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Enslaved By HimEnslaved By Him
By: Webfic

Chapter 4 The Speaker

Desiree's POV My graduation is today, thanks to the speed of the day. My mother attends my graduation, despite the fact that some of my classmates do not even acknowledge us. My mother and I are unconcerned about this; as long as I graduate, I promised myself that I would look for work. "Cassandra, you are stunning. Your father is happy and proud about you "she continued, trying hard not to cry in front of me. I bit the inside of my lower lip. "Thank you, Mom... I need to go back to my seat right now. I love you..." "All right, honey," she murmured as she gave me a flying kiss. "Let us welcome Mister Alexander Roberts, the founder of Roberts University, who will deliver a memorable address to each and every student graduating today." I was shocked to see him, my eyes went wide and my lips parted. Everyone gave a standing ovation except me for a second and one of my friends lifted me up to clap for Mister Roberts. It's Joanna, she smiled at me. When we were seated again, she whispered in my ear. "What's up with your face? Do you know him?" "Nothing…" I mumbled. The more I stared at him intently speaking seriously on the stage, the more I remembered what we had done to each other on a night of intensity and full of desires. I lowered my head and I was afraid that he would recognize me, I could hear some girls talking about him. "He is so hot in person…" "Yes, he looks so attractive and no wonder he dated a lot of top models and celebrities…" I cleared my throat and says, "Someone told me that this person is a gay." They are both gaping at me like they can't believe what I said. The other girl said, "Yes I saw a magazine that a rumor that he is gay…" "Omg what speculations…" the other girl with red hair said. I smiled quietly and Joanna poke me. "Damn, so do you know this man?" I sighed and my heart became throbbing again. "No…" I don't want to say yes because my mom is here and I don't want my mom to know my secret. She will kill me. When my name was called and I needed to walk on the stage and see Mister Roberts and think I have to shake my hand with him, my heart nearly leapt out of my chest. I can't help myself, but I have to walk towards him. He beat me with his eyes, staring at me as if he didn't recognize me, but when he shook my hand, I could feel his heated palm running through my veins. I let go of his hand immediately and smiled as if nothing had happened, but he continued to stare at me until I returned to my seat, his gaze fixated on me and I was panting quietly. "Hey, are you alright?" Joanna asked me. I gulped and shook my head but said, "Uhm, yes…I guess I am fine." Joanna smiled at me like she wanted to say something exciting, "So you want to go with us? To celebrate the graduation tonight, everyone is coming and you need to." "You know, I can't…my father is in the hospital and I am not interested in any parties as of now," I said. She snaps her hand in my face and says, "Don't worry, I already told your mom and she agreed. So you already have her permission." "What have you done, Joanna?" I sighed and when I turned to look at the stage Mister Roberts is gone already, maybe he already left the school. "Okay fine, so what time is the party started?" On stage, everyone is congratulating each other and making encouraging speeches, but Joanna and I don't appear to be paying attention. Perhaps it is because we have too many issues that life no longer excites us. After a few hours, everyone is taking pictures with their family while my mom and dad are in the hospital. I feel sad about it but I am still grateful, just grateful. When I was about to go, the photographer called my name and my eyes went wide when I saw Mister Alexander Roberts next to him. "Miss Desiree McCall. A picture with Mister Roberts." He said formally and began to adjust his digital camera. The guy who I had sex with a few weeks ago appeared now at my graduation and has a photo with me, I feel so embarrassed but I just have to go with the flow so no one will have to think about my strange behavior. Mister Alexander Roberts stood next to me, his palm resting on my small waist and I tried to smile at the camera even though I am so shy now because everyone is looking at me like I did something wrong to them. I just realized that Mister Alexander Roberts is still with me and he stared at me intently. "Hi, Desiree…" "Mister Roberts…" I spoke to him softly and my voice was like a whisper. "Come with me…" he said and pulled my hand while we were walking away from the school. Everyone is looking at us and I tried to think that this is going to be fine and no one will think something bad. "Mister Roberts, where are you taking me?" I ask him. "Somewhere, far and alone with me." he said and he opened his car for me to get in there. "No, I am not coming with you…" He scoffed and raised his left eyebrow, damn his eyes and expression is so turned on. But I am not going to go with him tonight. I straightened my back and walked away from him slowly. "I have to go, but it's nice to see you today…" I said and gave him a sweetest smile. He just stared at me disappointingly, maybe he knows now that I am not like the other girl who can say yes to him every f*cking time. "Congratulations!" he said with his baritone tone of voice. I sighed and waved my hand at him awkwardly. "Thank you…" when I am already far from him. I run as fast as I can to see where my friend Joanna is now to have a ride and go to her apartment. This night is going to be a wild night for us. The-so much awaiting party for the graduates.

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