Chapter 7

Before she knew it, the door of the room suddenly opened. She was startled, was is Allen? "Why did you come back? It's not time to take care of Grandpa." Allen saw her eyes red, obviously cried, "What happened to you?" Ava shook her head, "I'm okay. You haven't answered me yet." "Oh." Allen closed the door and said, "Grandpa is fine, I'll be back." "He has been fainting all day and night." Ava was a little anxious, "I know you have suffered a lot of grievances from the Smith's house, but grandpa has always been good to you. Now the whole family is in a mess. Only grandpa is righteous, Smith family still has a heart!" Allen saw her mood getting worse and worse, so he helped her calm down and guided her to her seat. He softly told her, "Don't worry, grandpa is not ill at all." Ava stared at him when she heard him said that, "What did you just say?" Allen repeated, "Grandpa is not sick. He is well." Ava was shocked, but she quickly responded, "Did he pretend because Green always wanted to buy the company?" Allen nodded, "Yes, we will explain Grandpa's illness in the right time, ginger would do it so well." "But he really wasn't moving at all at that time." Ava said, "That's because he took a little portion of low-dose sleeping pills himself." "Then... That Professor who checked up on him, he didn't see it?" Ava still couldn't understand what had happened. Allen smiled and said, "Professor Scott was a mentor of my university. We had a long time to inspect in Grandpa's house!" Ava was relieved. Originally, Allen really helped them bigtime. "Thank you." Ava blurted out. Allen just smiled and said, "You don't have to be so polite." But... Ava thought of the last night's events, and her mind was even more chaotic, and lost the opportunity of exclusive agency. Her company was facing bankruptcy. She could not even involve Allen. During the night, Ava took out a paper agreement. "Allen, I have considered it. Since Grandpa is okay, we will get the divorce procedures done as soon as possible!" Ava bit her lips, as if she made a great determination, but saying "divorce", was making her heart particularly painful. Allen frowned and her eyes were burning, "What's with your sudden decision? What happened?" "No, I just wanted to divorce you!" Ava was strong enough to endure the tears building up in her eyes and was determined. "I'm asking you what's wrong!" Allen's volume couldn't help but to raise. His eyes were looking at Ava through her soft heart. Ava covered her face with decadent eyes, the tears in her eyes that she could no longer bear, "I lost the qualification of exclusive agent, and my company is finished. I thought losing my marriage would make the company return to life! In order to seize the market, I signed up with many companies in advance. Now, everything is over... Compensation alone will make me bankrupt. " Ava raised her head, her tears pouring down like a rain made Allen especially hurt. “I cannot be linked to you anymore. We should get a divorce." She said as she took a bank card out of her wallet, "There are $20,000 in it. Thank you for your three years of paying, and thank you for taking care of Grandpa." Allen touched his chin, but he smiled at Ava, and took over the bank card in Ava's hand carefully. Ava looked dark, looking at Allen's happy expression, she really wanted to get rid of him, and her life is really failure, now they can only rely on themselves about everything. While thinking of this, Ava had a srubbord dry tears. "Then we should find a time to go through the formalities." "Wait!" Allen suddenly opened up. "What else do you want?" Ava had a cold tone. "$20,000, I haven't seen so much money in my life, is that compensation?" Allen suddenly showed a rogue attitude. "We are married for three years, and then you are giving me $20,000. Is that what I'm made of?" "What do you want to say?" Ava was a little impatient. "What I wanted to say was, you gave me $20,000 and out of courtesy, I should also give you something, right?" "No need!" Ava refused directly. "That's not right. I can't leave without me losing it." Allen said that he was upright and strong. "All right." Ava felt exhausted, "Whatever you say." "Well, listen to me." Allen suddenly grabbed Ava's hand and said with a smile, "I am poor and I can't think about anything valuable. So, I can only give you the second half of my life with great difficulty!" "You..." Ava wanted to take back her hand, and when she heard Allen, she was stunned in the spot. Tears in her eyes slipped down her cheek quietly. Although she was crying, why was her heart so sweet?

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