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Chapter 9 Repent for Sins

Now that I'd accepted the job, I didn't want to delay, especially since there was money to be made. My mind was still sharp aside from my physical weakness after the surgery. When I called Lyra Attewell, she was sobbing. "Summer, you finally reached out to me! I thought you'd abandoned me!" Lyra was an intern I'd hired last year. She'd gone on to become my assistant. She had an erratic personality, but she was trustworthy and devoted to her work. Most importantly, she had the patience for the solitude that designing often required. She was truly suited for the job. When I'd left the company, I'd arranged for someone to mentor her, but it seemed she hadn't been doing well. I cleared my throat and asked her to bring me the plans and designs for Lumenix Group's project. She hesitated. "Summer, aren't you off this project? If I ask for the files, I'm afraid they won't give them to me." "Just say Calvin requested it, and tell HR that I'll be working from home for the next few days. You'll be reassigned as my assistant." Since I was going back to work, I needed someone I could trust. I couldn't fight alone like before. Besides, I might have to work long-term if I wanted to keep earning money to survive. When Lyra arrived at the hospital, she was stunned. "Summer, you're… in the hospital? With a tumor?" I extended my hand and weakly gestured for her to give me the files. "Don't worry, the surgery was successful. I won't die just yet." It was only temporary, though. I knew I could easily relapse. All I could do now was live each day to the fullest and keep working hard to make money. Lyra handed me the files through tears along with a laptop. "I was worried you wouldn't have a laptop with you, so you can use mine. But how are you supposed to design like this? Mr. Pierce is too much!" The more she cried, the louder she got as she vented and complained. It turned out Calvin had neglected all his work to stay with Emily. They had gone diving and cruising. Emily had posted multiple photos on social media every day. "You're here in the hospital, and he still has the nerve to go on a vacation with his mistress? Men are all the same! Jerks!" I tapped her head with my pen. "Don't lump all men together. Calvin's the only one who's a jerk." Lyra sobbed through her tears, then went out to buy a basket of fruits and returned with a smile. When she looked at me, she hesitated as if she had something to say but couldn't bring herself to. "Lyra, you're peeling that apple to the core." Hearing my voice, she glanced down at the apple in her hand and sheepishly took a bite. "I'll peel another one for you in a bit. This one's just for practice." Then, she asked, "Summer, aren't you mad? Are you going to divorce Mr. Pierce?" I paused, my pen freezing midair. I didn't know how to answer her. Logically, I wanted a divorce. There was plenty of marital assets, but I didn't want much. I just wanted enough to cover my medical expenses. Emotionally, I didn't want to divorce him. Though Calvin treated me badly, I knew I still loved him deep down. He was the only man I'd loved; there had never been anyone else. But he didn't know that. There was no point in explaining, given my current condition. Even if I did, he wouldn't listen. I handed the amended files to Lyra and instructed her to make sure those parts of the design were redone. "Lumenix Group's project must have been flagged by the higher-ups, so we can't afford to be careless. I can't handle doing all the design work right now, so you'll have to take over a lot of it. "My office in the design department should still be vacant, so move in there. But don't tell anyone about my hospital stay." Lyra gripped the files tightly. "Not even Mr. Pierce? He must not know, right?" "He does. No need to bring it up." I closed the laptop expressionlessly. I'd told him I was in the hospital, but he probably didn't believe me. And I wasn't going to explain it any further. Lyra seemed reluctant to leave. She lingered in the ward for more than half an hour. When the nurse came to remind her that visiting hours were over, she finally left. Just as she reached the door, she turned back and handed me her phone. "Summer, I know you probably don't care, but Mr. Pierce has gone too far. All this money is part of your marital assets, so how could he buy Emily an apartment with it? That's at least two million dollars!" I glanced at the photo on her phone of Emily's latest social media post. It was indeed a cozy loft apartment that was completely furnished. It must've been purchased quite some time ago. The caption read, "Our warm little nest." I could see the side of Calvin's face in the corner of the photo. "Go back. Work is more important." I lay back in bed, feeling a familiar ache in my chest. Two million dollars. Calvin was so generous with Emily. Did he really love her? I suddenly thought of my mother. She had died in a rented apartment, and the memory saddened me. The once glamorous wife of a company's president had wasted away and become terrifyingly emaciated. She'd spent her last days in a tiny room with nothing but a bed. I knew she'd wanted to return to the villa one last time, but we'd had no money left. Back then, I'd begged Calvin and asked him to lend us money for the sake of our marriage, but what had he said? "You and your mother aren't worthy of my money. It's a miracle I let you two live. You should be repenting for your sins."

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