Chapterr 5: investigation of adulterers

"What is this about?" Allen thought about the truth behind the incident. "Is Grandpa testing these generations to see if they are filial or not?" The idea flashed by but he rejected it. As leader of a group, and the family leader of a large family, I believe grandpa’s heart is like a mirror. "What is his purpose then?" Finally, Allen did not make any redundant action, stood up and walked to Ava and said, "Ava, we’ve seen Grandpa let’s go to the living room and wait for Professor Walker to come." Before Ava was able to stand up, there was a sudden noise outside. It’s a noise of chaos, a man ran to the door and said in a loud voice, "Professor Walker is here!" "Lewis Martin is already here.” Grandma quickly got up, talking while making her way to the door to meet the doctor. "It's a bit of a mistake." Allen muttered in his heart: “Lewis Martin is just a small section chief of the drug administration. How did he get a person like Professor Walker here?” With a little doubt, Allen followed Ava to the corridor outside. At this time, a few people surrounded a thin middle-aged man, who came from the end of the corridor! That thin middle-aged man is the famous doctor of West Coast City Professor Scott Walker! Grandma quickly approached him, suddenly saw the fat old man walking around Professor Walker. That suddenly made her stop, “General Manager Li, how can it be you?" "Sister-in-law, it's me!" "I was scared to hear that brother Smith was comatose," he said, holding her arm politely! Just before Chief Lewis Martin found me, I went my way and asked the doctor to come out here. " "Lewis, you have found Mr. Green?" Grandma looks complex, turn to see a white man with gold glasses next to him, "why not tell me a word?" "Grandma, this shows how Mr. Green always cares about Grandpa so much. I am surprised too." "The doctor's schedule is very busy, if not for Mr. Green, I might not be able to bring him here.” "Sister-in-law, how can Brother Smith be unconscious at this time? I'm currently talking to him about the acquisition of the Wyeth group, it's at the most critical point, and “If he is at that state, who can I negotiate with?" "Mr. Green wants to buy the Wyeth group?" Everyone was stunned at the scene. This is a bolt of thunder news that shocked everyone in the area. "I'm afraid you don't know. There is a crisis in the operation of the Smith Group, and it is already bankrupt!" The people were shocked. If so, this must not be the time for grandpa to be ill. General Manager Green continued, “I am afraid that everyone here is not in good mood.” The fat old man turned to look around, his face showed a sly and treacherous sneer, "I guess elder brother Smith must be anxious, that he fainted suddenly because of the situation!" He looked at Professor Walker around him and said politely, "Doctor, you must give brother Smith a good look, and diagnose him well so that he will recover soon." Allen, who stands behind the crowd, already understood everything. The truth of Grandpa's sudden coma was clear to him. Since the group has encountered crisis, he must want to delay the acquisition of Smith group by General Green through the play of being unconscious. Professor Walker nodded and walked towards grandpa's room. The others followed him and soon came to the door of the room. "Doctor!" Seeing Professor Walker coming into the room, Allen suddenly said, "Do you need an assistant to treat patients? I'm also an outpatient Doctor. If you need my help, I can help you. " "Shut up!" Professor Walker has not spoken yet. But the brother spoke angrily, "you don’t have a say on these! If you want to show off in front of Professor Walker, you have to choose the proper time. If you delay grandpa's condition, you will be punished! " An outpatient doctor in the third-class hospital, has no place to speak here!" "Ava, are you dead, take him away!" There was a voice of angry person all around. Ava's face was paled, turning to see Allen's side face. She saw a sad expression appeared on his face. She guessed that Allen wanted to show his existence and argue for himself. But... Such an occasion, is too inappropriate, she cannot help but scold, "Allen, please don’t make me lose face!" Professor Walker looked at Allen, who is behind the crowd, but suddenly his eyes flickered strangely, " Peterson?!" Allen interrupted him looking at the Professor he said: "Professor Walker, can I help you?" The Professor Walker was shocked and in a daze, He nods to Allen: "Good, I need an assistant, come in and help me quickly.” While everybody are waiting outside. Chapterr 6: Long Time No See, Elder Martial Brother The scene suddenly fell into a strange silence. During this awkward atmosphere, Allen pushed the crowd aside and walked behind Professor Scott to go into the room and closed the door tightly. "Who is he?" Mr. Green looked at his cousin and asked in a low voice. "He's a doctor in the hanging wire clinic, who can't be on the table." Professor Scott answered, His cousin whispered, "Maybe the miracle doctor only needs an assistant. Ignore him." "But according to the tone of their voice, they obviously know each other and their relationship seems to be good." "No way! It may seem that we really needed people, but why him?” Anna refused to believe that the miracle doctor knew a waste and agreed with him disdainfully. She closed the door and there are only three people left in the room. Professor Scott looked at Allen with a kind smile on his face. He took Allen's arm and told him with a smile, "Younger martial brother, it’s really you, isn’t it?" "Long time no see, elder martial brother." He greeted him. "Why are you here? How can I help you with today?" "I have lots to tell you!" Allen smiled, "Elder martial brother, the patient is my wife's grandfather. Please look at grandfather’s condition first, and then we'll talk about it in detail." Professor Scott nodded and sat down beside the bed to feel his grandfather's pulse. Allen stood behind him with his hands behind his back, with a mysterious smile on his face. Those who are outside didn’t know that Professor Scott was actually the first disciple of master Allen, and they were the closest brothers! Professor Scott had been a teacher for a long time and the master had asked him a favor not to mention himself, so no one knew the relationship between them! "This... What's going on?" Obviously, Professor Scott also found out that the old man was not ill at all. Allen looked at the sleeping grandfather on the bed and softly told him, "It's related to grandfather's company’s operation. In order to make the play realistic, the old man deliberately took a low dose of sleeping pills. Brother, please help me this time." Professor Scott nodded, "Oh, a rich family resentment, I understand. Okay, but you have to promise me one thing." Allen said, "No problem, brother, just tell me what is it." "What is it? I'll give you three days to quit your job in that hospital and come to my hospital to help." Allen bowed his head and said with a smile, "I know. We still have to be the same as before. You should be my tutor." "That's it." After that, both of them came out from the room, and fat old man Green welcomed them, "Miracle doctor, how was the checkup? What’s the chairman's disease?" Professor Scott looked at Allen and said, "Mr. Green, the old man has a sudden syncope. He should be stimulated by something. However, as long as you take good care of him, he will wake up. Even if he wakes up, he will have to stay in bed for a few more days. He can't worry about fatigue for nearly half a month." General Manager Green frowned discontentedly. How could he have fainted at the critical moment? At the beginning, he thought it was the old man's deceit and deliberately delayed his time. In this way, it was true. The rest of the Smith family heard the news and their faces were different. Except for Ava and old lady Smith, everyone else had a ghost in their heart. "Then I'll order some people to come here to take care of the chairman." Mr. Green said. "You don’t need to." Mrs. Smith quickly waved her hand. She had already guessed the purpose of the old fox, "Mr. Green, we'll find someone to take care of the old man. Don't bother yourself." Mr. Green's face was a little bit bad, "Old sister-in-law, I have no other meaning. I just want to have my own people to take care of him, which is more convenient." Then he gave Professor Scott a wink. Professor Scott thought for a moment and said, "Yes, it's better to have your own people to take care of him. In fact, it's not troublesome. I think this young man is good. The chairman is his own family anyway. Let him take care of him." While talking, he reached out to Allen. They all looked at Allen one after another, and Anna said, "Him? Doctor Scott, are you sure?" Professor Scott pulled his face down, "Of course, I have taught him how to take care of the old man. As long as I say, the old man will wake up soon. Are you doubting my medical skills?" Professor Scott's face sank, and everyone choked. He dared to talk nonsense. With that, Professor Scott looked at Allen, "I still have an operation. I can't stay for a long time. Don't forget what we have discussed."

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