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The vitriol being spat at her had no impact because she was used to hearing it these three years. Back then, when she was desperate for their approval, she would blame herself for anything that went wrong and bend over her back to satisfy them. This led to her lowering her self-respect to that of a sewer rat and catering to their every whim and disrespect. Lauretta was not going to do that anymore, having decided to leave the relationship. She was going to shut the woman up. "You're right, it's high time I get rid of your low-life son! I'd be divorcing him and leaving your wretched family you hag!" She replied sharply before hanging the call. She began packing up all her vital things: her clothes, shoes, purses, and makeup. She carefully left out everything she had acquired from their family, not wanting any strings attached to them. She tore out her part of the wedding picture and tossed the frame across the room. She picked out her phone and sent him a nasty message; it was more like a threat. "I'm giving you two hours to meet me at the divorce registry. Two hours. If you're even a minute late I'd make sure to release all the evidence proving Katarina as your mistress and ruin your lives! The countdown starts now!" She hauled her luggage into the boot of her car and sped off onto the highway; she opened the sunroof, enjoying the cold breeze blowing through her hair. She pulled up in front of the registry, and sure enough, George was standing there. He looked visibly shaken like a leaf; he had never been that threatened before, especially by his wife. The wife he thought he had absolute control over. Lauretta wasn't scared; she came down from the car holding a ring box and a file. "You're quite early, do you have the paperwork or did you forget it when rushing here like a chicken!" She said, scowling loudly. "What do you think you're doing? Do you think I'm a fan of your dirty games and tricks? If this is one of your attempts to get my attention you better stop now before…" "What? Before what happens? Do you think I'm a lowlife like you who plays dirty tricks and games with people’s emotions?" She growled back at him. "You crazy bitch! Stop making a scene now and get to the point." He replied with his cheek turning bright red. "The point is you better be a good boy and sign these papers or I go straight to the blogs and magazines with my evidence and ruin you and your lover Katarina." She scoffed George laughed because he wondered what evidence she could have that had the potential of ruining a superstar's career when she clearly was nothing. "Look, I know it's hard on you not being my lover and all, but I already told you that there are certain things I cannot give you even though you hold a big position in my heart." He replied, faking a smile. "A big position indeed!" She replied angrily. "I don't know what's up with you, but I'm so sure you don't have any evidence against Katarina." He added, folding his arms. She smiled gently and reached into her purse. She pulled out a brown envelope and opened it. She brought out a picture and flicked it in his direction, dining a sinister smile while at it. The photo showed George and Katarina in a compromising position and was taken from different angles. He tried to snatch it, but she grabbed it back immediately and smiled wickedly. "These pictures are quite beautiful, right? I wonder how scandalous it would be if I released it to the media, I wonder what headlines they would use.." "You filthy thing!" He screamed, his face burning red. "I have plenty where that came from, this is just a glimpse." She added gently. "I can't believe you would stoop so low just to maintain your position! Why do you want to smear Katarina's name and image? Where did you get those photos?" He questioned her. Lauretta felt good; he had his knickers in a bunch, and it made her excited. She started walking into the registry whilst humming. "I can't disclose my sources. All you need to do is sign these divorce papers, and you're good to go, or else... you know what happens." She replied. If she told him Katarina herself had been sending those pictures over the years, he wouldn't believe her. She had always been in the shadows while Katarina was in the spotlight with him. She was sidelined in her marriage, and it bothered her, but not anymore. George followed her into the court and reluctantly signed the divorce papers. He was certain he wouldn't let her crawl back into his life afterward. He was so sure she would regret ever divorcing him, but he wouldn't let her in no matter what. She did not want to enjoy the riches and privileges that came with being his wife anymore and would live like a gutter snipe. She penned down her signature as well with a bright smile on her face. "Thank you so much." She said, shaking. "I wouldn't wish you joy, bliss, or happiness. I wish you keep groveling and never get what you truly want in life!" George said to her. "I'm not a bitter person, so I wish you good luck!" She said, hopping out of the court. She got into her car and drove off happily. She was free. At last, after many years of suffering, she was free. She didn't get a single dime from the Lawson family in the divorce settlement because she opted out of it. The Lawson's, however, thought she was after their money and fortunes. Lauretta had benefited nothing from the marriage despite investing her body, time, and will into it. George never gifted her anything, and she never spent the monthly allowances he sent to her, but in their eyes, she was a gold digger. *** She looked down to the passenger seat and saw the ring box. She also realized she had left something in the Lawson mansion and turned back. She parked outside the gate and walked into the building; she opened the door gently, and just as she was about to walk in, she heard a loud laughter coming from inside. She recognized it immediately as Katarina's and her mother-in-law's. "Do you know this morning I called her and she told me she was divorcing my son! I know that greedy woman would never let go of this family's wealth." The old woman bellowed. "If not for that unfortunate incident you would have been my daughter-in-law and not that misfit!" "Oh no don't say that auntie. George and Lauretta are very well-matched. They make a great couple!"

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