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Chapter 2

It was already time for dinner with my parent, all i could think about was what my mother had to say. I was a nervous wreck as I pulled up to my parents' home, which was more like a mansion. My folks were not the type to schedule an unexpected supper unless it was a serious matter. I rang the bell and anxiously waited for the front door to open. "Hey Roy, it's been a while," Eleanor, our family maid and nanny, said as she opened the door. "Hi Nan, it's good to see you," I said before walking in to see everyone sitting at the table, which also included my older brother, whom I love to death. I had a sickly feeling that something was up as they were staring at me. After greetings and pleasantries, we started dinner, talking about everything we had missed so far, from random stuff to cracking jokes and laughing amongst each other. "So honey, your mum and I have something to tell you," my dad said, clearing his throat. " What... Is it about your health?" I asked why the anxiety eats me up. " of course not sweetie, your dad is perfectly fine." My mother exclaimed, her lips stretched wide in an excited grin. I turned to look at my brother, who avoided my eyes and kept staring above my head. My mum squealed, "Sweetie, you're getting married!" I couldn't hear anything else while I tried to comprehend what I had just heard. Did she just say I'm getting harried or was it parried, I could have sworn it sounded just like married. I looked up to see the three of them staring at me I laughed so hard to the point of tears. I mean, I always knew my mum was a prankster and I was her favourite victim. That's what I loved more about her, and I must say this tops it all. "Seriously, mum, wow," I wiped my eyes, "nice one, you almost got me there for a second," I smiled. "It's not a joke, sweetie. You are getting married." I looked at three of them, confused. My head started to buzz. I tried to make a connection between the words coming out of her mouth and what they meant. " You're joking right." When I spoke again, the smile was wiped off my face. I noticed the look on their faces. I couldn't help but wonder. It made no sense. Me? Getting married? To whom? Why? I just recently turned 21 and just graduated from college. I'm too young to get married. "Honey, it's an arranged marriage," my father finally spoke, looking at me with a pained expression. "Why?" I managed to whisper it out, not trusting my voice. "The company isn't doing well and is close to bankruptcy. This was the only way," he said. "So you're selling me off." I cried out. I couldn't control the tears that fell from my eyes. I turned to my mom, who was close to tears, then to my brother, who couldn't even look me in the eyes. " No, sweetie, never. If we had any other choice, we would never have thought of this, "my mom spoke out softly as she cried. I stood up slowly, staring down at them, hurt and disappointed." "You want to marry me off to a stranger?" "No honey, we would never do that." My dad said, and he and the rest of my family stood. " You might not remember because you were little, but you have met before when you were eight. His father was a good friend of mine till he passed away. " " I couldn't give a damn if he was the son of a good friend of yours, you can't just marry me off to a complete stranger just because you feel I should know him." " Honey, you need to calm down and hear us out." My mom tried to reason but I wasn't having it, this was my life they were talking about. My life. " If you were in my situation would you be calm." I questioned . " Why do I need to be the one to get married, why can't it be Richard. I have a lot I want to do with my life and you can't just put this on me, asking me to bear the responsibility of the company." " Believe me Roy, we wish there was another way but we have no other choice." Richard said, earning a scoff from me. " Easier said than done, You aren't the one being arranged to get married to a complete stranger." " Honey, please calm down." My mom said again, tears pooling down her eyes. "Who is he?, who is this so called husband of mine" "Giovanni Reeves," my dad replied. Giovanni Reeves, I thought to myself. His name sounded so familiar, but I couldn't picture a face or anything else. " i have no idea who this Giovanni Reeves is and it clear that I'm not given a choice here. I'm tired and I just want to rest, "I said , not giving them a chance go reply before making my way up the stair towards the direction of my room. I pushed the door open, slamming it close, reflecting my feelings. I couldn't care if I was being unreasonable, I was allowed to feel this way. They can't just dictate my life, rubbing me of the chance to fall in love and marry the man of my dreams. ☆☆☆☆ A loud groan left my lips when the sun rays hit my face, i tried digging my head into the pillow to escape the sun since i was too lazy to turn to the other side. Today was the day I was finally going to meet my so-called soon-to-be husband and family. It's been a week since I found out I was getting married. After days of giving my family the silence treatment and accepting the fact that there was nothing i could but go with it because I know how important this is to my family. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock on the door before it was pulled slightly open with Richard sticking his head in. "Hey Buttercup, wake up." My brother sat beside me, shaking me awake. "No, i want to sleep some more.," I whined, covering myself with a pillow and grumbling again. "Breakfast is almost ready, and I want to talk to you." I got up to sit up straight, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Then, letting out a lazy yawn, I turned to look at my brother. I could see he was stressed out by this situation. " I know this is wrong and I wish there was another way." He sighed before he continued talking. " You aren't alone. I just want you to know that I will always be there for you every step of the way". " I know, you have always been my hero and nothing will change that". I hugged him tightly. "If it's too difficult for you, please let me know. " "I will. Thanks big bro." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He stood up. "Now go shower, you stink". "Hey..."I whined, which was received with laughter as he closed the door. I stood up, walking past the mirror. My hair was a mess. I looked like I got hit by a train. I walked into the bathroom for a quick shower. I tied my hair into a messy bun as it took me ages to dry it up. I wore a pair of black jeans with my white tank top and Snickers, not bothering to do any makeup. I walked downstairs only to be welcomed with an amazing aroma; it smelled heavenly. Ahh... my love for food. "Good morning." I kissed my mum on the cheek, then my dad. I stared at the food on the table; toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, and don't forget coffee. "Mhm," I hummed, my mouth watering, eager to stuff myself with food. "What time are we going to the Reeves?" I asked my mum while eating. "Around 6, sweetie, and swallow before you talk," she scolded. "Yes ma", I saluted , making my brother and dad laugh and shake their heads. "Mum, you are aware of Roy's personality. Using food, you could essentially kidnap her "Richard added. We began making faces at each other while our parents giggled as I poked my tongue out at him and he did the same.  

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