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"Mark!"  I cried out as I ran towards him. He was finally back from Germany, and I could not wait to get into his arms. He had told me not to receive him at the airport, but I could not help it. His blue eyes sparkled as he engulfed me in his muscular arms. At his 6" 1 he towered over my 5" 4 slim body.  "I missed you," I gushed as he kissed me on my cheeks. "Me too, so how was your trip?" I asked as he picked up his bag, and we made it out from the airport. "Boring, and hectic, I wish dad stopped sending me to these trips." He grumbled. Mark is the heir of one of the Biggest Architecture firms. Hence, he was groomed to inherit it by his Lord of something father. He comes from an old family of Barons. With his blue eyes, dark hair, and well-toned body, he is one of the most eligible bachelors of London. I have no idea why he fell for me. When I had asked him, he said he liked my gentleness and delicate features, which were quite ironic. I could rip him apart in minutes if I wanted to. Of course, he does not know that, and I have no plans of revealing it to him......not yet. "Did you drive?" He asked. I nodded mischievously. That is another of our private jokes. I am an extremely fast driver. Thanks to my wolf instincts, I am used to driving rash. I never make any mistakes, but it freaks out most of my human friends, including Mark. So, I am forced to drive slow just to keep them comfortable. "Don't worry, I won't kill you," I grinned at him. He shook his head and loaded his bag in the car boot. "So, what are you doing this Saturday?" He asked as he settled down on the passenger side. "Nothing as of now," I replied as we drove out of the driveway. "Cool! I am taking you somewhere." He spoke. "Where?" "It's a surprise," he gave me his boyish grin. I laughed along. On Saturday morning, as planned, Mark picked me up from my flat. It was a sunny day, one of the last ones before the advent of winters. We drove to this park, with no other person in sight. At that moment, it felt like we were the only people there. I could see crystal clear waters beyond the horizon. The trees swaying in the cool ocean breeze. Mark held my hand, and we turned towards the right, where we walked through an archway of roses.  Upon crossing the archway, I came upon the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. A white gazebo! It was surrounded by my favourite flowers. I smiled at it because this scene was so beautiful.  "What is all this Mark?" I asked. "Come on," he took my hand, and we walked inside the gazebo. "Do you like it?" He asked. "Who wouldn't, but why?" I asked puzzled. "Oh!! Look over there!!" He suddenly blurted out. I turned but did not see anything. "I don't see anything." "Then turn around, and you will see something shining." Confused, I turned back to Mark. He was now on one knee and holding the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen. I was shocked was an understatement. My wolf shook her head in disapproval. Mark was just a distraction and a bed warmer for her. She only wanted her mate. Ignoring my wolf, I covered my mouth in surprise. He took my shaking hand and looked deep into my hazel eyes that were filled with confusion rather than joyful tears.  "Alice, from the first moment I saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I thought to myself. I must get to know her more. I am so glad I did. You complete me in so many ways. You inspire me more than you ever know. I love you so much. I am incomplete without you. You are my queen. And so, here I am on one knee asking for my girl's hand in marriage. Honey, will you do me the honours and be my wife? Let me be your husband." "Damm!" I thought. I loved Mark, but there was so much to tell him. He had no idea who or what I am. "Mark.... I... this is so sudden..." I stammered, looking for the appropriate words.  His face fell and I could not continue. "You don't love me?" "I do... I love you Mark, but it is so much you don't know about me... I...." I was suddenly tongue-tied. "Don't you think we should wait for some more time?" I was panicking now. "I want you just the way you are, Alice, we can spend our whole life getting to know each other." Mark stood up and the way he looked at me, I felt my heart-melting. He looked miserable. His words touched my heart in more ways than one. I was not looking for a mate anyway, and Mark was simply perfect. "Yes, I will marry you, Mark," I said. Mark smiled with joy. He slipped the sparkling ring onto my finger. He then cupped my face and kissed me so passionately that I forgot my worries at that moment. I wrapped my arms around his masculine body. He pulled me down on the blanket, where we made out underneath the gazebo for a long time. ******* "You got engaged!!!!" Emma shouted loud enough to force me to mute the laptop. "Does he know what you are?" She asked. "I was about to tell him but...." I bit my lips nervously; I was so screwed. "Alice, you know there is a wolf or someone out there who is your mate." "There she goes again," I thought. "Emma, I am 24 years old. If I had a mate, I would have found him by now. I love Mark. He is the kind of person I want to be with. I prefer not to be forced into loving someone just because fate decided it. Besides, I hate those possessive Alphas. I don't think I can live like that!" "I was not forced into loving Bobby, I do love him with all my heart," Emma grumbled. "I am sure you do. I am not talking about you, Emma. I know what I want. I think I will be happy with Mark." I said stubbornly. "What if you come across your mate?" Emma was still persistent. "Then I will reject him." "It's not that simple, Alice, your wolf will force you to accept him. And the sex...well, you have no idea what sex with your mate feels like. "She grinned. I smirked," how do you know? You have only slept with Bobby since you turned 18."  I was not too experienced myself, apart from Mark I had just 1 boyfriend in high school. I found he was cheating on me, just the next day after we did it for the first time. He would never cheat on anyone again. I made sure of that. Being a werewolf has its perks. "I know how mate bond works, you don't." Emma snapped back at me. I rolled my eyes," fine, you win, but can we end this conversation now?" I knew better than arguing with a mated wolf. They were fanatically protective of their mates. I prayed that I never find my mate.

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