Chapter 20

Sure enough, the whole factory was in a mess, and there were panic cries and police yells.   Not long after, all the criminals in the factory were captured, and Allen appeared in front of Captain Stone.   Seeing Allen suddenly appear, the police officer next to him thought he was also at the same party. Just when he was about to go up, Captain Stone smiled and said,   "Allen, it's all thanks to you! If you didn't report your merits, I'm afraid we couldn't end this illegal business."   Hearing the words of the Captain, he was shocked. Now, they knew who reported this fake drug base to the captain.   Allen also smiled. "As a citizen, this is my responsibility."   After some time, he said, "Captain Stone, actually, I came here to investigate, mainly to find a guy who bought fake drugs and framed my wife, so can I check the relevant records?"   "No problem!" Captain Stone said generously, "You helped us so much, this little request is very easy! In other words, I don't know if you want to join our police force. You are born to be a policeman."   Allen smiled and put his hand in his pocket. "I still don't want to, Captain Stone. I prefer my current career."   After a while, Allen came to the computer under the leadership of a police officer. The factory's fake director had already told everything, and all the fake drug sales records were recorded in the computer.   Allen recalled the varieties and quantity of fake drugs in Ava's hands, and quickly searched for the information of the buyer, who was also a person in West Coast city.   After recording the contact information of the other party, Allen and captain Stone greeted him and arranged for Mr. Alberts' people to call the police, and gave the former fake shelter to the end, which was the real end of the matter.   Leaving the fake base, Allen drove back to the city.   Although there was contact information of the person who bought fake medicine in hand, Allen did not dare to call them directly.   For people like them, the contact information was specially prepared for the purchase of fake drugs.   Once they hit, it was easy to make the other party beat the snake.   So, Allen simply told David the contact information, and let David send someone to check.   It has to be said that David has high efficiency in his work, and he has locked his identity in the evening.   After knowing the real identity of the other person, Allen immediately took a surprise, this person was Erick's employee!   Erick Jones, who had always wanted to get Ava, was taken away by Allen, who was in the pharmaceutical industry in the BioVista.   Allen's mind was now clear, it seemed that this event was purely a revenge from Erick to Ava!   He had calculated, to wash the grievance for Ava, he must bring out sufficient evidence.   But now, although he had the evidence that this person bought fake medicine, it cannot prove that they have replaced Ava's real medicine with a fake medicine.   In this way, there was something else to think about.   Thinking for a moment, Allen decided to play a bit tough this time!   He drove all the way to the place where the man lived. His name was Daniel Dacota, and he was the purchasing manager under Erick.   According to the information given by David, Daniel will go to the bar every night, so right now should be the right and the best time for him to go out of the bar.   After waiting for an hour at the bar where Daniel often goes, as expected, he walked out drunk and held a woman who was also drunk in his arms.   Allen's eyes flashed a fine light, and quickly got off to Daniel, and then dropped the drunk girl to the side. He grasped Daniel and ran directly inside the car.   Most people will be picking up drunk girls outside the bar door, but Allen had no pity for that woman.   It's not a good thing for women who go to the bar to get drunk, and they could only say they should live!   Daniel was drunk, and thought that Allen was that woman, so he did not try to resist.   After getting in the car, Allen threw him to the passenger seat. Daniel shouted, he was drunk and hazy, "Master, go to the Rose Garden community!"   Allen sneered and responded, and soon drove to the uninhabited part of the suburbs.   When he pulled Daniel off the car, he looked around faintly, "No, this is not my home!"   "Yes, this is not your home, it's your burial place!" Allen had a strong tone.   Hearing Allen's words, Daniel immediately sobered up and looked at Allen while frightened, "You, who are you? Why did you arrest me?"   "What do you think? Daniel, what do you say? If you didn't do something bad, why do you think I came to kidnap you?" Allen laughed coldly.   "Are you... Are you Ava's man?" Daniel immediately thought of Ava. After all, he only did this loss of mind during this period of time.   Allen laughed, "It seems that you have a good memory! Daniel, to tell you the truth, the factory where you bought fake medicine has been taken away by the police!" Allen laughs.   His face suddenly changed, "What? It was taken off by the police?"   "Yes, and soon the police will be ready to kill all of you guys who buy fake drugs!" Allen hummed coldly.   Hearing Allen's words, Daniel suddenly looked frightened, "What did you say? They were taken off by the police? Impossible! They told me before that they will never be busted!"   Allen chuckled, "If what they said was true, then why do you think I am here now?" Allen sneered.   Daniel's face became pale, "Damn it, I knew it would be discovered. I knew that, I didn't do it for my boss!"   "Okay, now regretting what you did is useless, I command you to tell me the dirty things you and Erick did together!" Allen told him in a slightly raised voice.   Seeing Allen directly called the name of broken Erick, Daniel knew that there was no secret to keep behind Allen.   So, he sighed and said, "Since you know who my boss is, I think you should have known the beginning and end of this matter?"   "Say it! Did you order someone to replace the drugs in Ava's company with fake ones?" Allen said in a deep voice.   Daniel hurriedly shook his head, "It's not me. I just helped my boss buy fake medicine. I don't know what happened after that. I don't know what Ava said!"   Allen frowned, "You mean, you are not involved in the drug change incident?"   "Yes, I just helped Erick buy fake medicine. I haven't done anything else!" Daniel defended himself.   "Since that is the case, do you want to drive off your crime?" Said Allen, frowning.   Daniel was shocked and his eyes flashed a touch of excitement, "How do I get rid of my crime?"   "If you can get me the evidence from Erick, I wouldn't turn you over to the police!" Allen said, "But if you don't cooperate with me, I will turn you directly to the police station!"   "I will, I will help you!" Daniel said hastily.

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