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Chapter 9

I wanted to visit my parents today because I missed and it was also means to get out of the house. I dressed in a bored outfit, wearing a black denim jumpsuit, which had a small bow by the side, then I applied my moisturizer to my face, mascara to make my green eyes pop, and clear lip gloss. I tied my hair into a ponytail and matched it all up with my black flats and I was out of my room along with my purse, heading downstairs for breakfast. " Good morning, Carolyn." I said to Carolyn when I saw her preparing breakfast " Good morning dear," she replied, turning towards my direction, gracing me with a smile. "I'm almost done with breakfast." " Do you need any help?. I can help take it to the dining room," I offered. " Sure thing, dear. thank you," she said with a grateful smile. " No, problem," I replied, carrying the food prepared to the dining room. Egg muffins with sausage and cheese make up today's breakfast, and they both look and taste amazing. I cast a quick peek at Alexander, who was eating his breakfast next to me and grinned when I saw some bread crumbs on his cheek. He smiles at me when I use a napkin to clean it off, muttering a 'thank you' which I responded with a 'You're welcome'. Giovanni, meanwhile, had still not yet arrived. Making me wonder were he was since we essentially woke up together, The memory of what had transpired earlier clouds my mind and how wonderful his hands had felt against my flesh. I was lost in my thought that I didn't realize when he walked in. He takes a seat beside Alexander and began eating his food. He then turns to my direction, giving a second glance at my appearance. "Why are you all dressed up?. I wasn't aware you were going out" he asked, raising his eyes brown and as he tilted his head in confusion. " And I wasn't aware that I needed your permission." I stated in a sassy manner. " You know you don't need my permission, you aren't locked up here." " I well aware of that." I rolled my eyes. " It's not like you could keep me here even if you wanted to." " I won't be so sure on that." He smirks slyly." I will have you know that I am quite persuasive." I coughed, almost choking on a bacon when I realised what he meant. He passed a glass of water to me which I took with a glare on my face, taking a gulp. ." Where exactly did you say you where going ? " He asked suspiciously. " I don't recalling telling you, not that its any secret but I want to visit my parents. I really miss them. " He didn't say anything for a while, Justin gazing at me. "I understand, Alfred will take you there when you're ready to go." Alfred is one of Giovanni's bodyguards and drivers. I'm not really a fan of bodyguards, but I was grateful that Giovanni assigned him to me since I don't know how to drive yet. We continued our breakfast in silence, and I couldn't help but stare at him. Wait, why can't I stop? Why can't I stop staring at him? Maybe it's the fact that you find him handsome and that you are attracted to him. I thought to myself. " Let go," Alex says, as Giovanni puts his coffee he was holding back down on the table. Alexander gets up from his chirping and slings his backpack across his shoulder. " Bye Roy," he beams at me, and I hug him. "Bye, Alexander," I say with a friendly smile. " If you need anything, don't hesitate to call." Giovanni said, with sincerity sipping from his words. " I won't," I guaranteed, waving them goodbye as the car drove off. I had nothing to do at home, so I toured my neighbourhood to get familiar with the place. I saw a small bakery called Heaven, excited to know what they make I entered the bakery. I was greeted with the sweet aroma of cake and baked bread filling my senses, It was slightly sweet scent that somehow smelt warm, like I was inhaling a blanket of cupcakes on a cold winter day. There were only a few people sitting at the table, eating cake and sipping their drinks. I walked to the counter and met a guy with chestnut brown hair and blue eyes. He looks cute, but I couldn't help comparing him to Giovanni. I definitely did not know where that came from. " I would like a vanilla creamy cheesecake and a glass of ice tea." I said, placing my orders. " Take a seat, and I'll be right there with your order". He grins and I nod, moving away from the counter to a seat by the window, taking out my phone as I go through it. It wasn't up to a minute before he walked over to the table with my order. "Here is your order, beautiful." He said, smiling warmly at me. "Thank you....." " I'm Andrew." " Royalty but I prefer being called Roy." " It's nice to meet you." " Same here." I replied, taking a taste of the cake, and I was amazed. "This is good, like really good," I complimented. " Thank you, you're always welcome to come here." He states before returning to the counter to receive orders from other customers, leaving me alone to enjoy the delicious taste of the cake. When I was done eating, I walked over to pay but instead Andrew shakes his head, refusing to take money . " This is on the house, since you are a new face," I wasn't sure I was comfortable leaving without paying even though he said it was okay so i tried convincing him otherwise but he was stubborn to the core. Instead I opted to thanking him and we said our goodbyes as I walked out, calling Alfred to come pick me up. It wasn't even a minute before I saw Alfred driving towards my direction in a Lamborghini. " Good day, ma'am," Alfred said as he came out of the car to open the door for me. " Good day, Alfred. Just call me Royalty or Roy instead. " I didn't feel comfortable with him calling me ma'am since he was way older than me. "I will." he said with a smile, "where to Roy?" " My parents' house" It's been a long time since I saw them, and I miss them. I know the company is doing well now because Giovanni told me so. An hour later, we were driving through the gate of the house I grew up in. I had always asked my parents why they spent so much building such a big house, but as usual, my dad had to live up to his status. I knocked on the door and one of the house keepers opened, telling me my dad was at his office and my mum was at the library. She always did that when she wanted to while away time. I walked upstairs towards my dad's office and knocked softly until he gave me instructions to come inside. I was welcomed with the view of my brother and dad having a discussion about the company. Immediately they saw me, their faces broke into a wide grin and before I could think twice, I ran towards my dad's side, giving him a hug with tears rolling down my face. I then turned to my brother to give him a bone crushing hug , making him place a kiss at the top of my head. I have really missed them a lot. " How are you doing, sweetheart?" my dad asked while I settled down in one of the office chairs. " I have been great. What about you, mum, and Richard?" I asked with a small laugh. " We have been good, dear, but I miss seeing you around here." My dad said My brother said with a teasing tone, "Yeah Roy, we all missed your drama, your pranks, and your childishness." " I'm not childish," I scoff in disbelief. " Yes you are," Richard answered back, talking in a baby voice. " Please! you're one to talk ant- man" I said with a smirk on my face. My dad, at this point, was having a full-blown laugh at our bicker, and my brother's face was a shade of red at the nick name. " I can't believe you're still calling me that, drama queen" he chuckled at the nickname. I stick my tongue out to him in a childish manner, we stated making silly faces at each other. I have really missed this. " I have missed you so much, Roy," my dad said, " the house is kind of quiet without you around." "Of course," I replied with a playful sass, and we all burst out laughing. My brother was about to say something when the sound of the door opening interrupted us. " Do you need me to prepare lunch for you?" my mum entered, not looking up. She was staring at her phone. "The only thing the two of you do all day is work and work and work, like I don't..." She falters after finally raising her head to look in my direction in shock. And they call me the dramatic one. I stood up to walk towards her, pulling her into a hug. " Oh my gosh, Roy," she squealed excitedly. With the way she was acting, one would think we hadn't seen each other in years instead of in a few weeks. "Mum, you are always so energetic," I said playfully. " Why didn't you tell me you were coming? We have a lot of catching up to do." How is married life? I hope he is treating you well. Did anything exciting happen? "she asked in one breath. I blushed a little at her last question, as she wiggled her eyes in a suggestive manner". " Take it easy, mum," my brother said, making him and dad laugh softly. " Come on mum, one question at a time," I scolded, amusement sipping from my voice, making her pout in response, " and to answer your questions, everything is fine." "Something exciting happened, but not in the way you were thinking," I told her. " Well, tell me all about it when we prepare lunch. Let's leave these boring men," she said, throwing my dad and brother a stink eye, dragging me out of the door as my brother and dad laughed at my mum's behaviour. We made lunch together. My mom and I filled each other up on things we had missed, and I asked her why they didn't tell me about Alexander, which she explained, saying it wasn't her secret to tell and that Giovanni wanted to be the one to tell me, which I completely understand. After lunch, I spent a little bit of time with my family before returning back to Giovanni's place. I couldn't call it home yet as it was still foreign to me.  

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