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Chapter 1

"You punk!" Thistle Isle was a quiet and peaceful place at night. The night breeze blew across the sea as soft waves lapped against the shore at a rhythmic pace. But the sounds of nature failed to drown out the groans and murmurs coming from two young adults under the dim light. "Hestia, stop messing around. Just lie down and stay put, alright? Let me massage you for a bit." Perseus Caitford shook his head, a bitter smile gracing his face. He looked at Hestia Townsend, who was lounging on a chaise lounge chair. His throat bobbed slightly as he secretly gulped. Hestia's long red dress made of light mesh was draped on her body. The dim light illuminated her silhouette and accentuated her tantalizing curves even more. Her head was slightly tilted at the moment. Undoubtedly, she was a gorgeous woman with beautiful eyes, a straight nose, and a pair of red full lips. Right now, she wore a resentful look. "You knew how strong you are, yet you didn't hold back when you were beating me up just now! Are you really that eager to get out of here and return to your girlfriend?" Hestia complained huffily. Perseus shuddered at the mention of his girlfriend. He stopped massaging Hestia at the same time. "It's been three years. It's time for me to go back." Perseus' eyes glinted. "I need to visit my parents, after all. I've never contacted them over the past three years." Three years ago, Perseus had graduated from Neptuna Medical School alongside his girlfriend, Rochelle Koch. They began their internship together at a hospital. One night, Perseus was on his way home when he stumbled across a pervert molesting Rochelle. Perseus, being hot-headed and brash at that age, instantly saw red. He proceeded to give a harsh beating to the pervert, causing the latter to be hospitalized. As for Perseus, he was sentenced to a five-year imprisonment because he had severely injured the pervert. He had spent his last three years serving his sentence in Thistle Isle Prison. The first day he was there, he ended up becoming a student to an overpowered master who trained him in both medical techniques and close combat. Then, he joined Eternos, an organization in the prison, and successfully became the new Prison King. Defeating Hestia was the only criterion needed for him to leave Thistle Isle Prison. So, Perseus beat her up to go home. "Yeah." Hestia nodded in response. The atmosphere soon became sullen. Hestia arched an eyebrow while asking, "By the way, punk, who's sexier? Me or your girlfriend?" "Seriously, Hestia?" A blush crept onto Perseus' cheeks at that moment. "Can you stop seducing me? I'm scared that Mr. Sanders might whoop my ass later." "Tch! As if you're really scared of him!" … Perseus walked out of Neptuna Airport with an old and battered duffel bag the next morning at 9:00 am sharp. He had dark skin and sported a buzz cut that made him look fierce and capable. An animated sparkle danced in his eyes the whole time. "Skyview Acres, please," he said after getting into a cab. Then, he began drinking in the changes which had taken place in Neptuna over the past three years while secretly lamenting about them. "I wonder if Mom and Dad are doing well these years. They must hate me, right?" he mumbled to himself. Three years ago, Perseus was the perfect son that every single parent wished their child could ever be. At the same time, he was the valedictorian who excelled in sports and had a heart of gold. All in all, he was his parents' pride and joy. But he got thrown into jail around the same time as well. Memories of the past fleeted across Perseus' mind like a cinematic reel. Soon, the cab slowed to a halt outside Skyview Acres. The sight of the old and rundown house caused his emotions to stir. Perseus had to take a moment to recompose himself before reaching out for the iron gate. To his surprise, the rusty gate swung open even though he had only touched it. Perseus walked into the small courtyard to see an elderly woman standing in a corner, her back terribly hunched. She had a head full of gray hair and a gaunt, tired face. One glance at her told Perseus that she was plagued by a plethora of illnesses. "Mom?" he called out tentatively. "P-Perseus?" Lindsay Hardy snapped up with a jolt. She turned around slowly to stare at Perseus in disbelief. "Perseus, my dear son… Is that really you?" she cried. "Mom!" Perseus rushed over to hug Lindsay, feeling pinpricks of pain attacking his heart. Lindsay was only 50 years old this year, yet she'd wilted so much that she looked like an 80-year-old. She could barely walk properly without stumbling over. Her back was so hunched that she might as well be carrying invisible weights at all times. "Mom, it's me… I'm here…" "I'm so glad that you've come back to us, Perseus…" Tears rolled down Lindsay's face as she cupped Perseus' cheeks to look at him. Then, she slapped him on the shoulder heavily, a glint finally appearing in her dull eyes. Once they entered the house, Lindsay poured Perseus a glass of water right away. "Perseus, isn't your sentence supposed to last for five years? Why did they release you this soon?" Lindsay recalled that the pervert refused to settle the case privately after the incident. That was why Perseus was sentenced to five years in prison. It had only been three years. How was he able to get out so soon? "Oh. I'm a medical student, you know. I helped a lot of inmates during my time there, and I maintained good conduct. That's why my sentence got reduced." Eternos was supposed to be a hidden organization, so Perseus came up with an excuse on the spot. He was more curious as to how his home became this rundown in just a few years. Skyview Acres might be located in a village tucked away on the outskirts of Neptuna, but the plot was actually the most valuable one in the old city district. The Caitfords had been practicing medicine for many generations. This was what allowed them to amass their wealth in the first place. So how did Skyview Acres become like this? "Mom, is Dad working at the clinic right now? Is he still coming home for lunch? Also, how are Ethan's and Olivia's careers? Vincent is most likely enrolled in a kindergarten by now, right? Did Roch treat you and Dad well over the past three years?" Perseus couldn't stop himself from pelting Lindsay with questions. Lindsay heaved a deep sigh, feeling fresh tears streaming down her cheeks once again, even though she had just stopped crying. "Ethan and Olivia are dead. They lost control of their car and ended up plunging into a river instead. Till now, we still haven't located their bodies. Your father—" At that moment, someone kicked open the gate and roared, "Egbert Caitford, get your ass out right now! I refuse to believe you're that much of a coward to hide in your house for the rest of your life!" His brows tangled into a deep frown, and Perseus moved to intercept the intruder. Egbert was his father. How could he let outsiders humiliate his father like that? "No!" Lindsay's expression changed drastically upon hearing the voice. She dragged Perseus hurriedly into a room while sounding alarmed. "H-Hurry up and hide under the bed! Don't come out unless I call for you, alright? They won't do anything to an old woman like me! Now, go!" The wooden door was busted down at that moment. Three shirtless hooligans came rushing into the house with cigarettes dangling from their mouths. "You wanna hide, eh? Let's see where you can hide this time! I saw you coming home with my own eyes! You really think you c—huh? Wait, you're not Egbert! You're… his son?" The blond leader, Kaz Curtmill, stared at Perseus in confusion. "That's right. I'm Egbert's son, Perseus." Perseus did his best to suppress rolling waves of rage. He glared at the trio who had just barged into his home. "Well, if we can't find the father, we'll make do with the son. Pay up!" Kaz extended his hand to Perseus. "Your dad owes my boss 200,000 dollars. He's dragged the payment for ten days now. Pay up, or else get the fuck out of this house!" "My father borrowed 200,000 dollars from him?" Perseus turned around to look at Lindsay in disbelief with a deep frown marring his face. "Mom, did Dad really borrow money from someone else? Business at the clinic should be pretty decent, right? Why the sudden need to borrow money?" he asked in confusion. "Oh… Vincent is sick, Perseus. He's been diagnosed with acute leukemia. Your father doesn't want to give up on him—he's Ethan and Olivia's only son, after all. That's why he borrowed 50,000 dollars from the gangsters…" Seeing as Lindsay couldn't hide the truth anymore, she could only come clean about the Caitfords' plight. "Hey, punk! Pay up! I don't have time to waste on you and your ramblings!" Kaz urged. "You're supposed to pay the money that you've borrowed from us! I hope you won't provoke me senselessly!" Perseus' heart broke when he found out about the truth. He tried to suppress the intense pain that his family's suffering had caused him. "We'll pay you back, but I need some time to get the money. I just got home and all—" "Fuck you! You and your dad spout the same bullshit! Can't you at least come up with a new excuse when you want to lie in my face? You're the same as your disabled father!" Kaz's temper flared immediately. He began to cuss Egbert out on the spot. "Disabled?" Perseus' body shook violently. For a moment, he almost lost his balance and fell. "What happened to my father?" "Two years ago, your father went to the bank in order to deposit the compensation we received from the insurance company after Ethan and Olivia's death. But he met a robber on his way there." Lindsay kept crying afterward. The tragedies that happened over the past three years kept tormenting her heart and soul. "The money represents Ethan and Olivia's sacrifice, which is why your father refused to give it up. The robber… he broke your father's leg and even stabbed him in the gut! If it weren't for the fact that he was sent to the hospital in time, he'd have—" "Shut the fuck up! Can you quit it with the nonsense?" Kaz was very impatient at that moment. "I have no time to listen to your sob stories! I want you to pay us back now! Otherwise, pack your bags and get the fuck out! This house is ours now!" "Fuck off!" Perseus felt as though someone was carving his heart out right now. He didn't expect to have his life turned upside down after three years of imprisonment. Why would he play nice with a bunch of hooligans who moonlighted as loan sharks? If it weren't for the fact that he was using all his might to hold his urges back right now, he'd have killed those hooligans on the spot. "What? You dare tell me to fuck off? I'll fucking kill you!" Having snapped out of his initial shock, Kaz balled up a fist and aimed a punch at Perseus' face. "Don't hit my son!" Lindsay was a protective mother. She didn't hesitate to throw herself in front of Perseus so that she could block the punch.
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