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Chapter 9

"That project is indeed good. But it is USELESS right now. If you think that you can solve the problem with that, then you are wrong, Miss Dale." A deafening silence echoed inside the office. Marie didn't expect Adira to oppose Isa's idea this much. And so, she was thinking of a way how to lighten up the mood. Yet before she could, Isa's voice returned in an unusually cold tone. "Can you tell me where it went wrong? ADIRA." Adira. Adira. Her own name rang inside Adira's ear. Instead of calling her in a more formal way, Isa dared to utter Adira's name as if they were close. But since Isa appears like an angel to everyone, while Adira is the wicked villain, no one notices that Isa just disrespected the most important guest in the orphanage. Nevertheless, this isn't the first time Adira has experienced such rude behavior. As a female CEO, she was downgraded by her competitors from other companies. Even so, she remained composed and undefeated, proving that gender doesn't hinder one's capabilities in terms of business and talents. One brow raised, Adira crossed her legs and put her hands on her lap. Then she began to explain. "Miss Marie said that the children's population in the orphanage is increasing from time to time. So, we need more manpower to look over those cute kids. Right?" "Yes, that's right," Isa responded, triumphantly raising her chin. "That is why I suggested finding more volunteers like me." Then she pointed to herself as an example. "Then, should I give the simplest solution to this problem?" adira offered, pointing herself as to imitate Isa. Adira looked at Marie and uttered, "I will give a huge sum of money to the orphanage. Please use that to find workers and pay them for looking over the kids." Eyes opening roundly, Marie asked, "You m-mean, you will pay for the workers who will take care of the children?" "Exactly," Adira answered. "But if you use the money to pay them," Isa opposed, "what about the emotions the kids need? If they only do it for money, they can't give the love that every child needs at this moment." Chadwick thinks Isa has a point. If they use the money to gather manpower, they can't be sure that those people will treat the kids alright. Nonetheless, Chadwick waited for his wife's answer. He is really curious about how Adira will defend this. 'What will you do, Adira?' Chadwick wondered while looking at his wife. "Miss Dale," Adira called Isa in a formal tone. "What Miss Marie wants right now is to solve the sudden increase of the population, not their emotions. Did anyone complain that the kids aren't receiving the proper love that they need?" No one answered. "None. Right?" Adira murmured. "B-But..." "In this world," Adira didn't give Isa a chance to refute and make herself more stupid. "Do you think it is that easy to find people who will volunteer with all their might, just like you? Miss Dale?" "..." "If only all the people have soft hearts like you, Isa, then your suggestion will be great. But that is not how reality works. Everyone has their own responsibilities. We live, eat and sleep, and... pay. People need money to support their own needs." "There are rich people who are willing to help," Isa defended. "Let's say there is," Adira accepted the idea. "But how long does their willingness to help last? It is not that they will volunteer for the rest of their lives, right?" Isa's mouth opened and then closed again. She really wanted to rebuke Adira's statement but couldn't seem to find the right words to say. Putting her finger on the table, Adira tapped her finger on the wooden table between them. Then she added, "We need fast action right now. If we follow your opinion, the population of kids will increase, and we won't find enough volunteers to offer service for free. So, did you get my point?" Isa bit her lower lip. She felt so humiliated by Adira! 'Or what if she's only doing this because I hugged her husband last night?' Isa guessed while looking at Chadwick's beautiful wife. "Miss Marie," Adira called. With a pale face, Marie panicked and stuttered, "Y-Yes?" "I will give you enough budget for you to hire people." "Thank y-you so much, Mrs. McElroy!" "And if ever you got people who only work for money and don't bother giving love to the children, I don't think we need to worry about that. After all, a kind-hearted lady like Miss Isa is here. I am sure Isa will manage to see and be certain that the employees will take care of the kids. Right, Chadwick?" "Huh?" Chadwick murmured. He was surprised that Adira suddenly asked him. Chadwick looked at Isa and saw her sour expression. He doesn't want to hurt Isa, but Chadwick will admit that Adira's solution is more realistic than Isa's. No doubt why Adira was given the title of the "Great leader" in her father's company. "I will go with my wife's suggestion," Chadwick said in a very low tone. "I will also give financial support so that we can start hiring people for the orphanage." Isa had her mouth wide open. She couldn't believe that Chadwick supported the woman who he only married for business purposes! She felt so betrayed by him! Secretly, Isa clenched her fists as she glared at the tears in her eyes; It was Adira. ---------------------------------------- "Mr. McElroy, can I ask about this?" Marie and Chadwick moved a bit farther to privately talk about the financial support that the couple would give as soon as possible. While they were conversing, Isa took the chance to approach Adira. "Adira!" Adira tilted her head to the woman who called her name with familiarity. Isa's eyes were sparkling while looking at her. The way she calls and looks at her, it is as if they have been friends for long years. Adira couldn't tell if Isa was just a friendly person or a thick-faced person. It's only been a few days since Isa dared hug her husband in front of her. If Isa can act freely like this in front of Adira, then she deserves some praise for being gullible. "Thank you so much for helping the orphanage. My heart was blessed by your kindness," said Isa to Adira. Adira's eyes narrowed at her for a moment. Isa is not the owner of the orphanage. So why is she thanking Adira as excessive as this, as if she owes her a lot? "Ahh, right, Adira. Chadwick told me that we almost share the same age." "Is that why you only called me by my name?" "Huh?" "You only call me Adira." "W-Well..." Isa scratched her nape as if apologetic. "Does calling you Adira offends you so much? If it is, then I apologize. Chadwick is a close friend of mine, so I feel comfortable with you. You are his wife, after all." A close friend who will visit their house and even hug her husband in front of her? Then she said she feels comfortable with Adira? For real? If she told this to the other wives out there, she could not get out with all of her hair intact on her scalp. Isa should be thankful that Adira does not have an interest in Isa's relationship with her husband. "Actually, I really wanted to get close to you," Isa said shyly. "If you aren't busy, is it okay to ask you to go out with me for a meal?" "..." Isa pouted her lips and added, "I already told this to Chadwick. I mean... my will to get close to you. But he doesn't share more details about you. So, can we eat together someday?" "Do you think Chadwick will allow it?" Adira responded at last. "Of course!" Isa said, gasping. "I will make it happen. Chadwick never says no to my request. Believe me." Whoever heard her, Isa looked more like she was Chadwick's wife than the real one. She kept on making Adira feel that even if she was his wife, Chadwick would still choose Isa's side. Adira isn't dumb to overlook the meaning behind Isa's words. Isa looks like a gentle ship, so everyone thinks she is an innocent angel who deserves love. 'But you are not an angel. You are eviler than me,' Adira said inside her head while gawking at the bitch. "Let's see about that," Adira answered. "Mrs. McElroy, can I have your moment?" Marie called Adira from afar. Adira turned her back on Isa and walked in her husband's direction. "Does it mean you are accepting my date proposal?" Isa asked for the last time. Adira stopped walking. She turned around and replied, "Maybe? It depends on whether we will see each other again." "Isn't it more appropriate to set an exact date?" Isa commented. Adira shrugged her shoulder. "I don't think so. There are days when you suddenly barge inside our house. Didn't you do it the other night? So, if you ever visit my husband again, who knows, I might change my mind and consider playing with you." She did not forget to wink at Isa before she walked away. "What the hell is that?" Isa murmured, biting her lip while glaring at Adira's back.

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