Chapter 5: A Course on Collisions

Marie looked up at him, taking a big breath. Her voice was strong, "Alright, John," she said. "Let's negotiate a price. However... She hesitated, her eyes teasingly narrowing. "There's one condition." John arched an eyebrow, a glimmer of laughter passing across his lips. "And what would that be?" Marie said, "More honesty." "No more lying or keeping secrets. For our collaboration to be successful, we must be able to trust one another." John observed her for a while, a gradual grin forming on his lips. "Alright," he said in a pleasant tone. John smiled with genuineness for the first time since their meeting, lacking the customary polished charm. It was a grin that promised something fresh and genuine. "So," John went on, reaching over the desk, "partners?" Marie smiled, excitement brewing in her veins. "Partners," she said as she firmly shook hands with him. Their pact weighed heavily on them, offering not just a fresh collaboration but also the possibility of something more. Their eyes met as they separated their hands, and for a split second, an electric spark flared between them. John broke the unanticipated intensity of the moment by clearing his throat. "Okay," he murmured, his voice returning to its normal coolness. "Lead the way. We must free you from those shifts at the bakery." Marie laughed. "True, I wouldn't want to be a burnt-out business partner." John had a cheeky sparkle in his eyes as he grabbed for his phone. "Think of it completely. For the time being, my assistant can take care of getting you a personal chef. Now, about your fantasy of a bakery." He pointed to a tablet on his desk that had architectural blueprints on it. "I had my team create some draft drawings based on a description you provided me with some time ago. The idea seems to be a community bakery with an emphasis on pleasant ambience and freshly baked goods." Marie was taken aback by the clean, contemporary layout, which included an open kitchen and a comfortable sitting space with exposed brick walls. It was far better than she had imagined. Her voice was heavy with passion as she mumbled, "This...this is incredible." John said, "It's just a starting point," with a tone that suggested contentment. "We can make the necessary adjustments. How do you feel?" For the next hour, Marie looked over the blueprints, her head full with thoughts. John paid close attention as she spoke, offering advice and ideas that startled her with their applicability. Their feeling of friendship blossomed as they disagreed politely on the layout of the shared table and the locations of the ovens. The tone in the workplace had changed significantly by lunchtime. John had changed from being an intimidating billionaire to a partner, with his wealth and astute intellect being equally valued. Marie, on the other hand, felt a fresh appreciation for him and realized that there was a warm guy below the surface. Bathed in the afternoon sunshine, the city spread out before them as they ate a simple supper on the rooftop patio. Even though they hadn't discussed it, their new arrangement seemed lighter in some way and was full of possibilities and a renewed feeling of purpose. Marie took a mouthful of her salad and said, "This is all a bit overwhelming." John reclined in his chair and stared at the skyline of the city. "It is," he agreed. "But at least we're facing it together." With a shadow of a grin, he turned to face her. Besides, this may be enjoyable. Imagine Olivia's reaction when she realizes we're collaborating." With a chuckle, Marie recalled the socialite's contemptuous behavior. "Yes," she said, her eyes gleaming with her self-assurance. "Let's make them eat their words." John spent the day talking about his future social events and finishing up arrangements for the bakery. A sudden hush descended between them as the sun started to set, revealing orange and pink colors in the sky. John got to his feet, staring at Marie. "It's probably time for us to head back inside," he replied in a rough voice. Marie got up, her heart aching at the unexpected unwillingness to conclude their talk. She murmured, "Right," in agreement. John stretched out and grabbed her hand as they made their way back towards the apartment. She felt a sudden surge of awareness after being touched, something she had never experienced before. For a few while, John kept her stare, his eyes inscrutable once again. After that, he vanished into his study with a barely audible "goodnight," leaving Marie standing by herself in the corridor with a thumping heart that was equal parts joy and bewilderment. She came to the realization that this new arrangement was nothing like what she had ever expected. Though under the surface, something else was rising, something that threatened to tear down the well-built walls around her emotions, it was still a business deal and an opportunity to realize her aspirations. Marie wasn't sure whether she wanted to end it for the first time. The next several weeks were packed with events. Marie was relieved of her double duty in the kitchen when Marco, a colorful Italian, became John's personal chef. The bakery design process moved quickly thanks to John's resources, and before long, 3D architectural models were sitting proudly on John's desk. They would go over them all night, arguing over specifics and enjoying their joint feeling of creation. Their collaboration went beyond the bakery. Unexpectedly open to Marie's advice, John changed the way he approached social gatherings. Though his attitude of aloofness remained, the stinging coldness vanished. Marie, on the other hand, exuded confidence and skillfully navigated the social minefield. They ended up going to a charity banquet one evening that John's parents, William and Elizabeth Kings, were hosting. The lavish ballroom hummed with glass clinking and discussion. Olivia, dressed in a beautiful green gown, held court at the entryway, her eyes narrowing when she recognized Marie on John's arm. "Well, well," she moaned, her lovely voice exploding with honey. "Look who's playing socialite now." Marie faked a laugh. She emphasized the term "just accompanying my...partner" in her statement. John nodded curtly to Olivia, his face inscrutable. A quiet struggle erupted between them as the tension in the air crackled. Whispers trailed behind them all night, stoked by Olivia's subtle jabs. John looked very conscious of the attention, even though he typically ignored social undertones. He took a little closer stance with Marie, sometimes putting his hand on hers in a subdued show of encouragement. A gorgeous diamond necklace was up for bid at the charity event. The bidding battle heated up and reached almost unimaginable heights. A fresh voice broke into the room as the auctioneer was ready to end the bidding. "Five million dollars," a guy said in a strange and raspy voice. The room gave a collective gasp, and everyone's eyes shifted to look at the cause. At the rear of the room stood a tall, black man, his face hidden by shadows. Olivia's face flashed with panic as her eyes widened with recognition. Startled by the enormous offer, the auctioneer stumbled over his acceptance. Then, with everyone waiting in anticipation, the guy turned and started for the exit.

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