husband did not answer the call, the cell phone rang and rang, and nothing happened. She waited for a couple of minutes for the cell phone to ring again with her husband's number dialing to find out who she had called her, but no, it never happened. Christina felt a pang in her heart, a hollow in her stomach, and the need to unplug the machines attached to the veins in her wrists so she could run out of the hospital, this time trying to be careful not to have another one. accident like that Soon, the nurse entered the room, approached her stretcher, and Christina handed the cell phone into her hands. "Thank you, but my husband didn't answer me" Christina says, trying to hide the sadness she felt. "I understand, don't worry, you'll see that when I noticed your absence, he will come to look for you, for now, just enjoy your food and rest, the doctor will come to check you for a while longer" says the nurse after taking her cell phone and putting it in her pocket front of his uniform. "Thank you," Christina replies. The nurse leaves the room, being left alone again in a place that was not her house, she took the fork from her tray, and looked at her food; a beef steak with onions with mashed potatoes and a lemonade, plus a serving of strawberry jelly. Christina enjoyed her food as best she could, in the end, she felt hungry again because she remembered that all this happened from the moment her mother-in-law threw her plate of food on the ground and humiliated her. But then, when she least expected it, Christina suffered an attack of rage so uncontrollable that she herself believed that she was going crazy, and that if the doctor had not appeared at that moment to check her, surely, she would have ended up inside the four walls of a mental hospital room tied to a bed so no more harm could be done than she was doing to herself. "But what are you doing? are you OK?" the doctor asks when he sees the mess inside Christina's room. Christina just stared at him, staring without knowing what she could say about it because everything had been a mess. "Tell me Christina, are you okay?" the doctor asks again.

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