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By: Webfic

Chapter 2

You might be wondering about the torture room. A few years back, when Lance became the alpha, he created this room because of issues like this. If a rogue was caught and thrown into the dungeon for questioning but refuses to talk or pass any information, he would be transferred to the torture. Believe it, no one would dream of going there, all sought unimaginable things happen there. Even his pack members are not left out, anyone caught trying to betray the pack or going against any of the pack rules would be taken to the torture room, and such people never live to tell the story. On getting to the room the rogue was kept, the guards bowed their heads, showing respect to the alpha and his beta. The torture room was very dark but immediately after the alpha came in, the lights were turned on revealing a man placed on a metal table bound in silver chains, the clothes he wore were soaked in his blood. His face was swollen due to the excessive beating he received, two of his fingers chopped off and from the look on his face, you could tell he has been through something much worse than hell. The alpha moved slowly to where the man lay, his eyes glowing bright red to show his wolf was also present. "Speak up". He said, his voice calm but also cold. The man raised his head a bit, struggling to get a good look at the "cold alpha" he'd always heard about. But getting a good look at him was proving to be difficult, since one part of his eyes had been badly injured by these ruthless werewolf guards. He could feel the strong aura radiating from the alpha, and he couldn't help but feel terrified. He guessed that the alpha would never spear him no matter what. Not only that, but he tried so hard to resist, but just like a spell was being cast on him, he found himself talking, not knowing whether it was from fear or something else. "Please alpha, I beg you, spear me. I was ordered to get some information about your pack". He cried out in a terrified voice. "What information?". "Some information on the routine of the pack, everything the pack does, and, something about your schedule". "Keep talking". "An attack is being launched against your pack, I have no idea when as I wasn't provided many details about that, but it's going to be in due time. The leader, he is coming, and he wants to kill you at any cost". He replied, feeling even more terrified than before because the look on the alpha's face told him that he's been angered. "Who is the leader?". The man was busy contemplating if he should reveal this part of the information when he heard low growls coming from the alpha. "You've been dealt worse, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to experience what I would do to you myself". He said, having an evil smirk on his face, and the man immediately revealed who the leader was. "He's the alpha of the shadow moon pack". Hearing this, Lance's face immediately held an expression of shock, pain, and anger, but he was quick to hide it. It wasn't just him, his beta also couldn't believe his ears and the shock he felt. He looked at the alpha, noticing that his face was back to being cold, and also noticed the look of bitterness his face held. "I'm sure you know that you made a terrible decision when you decided to come into my territory". "And didn't you think of the consequences if you were to be caught or wait, you didn't think you would be caught, did you?". He laughed. The man knew too well what was about to happen, and he tried struggling to break free, but with each move, he made the pain he felt increased due to the silver chain binding him. "Please alpha, I'm deeply sorry, please spare me". He pleaded in a terrified voice, hot tears streamed down his cheeks. "Hmm, well, it's too late to beg". He said. He brought out his claws and immediately ripped the man's heart out of his chest. Blood spluttered, staining his black tee-shirt as well as his face. He then let out a satisfied growl. "Clean up this mess". He said to the guards who could only nod their heads in fear as they knew how their alpha could be when angry. Lancelot left the room. His beta wasted no time in going after him. But the look on his face states that he was in some deep thought. "Why after all these years". He said in a low voice, but his beta heard it clearly, and he let out a sigh before hurrying to catch up with Lancelot. ***** Emily sat in the living room watching a show on TV when she heard someone knocking. "Who could that be?". She thought, as they hardly have visitors, the knock came again, and she stood up to answer it. She opened the door but couldn't find anyone there. She let out a hiss in annoyance, thinking it was probably someone playing a prank on her. She was about to shut the door when someone jumped out and shouted. "Boom!!". "Oh my God". She yelped, feeling scared, but was surprised to see Gwen all dressed up and smiling brightly. "Gwen?". Emily said, having a surprised expression. "What are you doing here?, why are you here?, did something happen?, oh no, don't tell me your mother threw you out, what did you even do this time?". She threw all the questions at once, not even stopping to let her answer. "Jeez, Emmy, let me in first, before you murder me with your questions". Gwen said, shoving Emily aside as she went in. Emily facepalmed herself before shutting the door and hurrying to meet Gwen, who was already seated comfortably with her legs placed on the table in the living room. "Now, young lady, can you explain to me what happened?". Emily said, folding her hands to her chest and giving Gwen the look that says, "start talking". "OK, ok, mum". Gwen said, rolling her eyes at Emily's actions. "Well, I woke up this morning and couldn't find my mother". Gwen said. She explained everything to Emily. "What!!, wow girl this is great news". Emily said as she dragged Gwen up and the two started dancing like crazy people. "Hold on, hold on, but where could your mom have gone to, this will be the second time she is leaving the house and this is very unusual of her as she never seems to go out". "I don't know Emmy, and I guess it's none of my business, I should be happy right?". "Of course girl, you should, let's just hope nothing bad happens to her, but anyway what could happen to the queen of hell herself". Emily said as she burst into laughter. "Oh shut up Emmy, and where is your mom". "Oh, she went to see a friend of hers ". She said, "Oh". She said, having a smile on my face. Well, Emily's father passed away when she was 3 and since then, it's been her and her mom. "Emmy, I'm so happy, I just want to go out and spread this happiness". Gwen said, having a dreamy look on her face. "Of course, babe, let's rock this town while your mother is away, we can't waste this freedom". Emily smirked. "Ha!, you are so right about that sister, why don't we go into town and enjoy this freedom, and just like you said, we can't waste this freedom as an opportunity only comes once in a lifetime". Gwen said, causing both of them to laugh like two evil witches who were about to cause chaos. "I better go change and dress up for this special occasion". Emily said whilst running upstairs to change. "Well, you had better not spend the whole day, or I'll come up there and drag you by the ear". Gwen yelled after her as she moved back to her seat on the couch. She heaved a sigh of relief as a smile formed on her face, thinking about what she was going to do today. ★★★ Gwen and Emily could be seen running and laughing like crazy lunatics as a man chased them. The girls were tired, but they couldn't stop running. The man seemed to be getting tired as his pace was getting slow. **** #flashback "Oh my God, Emmy, I'm so hungry right now, I can't believe we left without eating due to the excitement we were both feeling". Gwen said, holding her stomach as she sat on the floor dramatically, and Emily who was equally hungry followed suit. "You are right about that, Gwen, my stomach keeps grumbling from not eating". "And I can't believe we came out cashless". Gwen said, feeling the urge to cry. The two ladies were about to start a crying competition when they heard the sound of someone selling fruits. "Buy your fresh fruits here, apples and bananas". The man said trying to attract customers to his stall. "Hmm, Gwen, those look tasty and yummy". Emily said, pointing at the fruits. "Yes, Emmy, but we have no money". Emily rolled her eyes at Gwen before replying to her. "I know that's crazy, but why don't we borrow some and pay back that later". Gwen smiled, finally getting what Emily was up to "You are right about that, mistress, we can pay back later". Gwen said, grinning from ear to ear, knowing that they ain't going to pay no shit. "Come on then, we better get going, and you know the saying "time is money". Emily said as they stood up laughing and walked to where the man was. "Sir, please give us a bag to put these". Gwen said, grabbing six apples, while Emily took some bananas. "Sure miss". The man replied as he hurriedly brought out a plastic nylon bag, feeling thankful that he would make some sales today. Gwen collected the bag, passing one to Emily as they both put the goods in there before running off and laughing like crazy hyenas. The man stood shocked for a while before the realization hit him. "Thief, thief". He screamed as he chased after them. #flash ends "Oh my God, Gwen, is he still after us". Emily said whilst still running. "Stop, stop, stop Emmy, I think he's gone". Gwen said as they both stopped to see that indeed the man wasn't chasing them. "Ha, I think he got tired halfway". Emily said as they both laughed. "Well then, why don't we go sit and enjoy our hard work". Gwen said, and they both looked for where to sit. "Gwen, we didn't even realize we're at the park already". "Wow, true, but let's eat first before anything else". "Oh, I found somewhere". Emily said, pointing to an empty seat not far off. They both jogged to where the seat was and immediately sat down to devour what they stole. ★★★ After informing his beta and gamma about going to the human town, they both looked shocked at first before going to get ready, not questioning his order. He can't blame them anyway, he hates going to the human town, their weakness annoys him, the way they cry over little things truly angers me, and now he wants to go there all of a sudden. He doesn't even know why, but his wolf keeps telling him that something is about to happen, and it might change them forever. He tried asking him what this thing was but instead, he kept quiet, "ha, that crazy wolf". "Alpha". His beta called, snapping him out of his thoughts. Lance turned to look at his beta, who suggested they check out the park. At first he gave him a WTF look, but then he complied. Moving towards the park, he felt someone bump into him and knowing she was going to fall, he held her waist to steady her. The sweet scent of vanilla hit his nose hard, driving him wild. His wolf was trying to tell him something, but he was busy staring at the most beautiful gray eyes he had ever seen, and now he gets what his wolf was attempting to tell him. Unknowingly, he said the four words he never expected to find soon, the four words he didn't think he would have. MATE.

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