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Chapter 4: Looked Down Upon

Alicia lowered her head, her eyes lingering on the divorce papers laid out on the table. "I’ll sign." Just as she picked up the pen and began writing the first letter of her name, Charles’ phone rang. She saw the tension in his furrowed brows melt away as soon as he checked the caller ID. “Charles, I’m so lonely here in the hospital. Could you come and keep me company?” Linda’s sweet, delicate voice came through the phone. Alicia bit her lip, taking a deep breath, and forced back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Charles gave Linda a few comforting words and stood up, taking the divorce papers from Alicia’s hand. "I suddenly feel that the terms in this agreement aren’t very fair to you. After all, you’ve carried the title of countess. If word got out, other families might make a joke of it." With that, he took the papers and hurried out the door. All of this happened in less than a minute, leaving Alicia stunned and frozen on the sofa. As Charles reached the foyer, she snapped back to reality. “What will you tell Lady Cartie?” she called after him. Charles, however, didn’t respond and simply waved dismissively as he left. After Charles departed, the large villa felt eerily empty with just Alicia left inside. A crushing sense of loneliness washed over her as she hugged herself tightly, seeking some form of comfort. She gently stroked her belly. Despite the overwhelming sadness, she knew she needed to eat—for the baby’s sake. She couldn’t let the child suffer from malnutrition. Just as Alicia was about to make herself something to eat, the doorbell rang. For a brief moment, hope flickered in her heart. She thought Charles might have come back, reconsidering the divorce. Excitedly, she ran to the door. But when she opened it and saw who was standing outside, her excitement drained away. “You’re not welcome here. Leave,” Alicia said, her mood dropping several degrees. Mitchell stood at the door, smiling as he held up a basket of fruit. “Oh my God, it’s such a relief that you’re okay! I tried calling you so many times, and we were worried something had happened to you. So, I brought your mother to visit—you haven’t seen her in a while.” Alicia’s face, which had never been friendly toward Mitchell, darkened further. What was the reason for her sudden visit today? “Stop pretending,” Alicia said coldly. “God would never bless someone like you. My mother is in the hospital, or have you conveniently forgotten that?” Jennifer, standing behind Mitchell, scowled in anger at Alicia’s words. Despite her expensive outfit—LV’s latest fall collection—her thin lips and narrow eyes betrayed her true character. “Oh, Lord, do not bless a woman who cannot even practice basic filial piety. How lacking in manners you are!” Jennifer sneered. Alicia’s simmering rage finally boiled over. If it weren’t for her years of self-control, she might have torn the woman apart then and there. Years ago, there had been a chance that Alicia’s mother could recover. But this very woman had said something to her, pushing her mother over the edge and worsening her condition. Ever since then, Alicia had secretly been gathering evidence, vowing to destroy anyone who had hurt her mother. She buried the hatred deep within her and looked at the two women before her with a calm yet icy expression. “What is it you want this time?” Without waiting for an invitation, Mitchell and Jennifer barged into the house, making themselves comfortable on the sofa. As Alicia served them tea, they couldn’t help but feel smug, their superior attitudes shining through. “You’ve been the Duchess for so long, but it’s time to step down. The life you stole isn’t meant to last. Now that your sister is back, things will only get harder for you. Do the smart thing and give up your place,” Mitchell said, her voice dripping with condescension. “Give up my place?” Alicia scoffed, her tone thick with disdain as she fought the urge to slap them across the face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said, glaring at Mitchell. “Let me remind you—when you forced me into this marriage with Charles, you did it to secure treatment for my mother. I sacrificed my dignity for your family’s gain. And now you’re telling me the duchess title belongs to Linda?” Mitchell took a sip of tea, her emotions masked behind a composed exterior. “Everything I’ve done has been for the benefit of our family,” she said. “You’ve been married to Charles for five years and still haven’t given him a child. How can you hold onto his heart or bring prosperity to the family? Now that your sister is back, it’s time for you, this useless waste, to step aside and make way for her.” Alicia was in shock. She had always known Mitchell was shameless, but she had never imagined it was to this extent. Clearing her throat, Alicia finally spoke. “Don’t forget why Linda left in the first place. That’s a wound still festering in their hearts.” Mitchell dismissed Alicia’s words casually. “All the more reason for you to step down willingly.” Alicia let out a cold laugh. Their plan was all too clear now. They saw her as the fool, the obstacle. Once she and Charles divorced, Linda would slide right into her place. To people like Mitchell and Jennifer, it didn’t matter who married Charles as long as they could bring benefits to the family. But Alicia wasn’t about to go down without a fight. “I’ll agree to what you’ve said, but only if you meet my condition: I want my mother’s shares returned to me.” Mitchell’s hand slammed onto the sofa, her anger barely contained. Years ago, Mitchell’s family hadn’t been so arrogant. They had been poor, and it was through deception that Mitchell had married Alicia’s mother and used the marriage funds to start a fashion business. From that moment, they rose from poverty to wealth. But Alicia’s mother had fallen out with her family for Mitchell, believing they shared a deep love. Then, one unremarkable evening, Jennifer had arrived at the house with their illegitimate child, flaunting her victory. When they divorced, it had been a scandal. To make matters worse, Mitchell had falsely claimed his business had gone bankrupt, forcing Alicia’s mother to hand over a large sum of money to cover what he called “debts.” She had been left with nothing. Yet, as soon as the divorce papers were signed, the supposedly bankrupt factory had miraculously revived.

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