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Fool for LoveFool for Love
By: Webfic

Chapter 12 Consider Divorce

Nathaniel was bored when suddenly a message from "Crocodile" popped up, instantly piquing his interest. He promptly replied, "Of course, an invitation from Miss "Crocodile" is not something I can refuse. I'm curious, though, whose "big fish" are you referring to?" "Amorita in Valarna, the Swain Group. You can look it up. I'll send the reports and plans to your email first. Give me your answer after you've considered it thoroughly." "Ok, rest assured, I'll provide a response in the shortest possible time." The two of them had been partners for many years. Nathaniel had always been intrigued by "Crocodile". Ever since he heard "Crocodile's" voice and realized that "he" was actually a woman, his interest in her had been intensified. "By the way, I wasn't joking when I said I was considering expanding to Valarna. I have a well-connected alumnus in Amorita. You should be in Amorita as well, right? When can we meet?" Meet? Vivian had never planned to meet Nathaniel in person. "Sorry, I don't discuss non-project matters during work hours. I'll wait for your response." With that, she logged off. On the other side of the computer, Nathaniel felt a sense of helplessness as he saw her profile picture suddenly go dark. He'd never been rejected by a woman before. "Crocodile" was truly a mystery, and a highly attractive one at that! Ethan hadn't returned to the villa for three days. One reason was that he had just taken over the Benton Group and there were many things he needed to understand and handle himself, so he had been staying in his downtown apartment. As for the second reason..., he let go of the mouse and pinched the bridge of his nose. After that night, he often thought of the scene where little simpleton was sleeping on him... He thought that staying away and being apart from her would help, but the less he saw her, the more he would suddenly think of her. Like when he saw desserts in a restaurant or Peppa Pig toys in the supermarket on the first floor of the building. But he told himself, this was not about love. In the end, he was little simpleton's husband in name. Leaving little simpleton alone in his mansion, it was his responsibility to care about her! Just as he was contemplating reaching out to little simpleton, Kaysen's call unexpectedly came in. "Hello, Grandpa." "Ethan, I heard you haven't returned to the Lakeside Mansion for three days, choosing instead to reside near the company, is that correct?" "Yes, it makes it easier for me to handle the company's affairs." "Good boy, I trust you with the company, but remember your health is paramount. You've only recently recovered, so don't push yourself too hard, okay?" "I understand, Grandpa. I'll take care." "Then come over for dinner tonight." The journey from the company to the Benton family's old mansion typically took just over an hour, but any traffic congestion could easily double that time. Ethan was hesitant, "Maybe not tonight, Grandpa. I have a meeting later." However, Kaysen's tone was assertive, "Reschedule it, and come over early. We've prepared your favorite dishes." "But, Grandpa..." "Vivian is also here." Ethan paused, "Why is she at your place?" Before he could finish, he heard Vivian's sweet voice over the phone, "Hi, Grandpa, what do you need me for? To play Ludo?" "Sure, I'll join you right away," Kaysen replied, completely ignoring Ethan's question. Dismissing Ethan with a curt "Don't be late," he hung up. Ethan ended the call, feeling somewhat distracted. Why had Grandpa taken little simpleton to the old mansion? It was already five in the afternoon, with an hour left before the end of the workday. Frowning, Ethan finally shut down his computer, grabbed his coat, and exited his office. At the Benton family's old mansion. Kaysen was engrossed in a game of Ludo with Vivian. Just as Kaysen was about to win, Vivian said, "No, no, I want to win too. I don't want to lose." "Alright, alright, I'll move back one spot, and you can roll the dice twice more, okay?" In the end, Vivian emerged victorious. She was ecstatic and even offered to share her candy with Kaysen. He was delighted and promptly enjoyed the treat. Ethan hadn't seen Kaysen ‘s smile so genuinely in a long time. Little simpleton seemed to have this magical power - her laughter could infect everyone around her. "Grandpa, I'm here. Vivian, why didn't you say hello to me when you saw me?" Vivian shot him a glance, "Hmph, bad Mr. Handsome, never coming home to keep me company. Grandpa, play Ludo with me." "Ask Jean to play with you. Grandpa and Ethan have some things to discuss." Upon hearing that someone else was available to play Ludo, Vivian instantly perked up, no longer minding Ethan, and eagerly started rolling the dice. Ethan felt a bit uneasy. In little simpleton's eyes, he ranked lower than a game of Ludo. So, this is what being ignored feels like. Inside the study. Kaysen and Ethan were deep in conversation. "Do you know why I brought Vivian here today?" Kaysen asked Ethan. Ethan frowned, "I'm not sure, Grandpa." "Today, I invited the diviner as well. When you fell into a coma and became vegetative, everyone said you were beyond saving. But the diviner said that there was a guardian angel in your destiny, and that person was the eldest daughter of the Swain family!" "Originally, I disagreed when you suddenly proposed to the young lady of the Swain family. In my eyes, the daughters of the Swain family were not a match for you. But after your accident, I had no choice but to marry you to the eldest Swain daughter to bring you good luck." "And then, a miracle happened. Look, not long after she married you, you regained consciousness and returned to your former self. She is the destined guardian angel in your life. With this woman by your side, your life will be smooth sailing." Ethan was speechless. This "diviner" who spews nonsense, one day he will have him arrested, and see how he dares to deceive people in the future. "So, what did the diviner say today?" Ethan asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "It's the same old thing. However, if Vivian hadn't unexpectedly become simple-minded, I would be more than happy to have her as your wife. But now that there's something wrong with her mind, having her as your wife would be unfair to you." "Furthermore, in the future, you need to carry on the Benton family line, and Vivian in her current state definitely can't do that. So, I've decided to let you divorce Vivian. I can adopt her as my granddaughter, and you can be her foster brother. You can still keep her by your side and take good care of her." "Once you are in better health, I'll find you a more suitable match for you in marriage.. Anyway, your marriage to Vivian was not known to the public, so we can pretend..." "No need." Ethan interrupted Kaysen upon understanding his intentions. His brows furrowed deeply. "If we're to divorce, there's no need to keep her by my side anymore."

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