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Chapter 7

It was silence on the trip from the hotel to his place. I continue to stare out the window, trying to take in the vista of New York City on this beautiful, sunny day. Giovanni breaks the silence near the halfway point of the trip by saying, "You'll meet my son later." I look his way as a result of that. "He had intended to go to the wedding but was prevented from doing so by a school trip." He claims I grimaced. Son? That surprises me. I was unaware that Giovanni had one. From what Vicki told me about Giovanni, I recall that neither she nor my parents or his mother mentioned having a son. That is very unusual to me. " I requested that your parents and my mother not tell you." He added, as if he knew what was going through my head, "I wanted to be one to tell you." Why didn't they inform me about something this crucial? Instead, I started by asking, "Is he back now?" Giovanni nods. " Yes, and he is extremely pleased to meet you". Due to the fact that I will be residing with them, I made the decision to delve far deeper. "What's his name?" I enquired "Alexander." I smiled. Alexander It's a beautiful name." Alexander, it's a lovely name." I've always felt a strong bond with kids. I volunteer at the orphanage my parents support because of this. Giovanni didn't appear to be someone who gets anxious easily, so I was surprised to see how tense he appeared when I turned to look at him. " I'm hoping you'll treat him well. " Even the way he stated it completely doesn't seem like him, and it demonstrates how devoted he is to his son. Since we've started talking about families, I made the audacious decision to approach Alexander's mother. " How about his mother? " " She is not present. Sh...e" he stammers. " She suffered an accident while carrying Alex, and she hasn't been feeling well ever since." My chest sags. The boy's lack of a mother must have saddened him. I considered asking him more, but I refrained when I saw his countenance suddenly turn icy. I had wondered what might have triggered the unexpected mood shift. Alexander's mother must have been a touchy subject. We travelled further until we arrived at his house, which was really a mansion. The view was breath-taking. I couldn't stop gazing at the castle-like estate as we pulled up to the house and entered the foyer. Contrary to my assumptions, his home is lovely and doesn't have a sterile, lifeless vibe. I got out of the car after the driver opened the door. I'm compelled to reside here, whether I like it or not. As Giovanni stepped closer to the door and opened his arms a young child ran toward him and when Giovanni catches him, he lifts him up and the child gives him a tight hug and the former began spinning him while they both laugh aloud. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Because I could never have imagine seeing Giovanni Reeves laughing with a young child who appears to be Giovanni Reeves' entire universe. And anyone who saw this could testify to it. As soon as Giovanni sees the boy, his icy demeanour and cutthroat disposition abruptly change. I rub my eyes checking to see if I was seeing clearly. Giovanni put the boy down, who I believe to be Alexander and watched as the later turns to face me. I give him a close inspection of the boy. He appears to be between six and seven years old based on what I can make out. His emerald eyes and black hair went perfectly together. He had the cutest smile ever when he grinned at me, in my opinion. It appears that the family has an excellent gene. Alexander approaches me and hands me a piece of paper with the words "welcome home" written on it. I don't recall moving my lips, but they naturally curled into a smile. I turned my attention from the to the boy who appears to be ecstatic and is beaming broadly. " Welcome to our house" Alexander says, His gracious welcome makes my heart feel like it will burst. "Thank you, Alex," I give him a kiss on the cheek causing him to flush, giving me a huge smile in return. " Did you write all of this yourself?." He nods "I love it," I genuinely say and hug him as his tiny hands wraps around my waist. I pulled away and tousled his hair and he grins as I did so. After the warm welcome, we all proceeded to walk into the house and I was left stunned. The view from the living room was lovely. Floor to ceiling windows were present. The fireplace and the wall both convey grandeur. Despite being pricey, it did exudes warmth. "Your house is lovely." I compliment. " All praise is due to my mother." Giovanni said in response. Alexander suddenly showed up by his side. I smiled at him before returning my gaze to his father. "I think I'm going to take a rest for a while." I was in dying need of a long bath, one to ease my tense muscles. I looked back at Alexander and smiled again "Then maybe the little man here can show me around the house later." " Wow, really? Alexander asked with an exciting gilt. I nod as I catch Giovanni grinning, his eyes shifting from me to Alexander. He shifted his gaze away from me when he caught my eyes, clearing his throat "Well then, let me take you to your room," He says and I complied, giving Alex one last smile before leaving. Giovanni showed me to a large room with a magnificent vista of the garden but the more I looked round the room the more it appeared be muscular and more of Giovanni's taste. "hmm, Excuse me," I said as we walked further into the room. my eyes widened when I saw my beauty essentials already placed on the desk. " Why are my things here.?" I asked Incredulously. Giovanni turned to look at me with a sly smirk on his face. He tilt his head as his smirk stretched. " What...." I could see the amusement in his face and could tell he takes pleasure in seeing me become irritable. " Yesterday was an exception, "I see no reason why we shouldn't share a room since we are husband and wife." " Well bravo to you, you know how to crack a joke. I don't see us that way and I don't plan on staying in the same room as you" . What on earth made him think that I would be sharing a room with him? " I'll have my belongings put into the guest room" " There is no way that we are going to use a separate room" he scoffed. " You are after all my wife." This is absurd! I understand that we are married, but did he overlook the fact that this union was forced upon us?. With the way he acted in the wedding, I thought he didn't wanted to this marriage . Like I said before 'What a complete joke'. I snort, " Husband and wife, that's hilarious. We don't even know each other. Based on the impression I received the day before, I believed you opposed this union." " I didn't mean to send any bad vibes; all I wanted was for you to be at ease. observing how you were, I didn't want to add to how upset you were yesterday." he remarked. " Oh.. please!, I'm sure you acting all tall, dark, and handsome. Sending out laser gaze and being intimidating was so helpful. "My voice was dripping with sarcasm. " That you think I'm attractive is quite flattering." He grinned with amusement. " Is that all you got?" I responded, surprised. "Your words, not mine," he shrugs. " It's not my fault that you think I'm handsome." He teased and I wanted so badly to scream at him, but instead I stood there dumbfounded, without uttering a word. " How tall, gorgeous, deadly, and dangerously attractive must I be to get you on my bed?." My cheeks flushes as a result of his mischievous torment., "In your dreams" I hiss before leaving his room.

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