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The words 'clean break' echoed in Mara's mind. How could he talk about ending their relationship so casually, as if it was a business deal gone sour? "A clean break?" Mara repeated, her voice hollow. "We're supposed to get married in two months, Andy. We have a life planned together. How is this a clean break?" Andy ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident on his face. "I know the timing is awful. But isn't it better to end it now than to go through with a wedding neither of us is ready for?" Mara felt as if she had been punched in the gut. "Speak for yourself," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I was ready. I wanted this. I wanted you." For a moment, something like regret flashed across Andy's face. But then his expression hardened again. "I think you should go, Mara. We both need time to process this." Mara stood there, stunned. Was he really throwing her out? After everything they'd been through, after catching him in bed with another woman, he was dismissing her like an unwanted guest? "Go?" Mara repeated, her voice rising. "You want me to just leave, just like that? After everything you've done?" Andy's face twisted with a mix of guilt and anger. "What do you want from me, Mara? I've told you the truth. It's over. There's nothing left to say." Mara felt a surge of anger, hot and fierce. "Nothing left to say? How about an apology? How about an explanation that doesn't make me sound like some clingy, demanding shrew?" "I'm sorry you're hurt," Andy said, his voice cold. "But I'm not going to apologize for how I feel. This isn't working, Mara. It hasn't been for a long time. You just refused to see it." Each word felt like a physical blow. Mara stumbled back, her hand finding the doorframe for support. "I refused to see it because I loved you," she said, her voice breaking. "Because I trusted you. How could you do this to me, Andy?" For a moment, Andy's hard expression faltered. "I never meant to hurt you, Mara. I just... I couldn't keep pretending anymore." Mara shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Pretending? Was any of it real, Andy? Did you ever really love me?" Andy's silence was answer enough. Mara felt something inside her shatter. "I think you should go now," Andy said softly, not meeting her eyes. Mara stood there for a moment longer, hoping against hope that Andy would take it all back, that he would tell her it was all a terrible mistake. But he remained silent, his eyes fixed on the floor. With a sob, Mara turned and fled the apartment. She ran down the stairs, burst out onto the sidewalk, and kept running until her lungs burned and her legs gave out. She found herself in a small park, collapsing onto a bench as the full weight of what had just happened crashed over her. Her entire world had just imploded, and she was left standing in the rubble, trying to make sense of it all. As the shock began to wear off, the pain set in. It was a physical ache, as if someone had reached into her chest and ripped out her heart. How could Andy do this to her? How could he betray her so completely? Through her tears, Mara realized she couldn't stay here, couldn't risk Andy finding her in this state. With shaking hands, she called for a ride-share, giving the driver the address of her own apartment – a place she hadn't stayed in months, having practically moved in with Andy. As she rode in silence, Mara's mind raced. How would she tell her family? Her friends? What about the wedding? All those plans, all those dreams, shattered in an instant. When she finally reached her apartment, Mara felt like a stranger in her own space. Everything reminded her of Andy – the photos on the walls, the little knick-knacks they'd bought together, even the throw pillows on the couch that he always complained were too fussy. In a daze, Mara made her way to the bedroom. She crawled into bed, still fully dressed, and pulled the covers over her head. As the first rays of dawn began to peek through the curtains, Mara finally allowed herself to break down completely, her body wracked with sobs as she mourned the future she had lost. Mara called in sick the next morning, unable to face anyone at the office after the confrontation with Andy. She spent the day in bed, the curtains drawn as tears streamed down her face. Every time she replayed the image of Andy with that other woman, a fresh wave of pain and humiliation washed over her. How could he do this to her? After everything they'd been through, all their plans and dreams for the future? Mara clutched Andy's ring, now a cruel reminder of his betrayal. She ripped it off and flung it across the room, watching it clatter to the floor. A knock at the door roused her from her anguish. She considered ignoring it, but the persistent rapping continued. "Mara? It's me, open up." Jenna's familiar voice filtered through the door. Reluctantly, Mara dragged herself out of bed and opened the door a crack. Jenna's face crumpled with concern as she took in Mara's disheveled appearance. "Oh honey..." She pulled Mara into a tight hug as the tears began flowing anew. "I'm so sorry." Once the worst of the sobs had subsided, Jenna guided Mara back to the bed, gently stroking her hair. "Tell me what happened," she urged. Haltingly, Mara recounted the previous night's events - the romantic evening, the devastating confrontation, and Andy's callous dismissal of their relationship. Jenna's eyes flashed with anger. "That bastard! How could he do this to you? After everything you've done for him?" Mara shook her head wearily. "I don't know. I thought we were happy. I thought he loved me." "Screw him," Jenna spat. "He doesn't deserve you. You're better off without that cheating snake." While Jenna's words were harsh, Mara found a strange comfort in her friend's righteous fury. At least someone was on her side. Over the next few days, Jenna became Mara's rock, checking in on her regularly and ensuring she ate something besides ice cream and wine. With Jenna's encouragement, Mara began the arduous process of disentangling her life from Andy's. The hardest part was returning to his apartment to collect the rest of her belongings. As they pulled up outside the familiar building, Mara's hands shook on the steering wheel. "You don't have to do this today," Jenna said gently. "We can come back another time." Mara shook her head, steeling herself. "No, I need to do this. I can't keep dragging it out." With Jenna by her side, she made her way up to Andy's apartment, her heart pounding in her chest. She half-expected to find him there, ready with another round of excuses and empty promises. But the apartment was eerily silent as she turned the key in the lock. They worked methodically, boxing up Mara's clothing, books, and personal items. With each sweater folded, each framed photo wrapped in bubble wrap, Mara felt a little piece of her heart breaking anew. As she packed up the last of her belongings, Mara heard the front door open. She froze, her blood turning to ice in her veins. "Mara?" Andy's voice rang out, laced with surprise. "What are you doing here?" She turned slowly, her gaze falling upon the tall, slender form of Andy's new lover. Sarah looked at her with a mixture of disdain and pity.

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