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CHAPTER FIVE - Office Drama Unfolds

"So, Ms. Langford," Robert said, wiping his hands on a napkin, "tell me why Dayton Enterprises is interested in my little startup." Claire launched into her pitch, her enthusiasm evident in every word. She outlined the potential she saw in Robert's company, the synergies with Dayton's existing portfolio, and the resources they could bring to the table to help accelerate growth. As she spoke, she could see Robert becoming more and more engaged. He asked insightful questions, nodding along as Claire addressed each point. "I have to say, Ms. Langford," Robert said as they finished their meal, "I'm impressed. Not just with your pitch, but with how you handled the situation at the restaurant. It shows adaptability and quick thinking – qualities I value highly in potential partners." Claire felt a thrill of excitement. "Thank you, Mr. Chen. At Dayton Enterprises, we believe in being prepared for any situation. And please, call me Claire." Robert smiled, extending his hand. "Well, Claire, I think this could be the beginning of a very fruitful partnership. Why don't you have your team send over the formal proposal, and we'll set up a meeting with my board next week?" As they shook hands, Claire couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. Despite the day's challenges, she had managed to secure a potentially game-changing deal for Dayton Enterprises. That evening, Claire found herself at a mandatory company event, a cocktail party to celebrate Dayton Enterprises' 25th anniversary. The rooftop venue offered stunning views of the New York skyline, but Claire hardly noticed as she navigated the crowd, making small talk with colleagues and clients. She was just about to excuse herself to get a fresh drink when she felt a hand on her arm. Turning, she found herself face to face with Emily. "Claire, darling," Emily said, her voice syrupy sweet. "Fantastic job with the Chen account. I heard all about your little impromptu picnic." Claire forced a smile. "Thank you, Emily. It was a team effort, of course." Emily leaned in closer, lowering her voice. "You know, I've always admired your... creativity. It must be exhausting, though, always having to think on your feet like that. Have you ever considered taking on a less demanding role? I hear there's an opening in the risk assessment department. Much less pressure." Claire felt her jaw clench. The implication was clear – Emily was after her position. "That's very thoughtful of you, Emily, but I'm quite happy where I am. In fact, Mr. Dayton and I were just discussing my upcoming trip to Paris. It seems the clients were quite impressed with my presentation this morning." Emily's smile faltered for a moment before she recovered. "Paris? How exciting. You know, I speak fluent French. Perhaps Mr. Dayton would consider sending both of us. Two heads are better than one, after all." Before Claire could respond, Mr. Dayton's voice boomed over the crowd. "If I could have everyone's attention, please! I'd like to propose a toast to 25 years of Dayton Enterprises, and to the bright future ahead of us. And a special thank you to Claire Langford, whose exceptional work today has secured us an exciting new partnership!" As the crowd applauded, Claire raised her glass, meeting Emily's gaze. "If you'll excuse me, Emily, I should go thank Mr. Dayton." As she walked away, Claire could feel Emily's eyes boring into her back. The encounter had left her feeling uneasy. It was clear that Emily was gunning for her position, and she wasn't above playing dirty to get it. Later that night, Claire unlocked the door to her apartment, kicking off her heels with a sigh of relief. The events of the day swirled in her mind – the presentation mishap, the lunch meeting save, Emily's thinly veiled threats. She made her way to her bedroom, where her suitcase lay open on the bed. The Paris trip was just a few days away, and she still hadn't finished packing. As she folded clothes and organized documents, Claire found her thoughts drifting back to Emily. She couldn't shake the feeling that her colleague was planning something. But what could she do? Going to Mr. Dayton or HR without concrete evidence would only make her look paranoid and unprofessional. No, Claire decided as she zipped up her suitcase. The best thing she could do was focus on her work. She had earned her position through hard work and talent, and she wasn't about to let office politics derail her career. Claire Langford stepped out of the taxi, her eyes widening as she took in the stunning Parisian streetscape before her. The evening sun cast a golden glow over the Seine, and the distant silhouette of the Eiffel Tower made her heart skip a beat. After a long flight and the stress of the past few days, she was more than ready to relax in the luxury apartment Dayton Enterprises had arranged for her. "Merci," she said to the driver as he set her luggage on the sidewalk. Claire took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of freshly baked baguettes from a nearby patisserie. This trip was going to be perfect, she thought. A chance to impress the Paris office, secure some major deals, and maybe even enjoy a little of the City of Light in her downtime. As she entered the elegant building, the concierge greeted her with a warm smile. "Bonjour, Mademoiselle Langford. Welcome to Paris. Your apartment is on the top floor. I hope you'll find it to your liking." Claire thanked him and made her way to the elevator, excitement building as she ascended. The doors opened directly into the apartment, and Claire gasped at the view. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered a panoramic vista of the Seine and the city beyond. The space was beautifully furnished, a perfect blend of classic Parisian charm and modern luxury. "Oh, this is heaven," Claire murmured, wheeling her suitcase into the spacious living room. She was about to explore further when a noise from the kitchen caught her attention. Frowning, she called out, "Hello? Is someone there?" A tall, dark-haired man emerged from the kitchen, a mug of coffee in his hand. He looked as surprised to see Claire as she was to see him. "Who are you?" they both asked simultaneously.

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