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Chapter 4

"Become my lackey." Perseus exhibited an authoritative and domineering air at that moment. He had murdered and saved countless lives over the past three months. By the time he elevated his healing and combat prowess to the advanced stage of the Ultimate Immortal Realm, his mentality had gone through a profound transformation. The moment Perseus found out about the tragedies that haunted the Caitfords, his heart became as cold as ice. He needed a loyal lackey who wasn't afraid to spill some blood to keep his family safe. Tom managed to fit all the criteria he had in mind. "Yes, sir." Tom took the initiative to get on his knees and thank Perseus for not killing him. Once Perseus left Firethrone Organization, he flagged down a cab and headed to Crowndel. Crowndel was a famous district known for housing the rich and the influential only. Rochelle happened to live there. However, no one opened the door for Perseus after he rang the doorbell. He waited there for almost half an hour before leaving. "Help! My grandpa collapsed! Is there anyone who can help me?" Upon reaching the river bay, Perseus heard someone calling for help from a distance. His instincts as a healer kicked in immediately, resulting in him bolting toward the source. It appeared that an elderly man had collapsed. "Please call the emergency hotline for me! I'll get the car!" The young woman who had called for help was grateful to Perseus for stepping in during her time of need. "We can't go to the hospital," Perseus declared right away after glancing at the old man. He crouched down immediately and took the old man's wrist with one hand while lifting his eyelids with the other. What he observed made him frown. "Why?" Nancy Jagger, the young woman, was perplexed. "Because he'll die in five minutes." "Are… Are you hoping for my grandpa to die? It's just a case of his high blood pressure acting up! Is it really that serious?" "Just stand there. Don't disturb me when I'm treating him." Perseus had no time to deal with Nancy's anger. He removed a silver ring from his finger before tugging at it forcefully. As a result, the ring became a nine-inch-long silver needle. The sight rendered Nancy speechless. The next thing she knew, Perseus jabbed the needle into the old man's heart. He must have inserted at least three inches worth of needle into the patient's chest. Nancy's heart went tense as well, as though she was the one getting stabbed in the heart instead. She couldn't help but wonder if Perseus really was a doctor. Once the needle was inserted, Perseus withdrew a dagger he'd always brought alongside him. Then, he sliced the old man's thumb open, allowing thick black blood to seep out of the wound swiftly. "Hey! What are you doing? Why are you hurting my grandpa? Stop it!" Nancy tried to stop Perseus the moment she noticed what he did. Her family's private doctor, as well as the experts and specialists in the hospital, never treated her grandfather like that before. Perseus must be attempting to kill her grandfather! He could be an evil goon hired by her grandfather's business rival! "You'd better stay put if you don't want your grandpa to die!" Perseus shoved Nancy away before shooting her a glare. He hated it whenever others disturbed him when he was treating someone. "You…" Nancy was pissed, to say the least. But when she saw Perseus' chilling glare, she fell silent immediately. After Perseus made cuts on all ten of the old man's fingers, he didn't stop there. Instead, he clutched the man's hands and began squeezing out the blood. The ground was soon stained with blood in just a few minutes' time. However, color was restored to the old man's face. Even his breathing became more even and regular. Nancy approached her grandfather cautiously. She was worried about his condition as he had yet to recover his consciousness despite looking a lot better. "How's my grand—" "Silence!" Perseus shot her another glare, causing her to pout angrily. Perseus remained crouched beside the old man, his movements deliberate as he gently twirled the needle between his fingers. At the same time, he pressed his ear to the old man's chest to listen to his heartbeat. Suddenly, Perseus shouted, "Rise!" as he withdrew the needle. That was when a miracle happened. The moment Perseus withdrew his needle, the old man's eyes flew open. "Ugh… My illness must have relapsed." He sounded tired and weak, yet he was able to properly enunciate each and every word. Perseus wasn't surprised by the patient's awakening at all. "Sir, you should cut down the cholesterol in your diet. If not, your arteries might actually burst one of these days." As he spoke, he wiped the silver needle before flicking it to revert it back into a ring. Then, he slipped it back onto his finger. Nancy was flabbergasted by what happened. "Young man, thank you for saving my life." Wyatt Jagger sat up slowly before studying Perseus for a few moments, a smile playing on his face the whole time. "May I know your name?" he asked. "I'm Perseus Caitford. It was nothing, really. There's no need for thanks. I have other matters to attend to, so I'll be taking my leave now." With that, Perseus strode away in long strides. He was in a hurry to settle the score with Rochelle, after all. Since he couldn't find her at her residence, he decided to check the hospital. "Perseus Caitford… Perseus, huh? What a wonderful name," Wyatt muttered under his breath as Nancy helped him up to his feet. "Nancy, I want to know everything there is to know about Perseus before dinner. I must repay him for saving my life." "Okay," Nancy responded after gathering her thoughts. "Let's go home." Both of them slowly walked back to one of the mansions on the outskirts of Crowndel. … Perseus finally was able to flag down a cab. He had just finished telling the driver to go to the hospital when he received a phone call from Lindsay. "Hi, Mom. What's the matter? You don't have to wait for me to go home for lunch." It was almost noon, so Perseus thought Lindsay wanted him home for lunch. However, Lindsay sounded very anxious. "Perseus, are you free right now? I'm about to deliver lunch to your father right now. If you're quite close to Vincent's kindergarten, then I need you to head over there right now. "Vincent got into a fight with another child just now. This incident seems pretty serious. His teacher wants the parents of both children to be there, but I can't go there right now." "He got into a fight?" Perseus frowned immediately. Wasn't it normal for kids to get into fights with each other in kindergarten? Why did the teacher insist on calling the parents? Still, Perseus remembered what Vincent's condition was like, so he agreed to drop by the kindergarten. "Don't worry, Mom. I'm actually not far from the kindergarten. I'll pop over right now. I'll call you back once I've dealt with the situation." Once Perseus ended the call, he told the driver to take him to Playtime Academy instead. At the moment, the atmosphere was extremely tense and noisy in the principal's office at Playtime Academy. "Where the hell is that gremlin's parents? Why aren't they here? How dare he fucking strike my son! That fucking bastard deserves to die!" Danim Rogers pointed at Vincent, who cowered in his homeroom teacher, Elena Menchez's arms. Poor Vincent was already sporting a bright red handprint on his cheek. He was so aggrieved that he kept sobbing quietly. "I didn't hit him! He tried to steal my toy, but when I didn't give it to him, he fell to the floor instead!" he shot back in an attempt to defend himself. He had never struck anyone before. "Oh?" Danim didn't expect to hear Vincent defend himself. "You really are a stubborn little gremlin! I'll fucking kill you, you know? "If my precious son takes your toy, you should be honored because he's giving you the time of his day! Ugh, you cocky little bastard!" "Mr. Rogers, please mind your manners!" Elena's expression was very stormy at the moment. She was the homeroom teacher, so she knew every child's personality well. Vincent had always been the nicest and the most caring child in the classroom. How could he possibly hit others? On the contrary, Danim's son was the one throwing tantrums and picking fights with other children on his first day of school just because he had a rich and powerful family. To make things worse, he even kissed other girls without their consent. He really was a terrible child! "Ms. Menchez, please get your facts straight! My son has a big bump growing out of his head right now! He's the injured one here!" Danim narrowed his eyes at Elena threateningly. "Precisely, Ms. Sanchez. Are you letting your bias cloud your judgment? We all know that Vincent is an ill-mannered child at first glance. What's the big deal about classmates playing with toys together? Does this give him the right to shove other children all he wants?" Even the principal, Liana Amberyn, sided with Danim because of how rich the latter was. That, and the fact that Danim was the head honcho of the gangsters in the area made him a fearsome man who was not to be provoked at all times. On the other hand, Vincent came from a regular family. That meant Liana could push him around all she wanted. "Ms. Amberyn, you…" Elena was furious, to say the least. How could a person as callous and morally bankrupt as Liana serve as an educator for young children? She was very disappointed in Liana. "That's enough. I want you to zip it. Hurry up and call them, will you? Tell that gremlin's parents to get here as soon as possible and pay the compensation! I won't drop this matter unless they cough up 20,000 dollars!" Liana was a smart woman who knew who to side with. Her actions stoked Danim's ego, who then pointed a finger at Vincent. "By the way, I want that gremlin expelled as well!" "Who the hell are you calling a gremlin?"

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