"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down or I'll have you removed from the premises!" the guard warned, grunting with the effort of subduing him. "Like hell you will! That's my little girl's room!" Richard roared, pointing down the hallway. The reporter was relishing the chaos, continuing her breathless commentary. "Just another day of high emotions and family drama—" "That's enough!" The authoritative bark came from Henry Montgomery, who had emerged from the room looking furious. Even the unflappable reporter looked taken aback as the imposing man shouldered his way to the fore. "I demand you shut those cameras off and leave this hospital immediately!" Henry's face was thunderous. "My family has been through a horrific ordeal and we deserve privacy to deal with it!" The reporter opened her mouth to respond, but seemed to read the danger in Henry's expression and thought better of it. She mutely handed her microphone to her cameraman, who clicked off his equipment. "All o

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