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Nia's determination to turn her life around fueled her as she dove into the job search process. She meticulously combed through classifieds, tailored her resume for each application, and prepared diligently for interviews. However, her optimism quickly faded as she faced rejection after rejection. One particularly disheartening interview was at a local marketing firm. Nia had dressed in her best clothes, a navy blue blazer and pencil skirt borrowed from Maria. She arrived early, her heart pounding with nervous excitement. The interview started promisingly, with the hiring manager, a middle-aged woman named Karen, seeming impressed by Nia's education and enthusiasm. "Your skills certainly align well with what we're looking for," Karen said, nodding approvingly. "Now, can you tell me about your work history?" Nia's stomach clenched. She took a deep breath and began to explain her situation, hoping for understanding. "I actually don't have much formal work experience. I... I recently completed a period of incarceration." Karen's demeanor changed instantly. Her smile vanished, replaced by a look of poorly concealed disgust. "I see," she said coldly. "I'm afraid we have a strict policy against hiring individuals with criminal records. I think we're done here." Nia tried to explain, to plead her case, but Karen had already stood up, effectively dismissing her. Nia left the office, tears stinging her eyes as she heard Karen's secretary canceling the rest of the day's interviews. Another interview, this time at a small tech startup, ended even more abruptly. The young CEO, Trevor, had been enthusiastic about Nia's coding skills, leaning forward eagerly as she discussed her projects. But when she disclosed her criminal record, his face fell. "Oh," Trevor said, his voice flat. "Yeah, that's not going to work for us. We deal with sensitive client data. Can't risk it. Sorry." He didn't even bother to shake her hand as she left. As the rejections piled up, Nia's hope dwindled. She began to wonder if she'd ever find a job, if she was doomed to be defined by her past forever. One interview, however, stood out not for its rejection, but for its chaotic and terrifying end. Nia had secured an interview at a prestigious law firm, hoping her legal knowledge might give her an edge. The interview with the senior partner, Mr. Jameson, had been going surprisingly well. He seemed impressed by her understanding of corporate law and was asking about her future career goals when a commotion erupted outside the office. Shouts and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air. Mr. Jameson opened the door, and thick black smoke billowed in. "Fire!" someone yelled from down the hall. Panic set in as Nia and Mr. Jameson realized they were trapped. The smoke was too thick in the hallway, and the windows didn't open. Nia's heart raced as she remembered the fire safety training from prison. "We need to stay low," she told Mr. Jameson, who nodded, wide-eyed with fear. They crawled towards the door, but the heat was intense. Nia could hear the crackle of flames getting closer. For a moment, she froze, paralyzed by terror. But then, a surge of determination washed over her. She hadn't survived prison just to die in a law office fire. "Follow me," she commanded Mr. Jameson. Ripping off her jacket, she soaked it in water from a nearby cooler and draped it over their heads. Then, summoning all her courage, she led them into the smoke-filled hallway. The heat was oppressive, and Nia could barely see. She kept one hand on the wall, guiding them towards where she remembered the stairwell to be. Every breath was a struggle, and she could hear Mr. Jameson coughing behind her. After what felt like an eternity, they reached the stairwell. Nia practically dragged Mr. Jameson down the stairs, both of them gasping for air. When they finally burst out of the building, they were met by firefighters and paramedics. As they were checked over for injuries, Mr. Jameson turned to Nia. "You saved my life," he said, his voice hoarse from the smoke. "I can't thank you enough." But the trauma of the experience overwhelmed any sense of heroism Nia might have felt. She left as soon as the paramedics cleared her, shaken to her core. The smell of smoke clung to her clothes and hair, a constant reminder of how close she'd come to death. She couldn't bring herself to follow up on the interview, the mere thought of returning to that building filling her with dread. Just when Nia was ready to give up, Maria burst into their shared apartment, her eyes shining with excitement. "Nia! I've got amazing news!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with enthusiasm. Nia looked up from the couch where she'd been listlessly scrolling through job listings. "What is it?" she asked, trying to muster some interest. Maria flopped down beside her, grinning. "I heard about this incredible opportunity at Colossius Tech. They're looking for a new addition to their elite sanitation engineering team!" Nia raised an eyebrow. "Sanitation engineering? You mean... a janitor?" "No, no, no," Maria said, waving her hands. "I mean, yes, technically. But this isn't just any janitorial position. This is at Colossius Tech! You'd be maintaining the very halls where the future is being invented!" Nia couldn't help but smile at Maria's enthusiasm. "I don't know, Maria. It's not exactly what I had in mind." "Just think about it," Maria continued, her voice taking on a dramatic tone. "You'd be the guardian of cleanliness in a fortress of innovation! The silent hero ensuring that the geniuses can work in a spotless environment. Plus, who knows what secrets you might overhear while polishing those high-tech floors?" Nia laughed despite herself. "You make it sound like I'd be a spy in a cleaning uniform." "Exactly!" Maria exclaimed. "The Janitor Who Knew Too Much. It could be your superhero origin story!" Nia shook her head, amused by her friend's wild imagination. "I appreciate the effort, Maria, but..." "But nothing," Maria interrupted, her tone growing serious. "Look, I know it's not your dream job. But it's a foot in the door at an amazing company. And right now, any door that's willing to open is worth walking through." Nia sighed, knowing Maria was right. "Okay," she said finally. "I'll apply." To Nia's surprise, the interview process at Colossius Tech was remarkably smooth. The HR representative, a kind-faced woman named Janet, seemed more interested in Nia's reliability and work ethic than her past. "We believe in second chances here at Colossius," Janet said warmly. "What matters to us is who you are now and your willingness to work hard." Nia felt a wave of relief wash over her. For the first time in weeks, she felt like she was being seen as a person, not just a criminal record. The final interview was with the head of facilities management, Mr. Carnegie. He was a no-nonsense type, but Nia appreciated his directness. "The work is hard, the hours can be long, and you'll be dealing with some big egos," he said bluntly. "But if you're willing to put in the effort, there's room for growth here. Are you up for it?" Nia met his gaze steadily. "Yes, sir. I'm ready to work hard and prove myself." Mr. Carnegie nodded, a hint of approval in his eyes. "Well then, Nia, welcome to Colossius Tech."

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