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Chapter 6

  Tracey's POV   Jerry Fisher. This fucking name rings a bell, but I just can't remember who he is.   But when I walked into the VVIP lounge in the trendiest nightclub in town, I immediately recognized the bold, short, sturdy man sitting on the sofa, surrounded by two almost half-naked women.   Jerry Fisher was one of my craziest suitors before I got married to my husband. He was literally stalking me everywhere I went. It was kind of creepy.   No wonder his name sounded familiar.   "Tracey Stewart! Oh, mine! It's really you!" Jerry exclaimed while pushing away the two women. "When Jacob told me you were back, I couldn't believe it! I mean, look at you! Nine years have passed, but you haven't changed a bit! What have you been drinking? Fountain of youth?"   I was about to say something, but he turned to the two girls and continued, "You girls are too young to know anything about the magical Tracey Stewart. She was just like you two. Cheerleader, homecoming queen, social influencer. But one day, she just decided to throw it away and disappear. Rumor has it, that she got married so someone. Now, look at her! Single mom. No husband. Crawling back to me, begging for my investment. I just can't wait to see her kissing my ass to beg for money."   His hubris angered me. No one knew whom I married to, because Lucas wanted to keep it low profile.   I was about to walk off, but my uncle's ruthless face emerged in my brain.   I couldn't afford to walk away. This was literally the first job my uncle had assigned to me. I had to keep calm and let this mother fucker put his name on the contract.   But I was still pissed.   "Excuse me. I have to use the lavatory," I said.   I had to temporarily remove myself from this situation before I made Jerry's brain on the contract.   I stormed out of the room before tears fell down my cheek.   And it was at that time when I bumped into a man.   As I looked up, I was shocked.   "Lucas?! What are you doing there?!" I asked.   Lucas noticed the tear marks on my face and frowned.   "What happened? Are you crying?" He lowered his head and stared into my eyes.   He must be enjoying this. I thought to myself. Seeing me struggling in pain must be one of the most pleasant things for him.   So, I tried to push him away.   But he stood there like a fucking wall, still blocking my way.   I almost forgot how muscular and strong he was.   "Oh, for fuck's sake. Give me a break." I rolled my eyes. "Can't you just leave me alone?!"   A waiter was walking past by. I seized the opportunity to walk directly into the restroom.   The moment I shut the door closed behind me, I covered my face and started crying.   I was so stressed out.   I guess it's because of my father's sudden, mysterious death. Or, it's because I can't give my son Nathan a functional family. Or, it has something to do with me having to beg Jerry Fisher for money.   But whatever it is, it's definitely not because of my ex-husband Lucas Sucker Plarre.   At that moment, I heard Jessica's distant, high-pitched voice outside -   "Luke, what are you doing in front of the lavatory? Let's go and talk to Jerry Fisher already!"   Lucas didn't say anything.   Then, I heard the sound of steps and Jessica's voice, this time more subdued and closer -   "Luke, thank you so much for coming to me tonight. If it wasn't for your expertise and connection, I wouldn't be able to talk to someone like Jerry Fisher."   That bitch. She was so good at kissing men's asses that she would make a perfect match for Jerry Fisher.   "I have to make a call now. You go into the lounge and wait for me there. I'll be with you in a minute," Lucas said.   "But Luke..."   "Go. Right now." Lucas said in a pressing voice.   "OK... But don't keep me waiting. I really don't feel comfortable being alone with another man." Jessica's voice was so sweet and innocent. No man could resist that kind of voice, but it seemed to have zero effect on my ex-husband.   But, wait.   What's he doing outside the lavatory? What's on his mind? Is he waiting for me? Lingering outside to see me walking out with messy makeup? So he could laugh at me?!   I wouldn't give him that chance.   I leaned forward above the sink and washed the tears off my face.   Then, I took out my makeup kit from my purse and started applying lipstick and mascara.   "Tracey, you need to be strong. You need to stay the fucking calm." I talked to myself. "You will make your father proud."   As soon as I said the word "father", tears started emerging in my eyes.   Where is my father right now? I just don't believe that he's dead.   I took out my mobile and checked if Darren Swanson, the Private Investigator that I hired to look into my father's case, had called in.   But he hadn't.   Just at that time, the door was pushed open and Lucas Plarre walked in.   He looked like a mad beast and his eyes were locked on me.   "What the fuck are you doing? This is a female lavatory!" I objected.   "I own this nightclub, so I walk into any fucking room that I want," Lucas said while pushing me against the wall.   "Let go of me!" I tried to push him away.   But the harder I pushed, the closer he pressed himself against me.   "Are you enjoying this? Playing games with me?" He said in a low voice. "Does this turn you on?"   "You're fucking insane, you... pervert!" I was so desperate that I couldn't catch my breath.   "Miss Stewart. You were the one who seduced me six years ago and now you're calling me a pervert? Do I need to remind you of what happened that night?" Lucas used his leg to spread my legs open.   "Let go of me, Lucas, or I will call for help right now!"   "Yeah, go ahead and do it." Lucas looked intense and glided his hands down my thigh. "Let all the investors see what kind of slutty tricks that you're willing to play in order to get investment."   "You're so fucking shameless, Lucas Plarre. What do you want from me?!" I stared into his eyes and asked.   It had been a while since the last time I was handled by a man like this.   My body was spontaneously trembling and my face blushed.   "I'm not in the mood of talking shop with you, Miss Stewart," Lucas said with a cruel smirk. "I'm enjoying the beautiful view right here."   Then, he flipped me back and forced me to look into the mirror.   "Look at you." He whispered next to my ear. "How desperate you are! You enjoy being touched like this, don't you? You like it rough."   "I don't know what you're talking about!"   Lucas held me more tightly with his arms and asked, "Has anyone touched you like this in the past six years?"   "It's none of your fucking business! I've got a boyfriend and he'll fucking kill you if you don't let go of me right now!"   His face immediately darkened.   "What did you just say?!" He raised the volume of his voice. "You've got a boyfriend?!"

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