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*SIANNA'S POV* My wolf began prancing in my head as the Gamma stared at me intently. I felt like he was undressing me, so I moved uncomfortably to get around the counter. My nerves were spiraling and I thought to myself, just be calm. They will leave eventually. Ignore them and do your job, Sianna. The Gamma kept smirking at me and he came to the counter to make the order for himself and the other two. I smiled and refused to meet his eyes. He gave his order politely, "I'll have three breakfast sandwiches with an espresso, and two coffee. Make sure one of the coffee is black and the others with cream." "Would that be to go?" I asked as I punched up the cash register. I didn't have to look at his face to see his cool but flirting demeanor. His silence forced me to look at him and he licked his lips at me. "Ahem," I cleared my thoughts, hoping to dismiss his advances. The other two watched us in amusement. I was not going to entertain them. Why aren't they at the pack house running the pack? "Is that to go, Gamma Blayne?" "Nope, we are having it here." He smiled again. Fuck! Can't they just leave already? "I will wait at the table." I hurried to get Tara in the back so that she could help with the order. I was on nerves and afraid that I might make a mistake and cause them to make a scene. "Tara, the Alpha is here with the Beta and Gamma. I need help serving them." She bolted from her chair in the office and immediately went straight to greet the men, then came back to help me make the sandwiches. As the three most powerful men in the pack, if anything went wrong, it could be taken as a disrespect. Disrespect never went unpunished. They might not kill you, but they have their ways of making pain unbearable. Tara delivered the items to their table and she chatted with them a little before excusing herself. I could feel their eyes on me, always watching my steps, but I wiped counters and equipment in vain as they ate. They were talking about the top ten persons who were being considered to be added to the elite team. They mentioned Curtis' name a lot and it pleased me. I knew that he could do it! I tried to take surreptitious glances at their table but this time all three individuals were looking at me. Persistently, their eyes watched my every action. I turned my back to them and quickly went to the bathroom with notifying Tara that I was taking a leak. I stayed a good ten minutes, and by the time that I got back to the front they were gone. "Rogues were spotted at the border seeking refuge and they had to leave." Tara informed me. "They will let the pack know if these rogues are a threat, so stay alert, Sianna." I nodded as she stated again. "The Gamma commented that he hoped you liked the flowers before he left. He was hoping to ask you about them before leaving." Tara was getting to a point. "I thought they were from Curtis, weren't they?" How do I get out of this one? I needed a quick cover. "Curtis must have asked him to deliver them on his behalf. Even though it was a bit weird, huh?" "Maybe that means that Curtis made it into the elite warriors." She squealed excitedly. "Good for him and you too." Customers came in one after the other and I didn't get a break until my lunch time. When I checked my phone I saw that there was an unread message. I anxiously opened up the message from the unknown number. It wasn't familiar to the first unknown number as I had blocked that one already. -Message (him): You looked very beautiful today. I like that you curled your hair. It made you look cuter. I would like to take you on a date soon. Feel free to text me back at any one of my numbers. If you try to block me again, I will have my tech guy hack your phone and unblock me (smiley face emoji). -Me: When will you cut the crap? There will be no date at all. I will not take back my rejection. -Him: Why don't you co-operate? Or I could announce to the pack that you are my mate. How would your beloved boyfriend like that? Do you think that he would challenge me for you? I almost wanted to squash my phone with my wolf strength at the frustration that was pilling up now. I ran my finger through my hair trying to calm myself down. -Me: Do you think that using threats will make me want you? -Him: I am doing what is necessary to interact with my mate. You are important to me and I won't let you get away! The gifts and sending the flowers is only the beginning of what I will do to win your heart. You are mine, Sianna, but you are trying to keep me a secret. That won't work! -Me: Enough with the texting! I will let you know when I am free. I have exams coming up and I need to study. Go back to your rogue duties. -Him: You have three days to give me a date night time so that I can schedule it. -Me: Being overbearing doesn't work on me, Mister! -Him: Three days and that's final. I didn't respond back and he stopped texting. I was sulking and wondering how long I could possibly keep this thing a secret. Obviously, he wanted our bond to be known to others. I wasn't having it. I went back to work and was happy in the afternoon when the customer flow was low. It appeared that the rogues wanted refuge since my mate got the time to be texting me. There were laws in the werewolf kingdom for everyone. Rogues had to be offered the chance to join any pack of their choice by taking the blood drinking oath with the Alpha. This alleviated the chance of betrayal because Alphas had a special bond with their pack members. It was raining now and it meant that there wouldn't be any more customers, so Tara decided to send me home early to study. I called an Uber and got home in fifteen minutes. I texted Curtis to let him know I missed him direly. His only response was "ditto." I sent a text to Mom and Dad letting them know that I was home and would be making dinner this evening when another message came in. -Him: By the way, in case you have forgotten how the mate bond works, once you get intimate with anyone else, I would know. Because I would feel the pain. Consider this a warning with that boyfriend of yours. If you sleep with him, he's as good as dead! Take care my Firecat (heart emoji). "Ugh!!!" Damn this disgusting man! Who the hell did he think he was? My wolf was elated that our mate was giving us his attention, but I was not having it. No dick for me for three long horny months. No!!!! How do I explain this to Curtis? Sadly, I waited for the phone sex, which never came. And not even an excuse followed. Sigh. ^~^

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