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I’m In Love With Your Mom

It was high noon when I got home. I didn’t have my key and had to ring the doorbell like a visitor. Carole opened the door. The housekeeper paused when she saw me. She looked like she wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn’t. She just fetched my slippers and gave me a meaningful look. Then she disappeared into the kitchen. Her ears were probably pressed against the other side of the door right now. Carole was older than my mother. For a crazy moment, I even suspected if she had a thing going on with Landon as well. After all, MILFs seemed to be his type, right? But then I stepped into the living room and understood what Carole’s look meant. Mom and Landon were sitting side by side on the sofa, their shoulders inches apart. They weren’t holding hands. Growing up, I had always been a good girl. I was an obedient daughter, then a dutiful wife. The number of times I stayed out all night in my twenty-five years of existence could be counted on the fingers of one hand. There was no curfew, but I seldom came home later than eleven pm. Then last night, I broke two of my lifelong rules at the same time. I spent the night outside. And I cheated. At the moment, I wasn’t sure which one was the more grievous sin. It was not like anyone cared, right? I didn’t want to see the faces of the two who, before six pm yesterday, were my favourite people in the world. I changed into the slippers and headed for the stairs. All I needed was a change of clothes. And my wallet and my phone. Then I’d be out of the house. I had work to do. Dad’s company wouldn’t run itself. And I had to stay away from these two. Landon blocked my way. ‘Amiyah, where have you been? Don’t you know Mom is worried about you?’ His tone was interrogative, accusatory. Not a tone he’d used on me before. Not a tone I cared for. As for the charge… I scoffed. I tilted my head, looking at the man I thought I loved. Maybe I still did. ‘It’s none of your business where I went. And don’t use the word “Mom” in front of me again. She’s not your mom.’ ‘Amiyah, about what happened yesterday, I can explain.’ His tone softened immediately, back to the one I was familiar with. His eyes were red. He probably stayed up all night. Waiting for me, or thinking up excuses? ‘Explain?’ I curled my lip. ‘What’s there to explain? Did you discover your illness had been magically cured? You couldn’t wait to test it out, so you climbed into bed with the first woman you saw, who just happened to be your mother-in-law?’ My voice was strident. I didn’t care if Carole heard me. Colour drained from Landon’s face. Too many emotions swirled around in his eyes. I couldn’t identify any of them. Maybe I never really knew the man as well as I thought I did. ‘Amiyah,’ Mom spoke. ‘It’s not Landon’s fault. If you want to blame someone, just blame me.’ She got up from the sofa and came up to me. Her eyes were red as well. Did the two of them hug each other and have a good cry after I left? Did they hold hands and tell each other that they should be brave and lay their cards on the table? ‘Mom.’ I tried but failed to hide the quiver in my voice. ‘I just have one question for you—what about Dad? He loved you so, so much. How can you do this to him? He’s been dead for less than a week. Are you that horny? I didn’t realise you were such a slut to—’ Sure, I said things no daughter should say to her mother. But I didn’t expect Mom would slap me. It was a vicious forehand, quite powerful. The diamond wedding ring on her left hand cut my cheek. Dad bought her that ring. My hand went to my face. It hurt more than the slaps I gave myself yesterday. It was the first time Mom ever slapped me. It landed on my face. And it broke my heart. ‘Amiyah, I’m your mother!’ Mom was shaking. Landon put an arm around her shoulder. ‘Anyone can call me names but not you! You’re my daughter. Talking to me that way’s going to send you straight to hell!’ ‘Then send me to hell. I don’t care.’ Tears streamed down my cheeks. I didn’t want to cry, but my eyes had their own ideas. I was shaking. But I didn’t have a Landon to throw a comforting arm around my shoulder. ‘Amiyah, come on.’ He tugged at my hand. ‘Don’t touch me!’ I shook off his hand, disgusted. Landon’s eyes came to rest on my clavicles. ‘What…what are those?’ He clamped both hands on my shoulders. ‘Amiyah, where the hell were you last night?’ ‘Where do you think?’ I stood straighter and let him have a good look. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the hickeys just above my chest. ‘I spent the night with a man. You can’t do it, so I went out and found someone who can.’ Then I thought about it and corrected myself. ‘I was wrong. You can do it. Just not with me.’ It was Landon’s turn to shake. Boy, everybody was just overwhelmed with emotions, huh? Forget about ‘Oedipus Rex.’ People should come to my house if they wanted to watch a real drama. His hands fell to his sides. Landon’s eyes were filled with pain, but he deserved it. ‘I’m sorry, Amiyah.’ He looked away. ‘I can’t lie to myself anymore. I can’t lie to you anymore.’ I crossed my arms, hiding my trembling hands. ‘I fell in love with Freya the moment I saw her. But she was married. The only way I could get close to her was through you. Amiyah, I’m really, really sorry.’

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