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Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Tea Hormone Brielle's POV My hormones are raging, my skin tingles where his thumb traced over my face and lower lip, I feel like squirming with a needy, achy affliction, and I don't understand this reaction. Hmm... Desire. This is desire, and this is what it feels like. I scramble out of his bed, frantically searching for my jeans, he emerges from the bathroom wet and glistening from the shower, still unshaven with just a towel around his waist, and there am I. "If you're looking for your jeans, I've sent them to the laundry, "His gaze is dark. "They were splashed with your vomit." "Oh." I flush scarlet. Why, oh why does he always catch me on the back foot? "I sent my helper out for another pair and some shoes, and they're in the bag on the chair." Clean clothes, what an unexpected bonus. "Um... I'll have a shower," I mutter. "Thanks." What else can I say? I grab the bag and dart into the bathroom, away from the alarming proximity of naked Jace De Leon. Chris Evans has nothing on him. In the bathroom, it's all hot and steamy from where he's been showering. I strip off my clothes and quickly clamber into the shower, anxious to be under the cleansing stream of water, It cascades over me, and I hold up my face into the welcoming downpour. I want Jace De Leon. I want him badly-simple fact. For the first time in my life, I want to go to bed with a man, not that he's the first man to be in my life, but he's my second. I want to feel his hands and his mouth on me again. I've loved him in silence, in my roaming shadows, in my thought because back then in school, I was just his friend with four eyes. I thought he was in love with Hera, then Hera was secretly his fangirl, but his mother entered the chat with a girl named Marcella Sereno. I've not seen his mother once, though. I want Jonathan Christopher, but the Lord gave the future side of Jace slutty De Leon the pinnacle warmer for the ladies. What the actual fuck! He said he likes his women sentient. He's probably not celibate then, but he's not made a pass at me, unlike Flavio or Javiar. I don't understand. Does he want me? Am I repellent to him? and yet, I'm here, and he brought me here. I don't know what his game is? What he's thinking? You've slept in his bed all night, and he has not touched you, Brielle. You do the math. My subconscious has reared me ugly, snide head. I ignored my thought. The water is warm and soothing. Hmm... I could stay under this shower, in his bathroom, forever. I reach for the body wash, and it smells of him. It's a delicious smell. I rub it all over myself, fantasizing that it's him rubbing this heavenly scented soap into my body, across my breasts, over my stomach, between my thighs with his long-fingered hands. Oh my, my heartbeat picks up again. This feels good, but I need to get out of this fantasy world. "Breakfast is here." He knocks on the door, startling me. "Okay," I stutter as I'm yanked cruelly out of my erotic daydream. I climb out of the shower and grab two towels. I put my hair in one and wrap it in Cameron Diaz style on my head. Hastily, I dry myself ignoring the pleasurable feel of the towel rubbing against my over-sensitized skin. I inspect the bag of jeans. Not only has his helper brought me jeans and new Converse, but a colorful seashore shirt, socks, and underwear. Oh my. A clean bra and panties - actually to describe them in a mundane, practical way do not do them justice. They are an exquisite design of some fancy European lingerie, all pale yellow lace and finery. Wow. I am in awe and slightly daunted by this underwear. What's more, they fit perfectly. But of course, they do. I flush to think of the male helper in some lingerie store buying this for me. I wonder what else is in his job description. I dress quickly. The rest of the clothing is a perfect fit. I brusquely towel-dry my hair and try desperately to bring it under control, but as usual, it refuses to cooperate, and my only option is to restrain it with a hair tie. I shall search in my purse when I find it, and I took a deep breath-time to face Mr. Confusing controller pinnacle pleaser. I'm relieved to find the bedroom empty. I hunt quickly for my purse, but it's not in here. Taking another deep breath, I enter the living area of the suite. It's huge. Enormous hotel suite inside an office! There is a great plush seating area, all overstuffed couches and soft cushions, an elaborate coffee table with a stack of large glossy books, a study area with a top-of-the-range Mac, an enormous plasma screen TV on the wall, and Jace is sitting at a dining table on the other side of the room reading a newspaper. It's the size of a tennis court or something, not that I play tennis though I have watched Hera a few times. Hera! "Crap, Hera," I croak. Jace peers up at me. "She knows you're here and still alive. I texted Enrique," he says with just a trace of humor. Oh no. I remember her vigorous dancing of the night before all her patented moves used with maximum effect to seduce Jace's brother, no less! What's she going to think about me being here? I've never stayed out before. She's still with Enrique, and She's going to think I've had a one-night stand too with almighty Jace De Leon. What did she believe allowed Jace to take me out of her sight? Dammit. Jace stares at me imperiously. He's wearing a blue linen shirt, collar and cuffs undone. "Sit," he commands, pointing to a place at the table. I make my way across the room and sit down opposite him as I've been directed. The table is laden with food. "I didn't know what you liked, so I ordered a selection from the breakfast menu." He gives me a crooked apologetic smile. "That's very libertine of you," I murmur, bewildered by choice, though I am hungry. Liar! he knows what I like to eat, and that was what he ordered for-pricking liar. "Yes, it is." He sounds guilty. I opt for pancakes, maple syrup, pizza, milkshake, scrambled eggs, and bacon. Jace tries to hide a smile as he returns to his egg white omelet. The food is delicious. "Tea?" he asks. "Yes, please." I pout out royally. He passes me a small teapot of hot water and on the saucer is a Twining's English Breakfast teabag. Jeez, he remembers how I like my tea. Jonathan Christopher remembers much about what I like and hate. "Your hair's very damp," he chastises. "I couldn't find the hairdryer," I mutter, embarrassed. Not that I looked for anything. Tsk tsk. I lied again, and I know how Jonathan Christopher hates lies. Jace's mouth presses into a hard line, but he doesn't say anything. "Thank you for organizing the clothes." I'm burning up. "It's a pleasure, Brielle. That color suits you." he praises. I blush and stare down at my fingers. "You know, you really should learn to take a compliment." His tone is captivating. "I should give you some money for these clothes." He glares at me as if I have offended him on some level. I hurry on. "Please let me pay you back." I smile tentatively at him. "Brielle, trust me, I can afford it," he smirks. "That's not the point. Why should you buy these for me?" "Because I can," his eyes flash with a wicked gleam. "Just because you can doesn't mean that you should," I reply quietly as he arches an eyebrow at me, his eyes twinkling, and suddenly I feel that we're talking about something else, but I don't know what it is, which reminisces me. "How come you knew where I was? And why bring me here when you said you knew my apartment?" I just sounded foolish. I knew it. Goddammit, Brielle. he pauses and shrugs slightly, "I felt I owed you an apology and a warning." He runs his hand through his hair. "Brielle, I'm not a hearts and flowers kind of man. I don't do romance. My tastes are very singular. You should navigate evident from me." He closes his eyes as if in defeat. "There's something about you, though, and I'm finding it impossible to stay away. But I think you've figured that out already." My appetite vanishes. He can't stay away! "Then don't," I whisper. He gasps with his eyes wide. "You don't know what you're saying," he said. "Enlighten me, then," I spoke with courage. We sit gazing at each other, neither of us touching our food. "You're not celibate then?" I breathe. Amusement lights up his eyes. "No, Brielle, I'm not celibate." He pauses for this information to sink in, and I flush red. The mouth-to-brain filter is broken again. I can't believe I've just said that out loud. "What are your plans for the next few days?" he asks, his voice low. "I'm working today, from midday. What is the time?" I panic suddenly. "It's just after ten, and you've plenty of time. What about tomorrow?" He has his elbows on the table, and his chin is resting on his long steepled fingers. "Hera and I are packing up, We're moving to Milan next weekend, and I'm working at Mrs. Sicilio Coffee shop all week." I huff. "You have a place in Milan already?" the question. "Yes." "Where?" his eyes tensed. "I can't remember the address. Cesano Boscone, I can't seem to remember the address." I felt ashamed. "What is it like?" he tensed. "And how much are you both paying for it?" "Sunny studio apartment with AC, it's a rental, 4th floor, one bathroom, elevator, Yes, maximum of two tenants. The interior of the property is bright and spacious. The kitchen has ample storage space. An optional cleaning service is available we'll be living next to 2 parks. Things to keep in mind, The elevator only goes up to the 3rd floor, so we'll have to walk up 1 flight of stairs to reach the apartment. Bill, 550euro!" "Not bad, and also my privacy studio apartment is not far from your home, what a coincidence," his lips twitch up in a half-smile. So what are you going to do for work in Milan?" Where is he going with all these questions? The Jace De Leon Inquisition is almost as irritating as the Hera Crimson's Inquisition. Not far from me? What does that mean? that he also has an apartment in Milan? Dammit, this man has an apartment around each continent. "I've applied for some work in a coffee shop before my result. I'm waiting to hear." "Have you applied to our company as Enrique suggested?" I flush. of course not. Talking of Alexander, where has he been? "Um... no." I look away. "And what's wrong with our company?" he furrows his eyebrow. "Your company?" I smirk. He smiles slightly. "Are you smirking at me, Signorina Damara?" He cocks his head to one side, and I think he looks amused, but it's hard to tell. I flush and glance down at my unfinished breakfast. I can't look him in the eye when he uses that tone. "I'd like to bite that nails," he whispers darkly. Oh my. I am completely unaware that I am biting my nails. My mouth pops open as I gasp and swallow at the same time. That has to be the sexiest thing anybody has ever said to me. My heartbeat spikes, and I think I'm panting. I'm a quivering, moist mess, and he hasn't even touched me. I squirm in my seat and meet his dark glare. Why don't you? I challenge quietly. "Because I'm not going to touch you, Brielle, not until I have your consent." His lips hint at a smile. What?. "What does that mean?" "Exactly what I say." He sighs and shakes his head at me, amused but exasperated. "I need to show you, Brielle. What time do you finish work this evening?" "About Nine-thirty." "Well, we could fly to Milan this evening or next Saturday for dinner at my place, and I'll acquaint you with the facts then. The choice is yours." he gave in a sly smile. "Why can't you tell me now?" I sound petulant. "Because I'm enjoying my breakfast and your company. Once you're enlightened, you probably won't want to see me again." Holy shit. What does that mean? Does he white-slave small children to some God-forsaken part of the planet? Is he part of some underworld crime syndicate? It would explain why he's so rich. Is he deeply religious? Is he impotent? Indeed not. He could prove that to me right now. Oh my. I flush. "Tonight." He raises an eyebrow. "Like Eve, you're so quick to eat from the tree of knowledge," he smirks. "Are you smirking at me, Mr. De Leon?" I ask sweetly. Pompous ass. He narrows his eyes at me and picks up his clean iPhone 12pro max, and He dials one number. "Sorry, Jace, I'm not going anywhere with you without my friend, " "Hera? " he questioned. "Yes! " He sighed. "You never go anywhere without her. " he rolled his eyes childishly. You girls haven't changed a bit. fuck. "Did you just call me Johnny Toph?" he narrowed a killing glare at me that I know could stop me from parenthood. 'L Oopsy! I forget about it that he hates Hera and me calling him that. I swallow hard. "You little Duff, I'm so gonna break your neck," he spat with his eye dark with fury. I stepped back as he walked closer to me, but my back steps stopped with my back touching the cold wall sending goosebumps to my body. He bangs his hand hard to the wall with his lips three inches away from my face. I closed my eyes but felt the melty breath. "Say that name one more time, and I'll make sure you won't be able to walk for 9months." I opened my eyes gradually to come in contact with neon eyes, dark, neat eyebrows, long sexy eyelashes, and a pair of dazzling wet small plump pink lips. Dear Lord, can you come down and take my soul? My legs are shaking. He is acting childishly like back then in senior year in school. He always comes in handy whenever I call him Johnny Toph. Then I felt nothing heavier than the way I'm feeling now. What is he doing to me? Jace, what are you doing to me? "I bet I can tell you what I'm doing to you, Brie." he voiced out in a voice filled with possession that sounds dominating my ears. Did he speak out my thought? He always does that by bringing out what I'm thinking. Good lord, help me from a devouring womanizer.

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