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Chapter 8

  Tracey's POV   "Seriously?" Jessica raised her eyebrows, gloating while walking into the lounge. " Both Mr. Fisher and I know who you are. Being the only daughter of a multi-billionaire, Miss Stewart must be kidding with us."   Jerry Fisher smirked and said, "I have to agree with Miss Waddingham. Your father's net worth was 4 billion before he passed away. Don't tell me that he hadn't left you with anything. You have to pay for this bottle of cognac, Miss Stewart."   Aren't these two complement each other? I thought to myself. They would certainly be the most repugnant couple in the world.   Noticing my awkward silence, Jessica placed a hand over her forehead and said, "If you go apologize to Mr. Fisher and please him, he might forget about this incident. After all, Mr. Fisher is a very generous man."   Lucas walked inside and saw the mess on the ground.   He remained silent.   Jerry Fisher was drunk. He didn't even seem to notice Lucas. He grabbed my arm and pulled me against him. Then, he pinched my chin and said, "Miss Waddingham is right again. I am generous, but you have to work very hard to get my generosity. And I'll make sure it's worthy."   I looked at Lucas, but it seemed that he didn't want to do anything to stop this nasty asshole from harassing me.   Seriously? Your ex-wife is on the verge of being fucked and you're standing there like a pole without doing anything?!   I felt vexed. So I pushed Jerry Fisher away, trying to get my purse before walking off.   Jessica immediately stepped forward and blocked my way.   She would let this perfect opportunity of humiliating me slip away.   She wanted to see me suffering.   And that was when she got carried away.   She looked smug -   "Miss Stewart, you can't just walk away like this. As far as I remember, you were married to Lucas for a really long time. Now you end up with nothing in your pocket? I believe that Lucas must have made you sign a pretty unfavorable prenup."   At that very moment, Jerry Fisher was petrified.   His pupils dilated and he immediately withdrew his hands as if he got burnt or something -   "What? What did you just say? Miss Stewart was married to... Mr. Plarre?!"   I didn't answer his question.   Instead, I clung to Lucas with my arms and said, "Mr. Plarre, Miss Waddingham is right. Looking back, I haven't got a dime out of our marriage. I spent the most precious three years of my life on you. The last thing you could do is to pay for this bottle of obnoxious cognac for me."   Jessica was shocked. She tried to push me away from Lucas, saying -   "Keep your paws off my man, you bitch!"   At that time, Lucas wrapped his arms around my waist and held me against his chest.   "I will pay for this bottle of cognac for my ex-wife," he said.   I grinned and peeked behind Lucas' arms.   I saw Jerry Fisher panicking and sweating like a schoolboy getting caught stealing candies -   "I'm utterly sorry, Mr. Plarre. It's all my fault. I was drunk and I shouldn't have said those things to your ex-wife. I..."   I chuckled silently and tilted my head toward Jessica.   She was literally choking on her own anger.   I looked up and saw Lucas staring down at me.   There was a mixture of passion, protection, and possession in his eyes.   "I will pay for everything," he whispered.   I instinctively blushed and immediately lowered my head.   I hated him for looking at me like that. I fell in love with him because of his eyes. I saw the most beautiful things in his eyes, ocean, sky, rainbow, and unicorn and that kind of shit. And falling in love with him was definitely the easiest thing that I had done on earth.   And when he looked at me with contemplation and his face got a bit serious, my heart flipped a beat. The adrenaline kicked in, and all of sudden, I became that 16-year-old schoolgirl who had fallen head over heels for him all over again.   As we were eye fucking with each other in front of everyone, Jessica suddenly approached us with two glasses of wine.   "What a lovely reunion!" She put one glass in my hand and raised the other. "Let's make a toast to the sweet and bitter past!"   "Here! Here!" Jerry Fisher passed a glass of wine to Lucas and raised a glass as well.   Lucas clinked his glass against mine.   "To our future," he murmured next to my ear.   I blushed again and Jessica stared at me with jealousy.   I took a sip of the wine with a smirk, and a voice appeared in my mind -   "Contract. You need to let Jerry sign that fucking contract."   So, I immediately took out the contract out of my purse.   "Mr. Fisher," I cleared my voice and said. "This is the contract for our future collaboration..."   "Put it on the table and I will sign it!" Jerry Fisher said without hesitation.   "Are you sure you don't want to take a look at it first? It's a lot of money..."   "I'm a very rich man, Miss Stewart. Money is the only thing that I've got, other than unwavering loyalty to my boss." He blurted and started signing the damn contract even before I put it on the table.   At that time, I felt a bit dizzy.   I guessed it was because of jet lag.   I hadn't slept for 40 hours.   Now with this fucking contract out of the way, I could finally go back and take some sleep.   I couldn't wait to cuddle Nathan.   "Now, it's all set," Jerry Fisher put the contract into my purse.   I took up my purse and walked out of the room without looking back.   I started feeling hot. I felt that my whole body was on fire. I couldn't afford to stay one more minute with my ex-husband, because I might rip off my clothes and jump at him in front of everyone.   He was right.   I was longing for his touch, his kiss, his...   I shook my head and tried to get these thoughts out of my head.   And that was the moment when I realized that I had lost control of my limbs.   A pair of hands held my arms before I dropped to the ground.   I looked up with hope to see my husband's handsome face.   But, no.   The man holding my arms from behind was short and sturdy with a bald head.   Fuck. Jerry Fisher?! This motherfucker has been following me?!   At almost the same time, Jessica's fucking face emerged in my mind.   She handed me that glass of wine and that was when I started feeling funny.   That bitch! She drugged me! And now Jerry Fisher is dragging me toward his car! Where is he going to take me?! What is he going to do?!   I wanted to shout for help, but when I opened my mouth, there was no sound coming out.   Then, the world went dark and I fell into oblivion.

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