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Over the next few days, Nia found herself in a constant state of unease, her heart leaping into her throat every time she caught a glimpse of Leon. It seemed as though he was omnipresent, materializing in every corner of Colossius Tech's sprawling headquarters. On Monday morning, Nia was diligently mopping the sleek marble floors of the main lobby when the elevator doors chimed open. She glanced up, her grip tightening on the mop handle as Leon strode out, flanked by a group of impeccably dressed executives. Their polished shoes clicked against the freshly cleaned floor, leaving a trail of footprints in their wake. Nia ducked her head, hoping to blend into the background, but Leon's sharp eyes found her immediately. He paused mid-sentence, causing his entourage to stumble to a halt behind him. "Well, good morning, Sunshine," Leon called out, his voice carrying across the lobby. "Keeping our floors sparkling, I see." Nia felt her cheeks burn as she mumbled a response, acutely aware of the curious glances from the executives. She could practically hear the gears turning in their heads, wondering why the CEO was paying such close attention to a mere janitor. Leon's lips curved into a teasing smile. "You missed a spot," he said, pointing to a non-existent stain on the floor. Nia's embarrassment quickly turned to indignation. She knew the floor was immaculate—she'd been working on it for the past hour. But before she could formulate a response, Leon winked at her and continued on his way, leaving Nia flustered and fuming. The next day, Nia found herself in the large auditorium, dusting the rows of chairs before a company-wide meeting. She had planned to finish quickly and make herself scarce before the employees arrived, but she had underestimated the size of the room. As she was working on the last few rows, people began to file in. Nia kept her head down, focusing on her task, when suddenly the room fell silent. She looked up to see Leon taking the stage, his presence commanding attention. "Good afternoon, everyone," he began, his voice smooth and confident. "I hope you're all having a productive day. Before we dive into the quarterly reports, I'd like to take a moment to appreciate the often unsung heroes of our company—our maintenance staff." Nia froze, her duster suspended in mid-air. Leon's eyes scanned the room, landing on her with an intensity that made her breath catch. "Without their hard work, none of us would be able to do our jobs effectively. So, let's give a round of applause to our custodial team, especially our newest member who's been doing an exceptional job." The auditorium erupted in applause, and Nia felt dozens of eyes turn towards her. She wanted nothing more than to disappear into thin air. As the clapping died down, she hurriedly gathered her cleaning supplies and made a beeline for the exit, Leon's amused chuckle following her out the door. By Wednesday, Nia was on high alert, constantly looking over her shoulder. She had managed to avoid any more direct encounters with Leon, but her luck was about to run out. As she was restocking the coffee supplies in the break room, she heard familiar footsteps approaching. Nia quickly ducked behind the open cabinet door, praying Leon wouldn't notice her. "Hiding from me, Sunshine?" Leon's voice was tinged with amusement as he rounded the corner. Nia slowly closed the cabinet and turned to face him, her heart pounding. "No, sir. Just... restocking." Leon leaned against the counter, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You know, most people would be thrilled to have the CEO's attention. But you seem to be going out of your way to avoid me. Why is that?" Nia swallowed hard, her mind racing for an excuse. "I... I just don't want to be a bother, sir. You must be very busy." "Never too busy for a beautiful woman," Leon replied smoothly, reaching past her to grab a coffee mug. His arm brushed against hers, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. "How about you join me for a cup?" "I really should get back to work," Nia stammered, backing away. "Lots of... cleaning to do." Leon's smile widened. "Another time, then. I'll hold you to that, Sunshine." As Nia hurried out of the break room, she could feel Leon's eyes on her, making her skin tingle with a mixture of fear and something else she didn't want to name. The following day, Nia was emptying trash bins in one of the open office areas when she overheard a group of employees huddled around a desk, their voices low but excited. "Did you see how the CEO was looking at her in the meeting yesterday?" one woman whispered. "I know! And I heard he's always stopping to talk to her," another replied. "Do you think there's something going on between them?" "Come on, she's a janitor," a man scoffed. "He's probably just being nice." "Nice? Please. Have you seen the way he smiles at her? That's not just being nice," the first woman insisted. Nia's hands shook as she tied off the trash bag, trying to block out their words. She quickly moved to the next bin, but not before catching one last snippet of conversation. "Well, whatever it is, she'd better be careful. Getting involved with the boss never ends well, especially when there's such a big difference in their positions." Feeling sick to her stomach, Nia finished her rounds as quickly as possible and retreated to the janitor's closet. She found Old Man Barnaby there, organizing cleaning supplies. "You alright, kid?" he asked, noting her distressed expression. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Nia sank onto an overturned bucket, burying her face in her hands. "They're talking about me, Barnaby. The other employees. They think... they think there's something going on between me and Mr. Allistair." Barnaby's bushy eyebrows shot up. "And is there?" "No!" Nia exclaimed, horrified. "Of course not. But he keeps... noticing me. Talking to me. And now everyone's gossiping about it." The old janitor sat down beside her, his kind eyes filled with understanding. "People will always talk, Nia. It's human nature. But you can't let it get to you. You know the truth, and that's what matters." "But what if it affects my job? What if people start treating me differently?" Barnaby placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You just keep your head held high and do your job the best you can. That's all anyone can ask of you. And if anyone gives you trouble, you come straight to me, you hear?" Nia nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude for the old man's support. "Thanks, Barnaby. I don't know what I'd do without you." "Anytime, kid," he replied with a warm smile. "Now, how about we get back to work and show these gossips what real dedication looks like?" With renewed determination, Nia stood up and grabbed her cleaning cart. She wouldn't let the rumors get to her. She had a job to do, and she was going to do it well, no matter what anyone thought. The following afternoon, Nia was cleaning one of the executive offices on the top floor. She had purposely chosen a time when she knew most of the executives would be in meetings, hoping to avoid any awkward encounters. The room was spacious and elegantly furnished, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a breathtaking view of the city skyline. As Nia was carefully dusting a shelf full of awards and accolades, she heard the door open behind her. Her heart sank as she turned to see Leon standing in the doorway, looking surprised but pleased to find her there. "Well, well," he said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. "If it isn't my favorite Firecracker. I didn't expect to find you up here." Nia's grip tightened on the feather duster. "I'm just doing my job, Mr. Allistair. I can come back later if you need the office." Leon waved his hand dismissively. "Nonsense. Please, continue. I enjoy watching you work." The way he said it sent a shiver down Nia's spine. She turned back to the shelf, trying to ignore his presence, but she could feel his eyes on her, making her movements clumsy and self-conscious. "So, Firecracker," Leon said, settling into a plush leather chair. "Tell me about yourself. What's your story?" Nia kept her eyes fixed on the shelf. "There's not much to tell, sir. I'm just a janitor." "Come now," Leon pressed, his voice soft but insistent. "Everyone has a story. What brought you to Colossius Tech? It's not every day we hire someone with your... spark." Nia turned to face him, her heart racing. "I needed a job," she said simply. "Colossius Tech was hiring." Leon leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "And of all the jobs out there, you chose to be a janitor? Somehow, I have a hard time believing that's all there is to it." "What makes you say that?" Nia asked, her voice trembling slightly. "Just a hunch," Leon replied with a knowing smile. "You carry yourself differently than most of the cleaning staff. Your eyes... they hold secrets. Intelligence. I find it intriguing." Nia swallowed hard, feeling like a deer caught in headlights. "I'm... I'm just trying to make an honest living, Mr. Allistair. That's all." Leon stood up, closing the distance between them in a few long strides. Nia instinctively took a step back, her back pressing against the bookshelf. "And I admire that," Leon said, his voice low and intense. "But I can't shake the feeling that there's more to you than meets the eye, Firecracker. And I intend to find out what it is." Nia's breath caught in her throat as Leon leaned in, his face mere inches from hers. For a moment, she thought he might kiss her, and a part of her—a part she quickly tried to silence—wondered what it would feel like. But then Leon pulled back, a playful smirk on his lips. "Well, I should let you get back to work. Wouldn't want to keep you from your... duties." He turned and walked towards the door, pausing with his hand on the handle. "Oh, and Firecracker? I'm looking forward to our next encounter. I have a feeling it's going to be... illuminating." With that, he was gone, leaving Nia trembling and confused. She slumped against the bookshelf, her mind reeling. How much longer could she keep up this charade? And more importantly, what would happen when Leon finally remembered who she really was?

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